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Messages - Another Monk

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Charismatic Swordsman 3.5
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:35:03 PM »
How are you qualifying for Swiftblade? Bards don't get 3rd level spells (such as the required haste) until Bard 7.

Lol good point, the table i've been looking has the spell levels counting from 1 not 0  :banghead
(no idea where i found it)
editting everything :P

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Charismatic Swordsman 3.5
« on: April 25, 2014, 04:38:32 PM »
Yeah, 20 s/b would be the last thing i'd do in d&d :P, i was only going for 3 levels for the extra damage, but you have a pretty good point about immunity to crits...

So it's either S/b 1/PoF2/Duskblade 1/Something 2/Arcane Duelist X or back to the drawing board.
We either need to find this something, or something quite different. i'd hate to lose full bab progression though(before level 6 that is)

Edit: After getting some encouragement, towards this:
I like Bard -> Swiftblade -> Arcane Duelist  but I've got a couble of bad feelings about it.
1. Saves, i mean, cha to saves is a big boost, i 've played enough monks (in pf, not one in 3.5) to know the value of 3 good saves (and i lost my cloak of resistance +5 once too *OUCH*)
2. Bab, not so much the attack rolls or the damage rolls (via PA-DA), but it will take longer (1 level is 1 level) to get to Arcane Duelist
3.Damage, not going Swashbuckler 3 means not taking int to damage (although he loses is against crit-imunes foes, so i'm open for ideas on this one) you also lose free finesse, but it'll be covered by othre stuff
4.Taking snowflake wardance, means i get to pick this one book (not necessarily bad)

On the plus side, it fits better fluffwise, we'll be random guys at the beggining, so i could get perform harmonica (lolz)

And i could forfeit snowflake wardance for Tome of Battle.

Any ideas about it?

would that go like Bard 4/Swiftblade3/Arcane Duelist X then PoF 2? (X propably beeing 10)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Charismatic Swordsman 3.5
« on: April 25, 2014, 03:39:59 PM »
he doesn't have 'lost' in his name for nothing...
Epic comment is epic :P

Great thread oh lost one! (Never took wounding seriously) and quite nice build suggestions, although they don't cover what i'm looking for.
I want an extra ordinary front line combatant, that will be above average from level 1 till level X (where X might even get to epic).
Thus i'm still leaning towards S/b 3//PoF2/D/b1/ADX
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Paladin of Freedom (or any paladin) or hexblade help a lot with the saves, and swashbuckler fixes the subpar damage roll (plus free finesse)

Another Cool concpet is Stuff X/Arcane Duelist 4/Duelist 7, Fighting defensively and moving around taunting enemies (because what bad guy misses a chance to take down a thin guy that's running around in light armor?)

Edit: Bard 4/Swiftblade 3/Arcane Duelist X (paladin of freedom 2 mixed in perhaps?)
this one would be good if i had access to more books (but gm's rules are a bit tight)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Charismatic Swordsman 3.5
« on: April 25, 2014, 09:58:42 AM »
Well ****, i've been searching for arcane duelist stuff 3 days now and didn't find this one.
Thanks :)

Min/Max 3.x / Charismatic Swordsman 3.5
« on: April 25, 2014, 07:02:50 AM »
Here i am, optimizing a suboptimal concept!

A few days ago, while looking around in the web for an image for an online character sheet, i stumbled upon this one
(click to show/hide)

As per the image and my estimation, stats would be (something like): Cha>Dex>Int>Con>Str>Wis
Or something like that anyway (also, since it's for optimisation, they are not locked in place).

Now the image screams Swashbuckler and Duelist, BUT
(click to show/hide)
this is not about making it happen, nor just making it work, but making it good, the people i play with, as well as me, are optimizers.

So i've found this little diamond: Arcane Duelist

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Finally to the important part!
Available resources are: Player handbooks, Dungeonmaster's guides, wotc site plus one wotc book of our choice. (I'm thinking of Complete Warrior)
I do not know yet the ability scores system we'll use and i'm building from lvl 1 to lvl 20 (as i always do no matter the campaign)

What i've come up with is this guy:
3 lvls in Swashbuckler (Finesse and Int to damage)
2 lvls in Hexblade (Cha to saves, could be paladin, but hexblade fits better)
1 lvl  in Duskblade (1st lvl arcane spells and full bab, YES PLEASE)
X lvls in Arcande Duelist (that's why we are here)
20-(6+X) lvls in Duelist ( i already got the prereqs, so it's not that bad a prc anymore)
Feats to be taken are: Dodge, Mobility (omg it actually HURTS to write this) Power Attack (if possible for the loophole) Ex.Wp.Prof.(Elven Thinblade) (again if allowed for it is from another book, but since it's equipment i might convince the gm)
If i can't work a thinblade, i'm also thinking for rapier+smth two-weapon-fighting.

I'm looking for, ideas, corrections or even a completely different build.

PS. I'd like to avoid going caster, although i've been thinking of Bard -> Swiftblade -> Arcane duelist, do you guys think it'll work better?

One more thing, i want the concept to be legit (no half-ogre half-succubus spiked-chain weilding monk with charmendine)

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Finally, since this exact same thread exists in another forum, i'll be posting ideas from both of them.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.5 Int-Dex Rogue(ish) advice needed!
« on: April 03, 2014, 10:19:04 AM »
Thanks :)
Finesse is free from Swashbuckler :D
More swordsage huh? I'll think on it!
well i was thinking DEX>INT>CON>CHA>WIS>STR
oh and btw is Knowledge devotion worth it when i don't have so many knowledges?

Edit: But if not monk and more swordsage, i'll propably lessen int and pump wis a bit

Min/Max 3.x / 3.5 Int-Dex Rogue(ish) advice needed!
« on: April 03, 2014, 03:44:02 AM »
So, i'm thinking about a high dex+int build for a rogue-swashbuckler (and stuff).
It's my first game of 3.5 (i've played pathfinder though).

It goes something like this, swashbuckler 3, rogue 3 (and keep going),
now that would be simple, but i'm thinking, swap rogue 3 with SA fighter 1, rogue 1.
at that point i'm thinking of monk 2 to get INT to AC (after feat) and invisibility fist (or however it is called).
I am also thinking Swordsage at ~ 9 lvl shadow hand ftw!
(I could stack hit and run fighter too  :plotting  )

The feats would be something like
Kung Fu Genious, Darkstalker, Gloom Razor, Shadow Blade, Daring Outlaw
No idea about the order i should take them.

So at this point i get: DEX to attack, INT to damage, DEX to damage, (possible DEX to damage again too) and tons of SA (4d6 with rogue 1  :D  ), INT to AC (as well as DEX).

I could even go for Duelist at this point.

(non SA) Fighter 2 could be taken for the feats.

Q1: Is this whole thing a good idea?
Q2: Is monk's INT to AC worth it or is light armor better?
Q3: (How) Should i handle swordsage?
Q4: How about Factotum 3?
Any other suggestions?

PS1. First post, so i'll be editing to make it look better!
PS2. I'm almost always dipping monk (about 10 levels usually :P  thus the name).

Edit1: Added some bold and underlines.
Edit2: New question.
Edit3: Fighter stuff

Introduce Yourself / I'm awesome and i'm here!
« on: April 02, 2014, 04:57:44 PM »
 :cool  As the nickname suggests, i play monks -a lot- and mostly on pathfinder!
I'm new here and i'm supposed to make a post in order to post normally (  :huh something seems a little bit off )

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