As I said earlier in the thread, designing an ability that's balanced around "but the DM can take it away!" is a bad idea. If the DM doesn't take it away, then you're more powerful than average. If the DM does take it away, then you're less powerful than average. Either way, you're out of balance.
Now I do still agree with you it is a bad idea. But the feet is so flawed it is almost unusable.
This item doesn't make you a god. It doesn't make you immune to damage. It doesn't shield you. In a combat you will die just as easily with or without this item. The item give 0 combat bonuses and stats. It will give you a spell IF you already cast them and then spend a point in it. This only increases out of combat bonuses. Yes this is far above the curve in out of combat stat bonuses.
This is going to come up a few times, but you clearly have no idea how Item Familiar works, I mean, I forgot that the spell slot was lower level, but you clearly have no idea.
I do know how it works I have made plenty of characters that use it. What you fail to realize is that you don't get to spend the original points put into item familiar as untyped bones. they have to be applied normally. which doesn't break it.
One ability is specifically that you invest a level 5 spell in order to get a bonus level 3 spell. Quick check, if you couldn't still prepare and cast the level 5 spell who would ever do that? No one. Which is why the feat specifically says that you can still use the level 5 slot.
No. Just no. The feat not once says you can cast that spell slot until you get to the granted powers section of the feat.
Yes, the feat that gives you extra XP, extra skill breaking, extra wealth, and an extra spell slot only lets you cast one spell a day using the item's actions. Well, you know, until you enchanted it as a staff, then it can use it's actions to cast staff spells instead. Or a ring of blinking, whatever.
It does give you more XP. skills can't, won't be broken. you can't break wealth with this. And an extra spell slot that only casts once per day IF you select it from a list of powers. you don't just get that shit you earn it.
... until you enchant it as a staff? Why wouldn't I just make an intelligent staff item then? This makes no scence in the slightest. cool 1 thing is good but it's broken when you add another thing? that happens for a lot of shit. You can't just say this is op because of that.
for a challange. break the game right now. how high can you get the untyped bonus?
1) No one is complaining they can't figure out a way to deal with it. Any DM can destroy an item, it's not even hard. The dumb part is that before you destroy the item, the character who has it is too much more powerful than everyone else, so the game is unfun, and after you destroy it, they are so weak that the game is unfun. It's the whole, trying to be fun thing that is at issue.
2) Being above the normal distribution does not make it broken on it's own, that comes more to things like making the game unfun, but if you learn how to read some time in the next couple years, you might accidentally discover that what I said is that it is overpowered, and since being above the normal power distribution is basically a definition for overpowered, that would mean that I am right.
1) No that character is not to powerful for anyone to have fun. If you think your wizard casting 2 spells in one round is going to make the game any less fun then you're stupid. If you think your rouge being able to sneak slightly better is going to make the game less fun you're stupid. If you think having 10% more xp is going to make the game less fun you're stupid. So should we ban everything that is slightly above the power curve because you deem it as un-fun?
2) No. You're mistaken on your own words. I said it was overpowered. you called it broken which it is not.
If your DM plans to dickride you in a really dumb way to compensate for the fact that a feat is broken
1) Well since you can actually play the game with an RNG breaking hide check and you can't with diplomacy, so your DM is much more likely to houserule one of those... But whatever, yes, there are 4 skills that are important for everyone, there is one skill that is important for everyone playing in a game where Diplomacy is used stupidly, there is one skill important to incantatrixes, there is one skill important to bullshit factotum pretenders, and there is one skill important to everyone in a game that lets them UMD staves of Holy Word. But you know, aside from those skills, and the knowledge skills that identify monsters, everything else is pretty shitty.
2) You still don't get that you get to keep the 3 ranks you invested. I wonder if, on realizing that you get to keep the ranks you invest, you will now realize that item familiar is much more powerful, or if you will instead continue to insist it is perfectly balanced. Again, you don't have to give up any skill points at all, you just invest all your ranks, and you still get to use them. You just also get free bonuses.
1) Stop saying RNG breaking as if it's important. Should we ban bards because they give bonuses to skill checks? should we ban items that give these bonuses? NO! Getting better skill checks is part of the game.
2) I'm sorry but once again. stop. putting. words. in. my. mouth. I never said it was perfectly balanced. But asking for perfect balance is stupid and childish. Nothing can be perfectly balanced. So what do we do? we use things that are above that curve because they are simply better. there is nothing wrong with that. NOTHING. That is part of the game. It gives you that sense of accomplishment, like, I found something strong and I get to use it to solve any problem in my way.
Presumably people who want to play D&D. Although, you know lots of people can just obtain the ability to create concealment at all times. Hell you can buy hide in plain sight for like, 10k or something.
Saying this is broken because they might take that is stupid.
Also hide in plain sight is not a good argument because I can just run arcane eye and see your bright ass item familiar which at this point is a giant beacon of magic.
Uh... Once again, you lose zero fucking skill points. Also, you know, for a single feat, Item Familiar, that also gives untyped bonuses to skills, you can actually then craft your item familiar to give you bonuses to as many skills as you want for less money than buying the items. And then you can spend the other feats on other things.
And good for you for seeing that you can decrease crafting time before crafting. so why did you waste your bonuses on crafting exactly? Also the base item has to be magical. So if you do want to enchant it more on your own it will cost you double the money.
No, it gives them more power. It doesn't move the power from anywhere, because you don't know how the feat works. . . It takes zero spell levels. It grants extra XP and an extra spell slot for no cost at all. Spellcasters love Item Familiar.
Once again. It does take the spell level until you invest a certain ability in it.
What I said is The punishment for character retirement or dying? no the punishment is for you being to childish to let go of a character that died so you make a clone of your character and call it his brother.
Then you are super mega dumb, because no one said that.
THIS WAS THE BASE TO YOUR WHOLE FUCKING ARGUMENT!? You said the DM could do whatever he wants like shot you in the head in response to someone telling you not to clone your fucking character.
Hey dumby dumb face. I didn't say that was an accurate measure of item familiars power, I said that was the proposed solution, and it was terrible. It is just as terrible at 2-3 levels as it is at 18.
Hey stupid mc jackass you're the one who made the argument in the first place. don't try to turn it around. Once again it comedown to the fact that it's slightly better than some other feets. So what? we should punish people for thinking and finding something strong? WTF kind of thinking is that? why not reward them for finding this.
You are a terrible monstrous person who is a cancer on the hobby. As a DM this offends the fuck out of me. As a human being this offends me. It is a cooperative storytelling game. If the DM doesn't want to play a cooperative storytelling game they can go write a novel. If they do, then the fun of the people at the game is always more important than fapping to your story.
Holy shit. I have never met a more... scumbag of a person. never in my life have a seen someone who is as self centered as you. To attack two or more people because they don't have the same opinion as you. your view this whole time has been KNEEL TO MY POWER.
OK LOOK The DM writes the story. you find fun and interesting ways through the story. If you are going to bitch and make it so everyone else has a worse time because you don't want to lose you precious OP character than your ass is out. This is a game that is meant to be fun for all NOT JUST FUN FOR YOU.
So what did I do to have you attack me anyways? Ask you not to attack another board member? Tell you that there are ways around the OP aspects of the item? what makes me evil? what makes me a cancer on this world? because as far as I can see the one who started with attacking and calling names was you. What a disgrace. Attacking people then trying to act like a victim. Please get the fuck off your high horse.