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Messages - GrandlordThoth

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / 5th lvl Gestalt pvp
« on: July 15, 2014, 11:04:54 PM »
Greetings Gameologists,

Recently I was challenged to a 5th lvl open source gestalt pvp session, This challenge comes from one of my players. I was considering what two classes I should play for this and came to look at both Psion and Monk. Any points of discussion?

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: May 03, 2014, 09:46:44 PM »

EDIT: Literally the only way you could be more broken is if you had Wizard 20, as you would then have Divine Spellcasting, and be able to prepare every spell in the game with all relevant metamagics applied (and doubtless have enough slots left over to do so without Quickened). Find a way to remove CL limits. Done.

First action every combat: Quickened Intensified Repeating Time Stop. You now have 8 rounds to cast 16 spells, and if that isn't enough you get the same next round. I'm unsure how Twinned would interact, but that might net you 16 rounds a go.

I foresaw the issue with going infinite at 20, this is why I applied the Gifted Template, while going infinite would just be easier and utilizing manipulate form (just too easy to give yourself everything) I prompt that feats are fun and we should begin looking at them here

feats have always been a passion of mine so onto question 1

What is the method for creating Divine Salient Abilities?

[Disclaimer] DND is FUN for me, I state that adam is a Pun Pun clone, but it's the specifics I'm interested in. This is an EXERCISE to expand my knowledge. I understand its broken.[Disclaimer]

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: May 03, 2014, 08:51:40 PM »
While I appreciate the associations this group continues to present, I ask that we look at this as if we are taking it seriously.

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: May 03, 2014, 08:02:48 PM »
So, Gentlemen and Gameologists alike

I state that This is a Monumentous Task

So lets go with one SDA ... Alter Reality

Throw in Psychic Reformation via a Limited Wish
and the Leadership feat (no need for epic here).

You can get every Divine spell over to Arcane
and every Psi Power over to Arcane.

You also know every non-epic Metamagic feat
and can stick as many as are compatible on
9th level spells, making them say level 25+ slots.

This would come no where near the limits of
100+ SDAs applied to spellcasting capabilities.

So it isn't just Alter Reality whenever convenient.
It's every single spell and power published, with
every single metamagic applied, while at the same
time Heightened to as high as you can figure out.

Check out the extra special stuff on Wish and Miracle.
For you they would be self generated, self granted.
Now heighten those 5 or 6 levels.

Karsus's Avatar is a spell from 2nd Edition that
killed a Deity ... at least for a little while.
That was a 12th level spell with a Greater Artifact
as the Material Component burned up.

I need what would be referred to as the ultimate list of feats. Even figuring out all of adams "DSA" is Huge but here is what I have I think It might need fixed. This is Just the short list, forgive screwups , finals are here!

Divine splendor- any mortal within 90,010 dies no saving throws
Divine storm unholy- surrounds it's self  90,010 with a storm which repels holy creatures dealing 1d6 per 10 ft

Create object
create object greater
Divine creation- create anything
Instant move -move up to 30ft per divine rank as a move action instant teleportation
Divine dodge physical attacks or specifically targeted spell have a miss chance equal to 50+diety rank
Rejuvenation  upon death will reform 1d10 days
Alter Size
Alter form
shift form
True Shapechange
Alter Reality
Automatic metamagic
Avatar x 20
Arcane mastery
Battle senses
Call creatures
Clear sight
command plants
control creatures
Divine Armor Mastery
Divine Blast
Divine blast Mass
Divine blessing
Divine Celerity
Free Move
Divine fast healing x19
Divine inspiration
Divine shield
Area shield
Divine recall

Divine Weapon focus
Energy burst
Energy storm
extra sense enhancement x5
Frightful presence
Gift of life
Life and death
Mass life and death
Grow creature
Hand of death
Increased energy resistancex5
Extra Energy Immunity x5
Instant counterspell
Know death
Know secrets
Lay curse
lay quest
Mind of the beast
Possess mortal
Power of nature
Power of truth
Speak with creatures
sunder and disjoin
Undead Traits
extra domain x210(all )

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: May 03, 2014, 07:51:38 PM »
It's something I've been wanting to do for years , I spent four hours making rolls to get this success, gentlemen, almost died at the hands of a cursed Lamp which appeared after my character finished his first Wish.

In short , I agree it is madness , but I am a glutton for punishment in dnd , and it's a theoretical dnd mine field which is just FUN.

Adam also allows for the dm to have a pantheon which was Hand Built through raw hours  of grinding. 

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: May 03, 2014, 05:41:17 PM »
My DM Ok'd Adam as his 20th level campaign is a dungeon grind , the campaign will end with players taking on a "Party" of level 100's ( the perfect phb+ DMG+ epic  "Party" ). In the capacity of Adam I am an Assistant DM to act as a private consultant for the purpose of the DM improving his overall capabilities. Despite the seemingly popular opinion, this will not be abused. Adam allows for players to have a raw direct link to divinity, so that the typical difficulties of gaining divinity are avoided. Did I mention that this is a 3 month Dungeon crawl ( no teleporting outside the zone of the dungeon. ). The first enemy of the "Crawl to divinity" is the Tarrasque.

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: April 29, 2014, 05:16:49 AM »
By RAW, no.

However, you have all of them. Including any that you make up.

What is everyone else playing? Does everyone else have 9,001 DvR?

A metaphor. A bunch of kids are having a food fight. You show up with a thermonuclear weapon. It doesn't really matter what you do at that point, because regardless of what options you take, you are going to win that food fight.

Having Str 18012 means that your lift/drag capacity is greater than the weight of the universe; I'm not even going to bother calculating it for you (hint:  your maximum push capacity is 5200 lbs times 4^179. That is a ridiculously large number.)

The sane solution is to just replace every number on Adam's sheet with the words "I win." You can deal infinite damage as a free action, have infinite HP, can't be harmed by anything ever, and can do anything. An infinite number of times per day.

so by RAW, no but through DSR's I can essentially take all feats.

as for the rest of my party, they essentially said " Were going to after spending 2 months making level 20's betray each other for the gold, I decided No... so to answer no , each of them is playing a "min maxed" Gestalt at level 20

could not stop laughing for a few minutes after reading the food fight portion!

The push/ drag shut my dm up finally, so i thank you for that ( something about wanting real numbers lol

and stating that "I win " defeats the purpose of me getting to play a Deity who is all powerful but carries the mentality of a child (as he is still "maturing" so he is still learning) I plan to with this build highly encourage my dm to continue into a Divine campaign. rather than just "a lvl 20 epic dungeon crawl.

For those of you that were wondering , sorry to disappoint but I won't be using this build to destroy the game my dm has built, I plan to use Adam to drive this dm to new heights of creativity.

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: April 27, 2014, 07:01:24 PM »
Gazzien You are excellent, I still dont know if I can trade Divine Salient Abilities for other things?

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: April 24, 2014, 06:38:22 PM »
this is a homebrew epic level campaign gentlemen your taking the easy way out, I thought this was gameologists?

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: April 17, 2014, 09:22:08 AM »
Things I could use some help on
carry drag weight
Attack, full attack
any other +0 character templates I.E like gifted, abyssal bred ect ect)

Most important without changing my level how do I grant myself all arcane spells known?

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Introducing Adam
« on: April 17, 2014, 05:41:12 AM »
Same idea here --->

I'm not sure why you are bothering with small details.
DvR 19 is Zeus or Odin, and you've got near 500 of those.

You can make an Artifact, say like one with
every single pre-existing official artifacts
as a tiny portion of it's capabilities.
You hold up the MIC and say this is my item.

You could have every ability in the MM1 and MM2
and MM3 and MM4 and MM5 and that's just the start.

since this post I have modified adam to a wizard
changed to spell mastery , SDA spell mastery and spell perfection ( 2 fireballs a round)
 All spells known due to create magic tattoo and infinite caster levels due to divine and arcane.  Am I thinking big eneough now?

Homebrew and House Rules (D&D) / Hardcore D&D3.5/Path
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:04:05 AM »
Hardcore is a template which is applied at character creation recently created and cause for epic amounts of fun fun

typically in my homebrew game PC's (level 1-3) start with two free 18 scores to be placed as they see fit with 500 gold.(example)
Str  18  +4
Dex 18 +4
Con 16 +3
Int   15 +2
wis  14 +2
Cha 13 +1

However this is HARDCORE! the PC's in this case gain four free 18's and 800 gold.
Str  18  +4
Dex 18 +4
Con 18 +4
Int   15 +2
wis  14 +2
Cha 18 +4

Two feats every third level

At every 4th level the hardcore character also gains two points to be placed into a single ability score
4th level
Str  20  +5
Dex 18 +4
Con 18 +4
Int   15 +2
wis  14 +2
Cha 18 +4
The drawback you ask?

Upon death (-10 hp or farther ) the character may not be resurrected by any means.

any suggestions are welcomed


Topic can be found here thanks for the direction on where to post

You Break it You Buy it / Introducing Adam
« on: April 15, 2014, 03:12:19 AM »
This character will be used for an all spots legal d20 epic game this summer
Working to build as fast as free time will allow
(Adam, Envoy of the void)
(Determined by current or base?) and class Wizard/Fighter 19( gestalt/geist)
DVR: 9,001
(fine-Colossal+) (Humanoid)
Hit Dice: d10
Initiative: 9,001+
Speed:20-120 ft( or 51.14 miles )
Armor Class:45,015  Touch: Flat-footed: How does this interact with the template Gifted?
Base Attack/Grapple:+19/+14/+9/+5
Full Attack:
Space/Reach:0-25 ft
Special Qualities:(we gunna be here awhile...)
Manipulate Form (sarrukh)
Feed ( as a Barghest for dealing with those ever pesky regenerate creatures)
Fast healing : 171,795
DR 10/magic 9,036/ +4 (should I increase? Dm removed enchantment cap on gear and the Salient divine for it is stacking )

The deity gains immunity to acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic energy, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromantic effects, and it ignores mind-affecting effects critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain, or any effect requiring a Fortitude save, unless it affects objects.Transmutation disintegration. imprisonment or banishment binding, dimensional anchor, dismissal, repulsion, soul bind, temporal stasis, trap the soul, and turning  or rebuking.

Salient Divine Abilities: 9,001 ( deities and demi-gods)
will post the list of these when it's collected. Essentially everything which is not restricted by class or BAB

Fort: 11+9001=9012
Ref:    6+9001=9007
Will:  11+9001=9012

STR:  18,013   9,001
DEX:  18,013  9001
CON: 18,013  9,001
INT:   18,013  9,001
WIS: 18,013   9001
CHA: 18,013   9,001

Skills: skill points :198,060
31 basics + craft, Knowledge and preform (

Feats:(any suggested improvements?)
Power attack trade to hit for dmg
Cleave make an additional attack after killing an opponent
Great Cleave no limit on cleave
Combat reflexes - 9,001 attacks of opportunity
Improved critical (scythe) crit range doubles
Combat expertise- trade attack bonus for AC
dodge -+1 to ac against selected target
mobility -+4 dodge against select aoo
spring attack- move before and after melee attack
Whirlwind attack- one attack against each opponent within reach
Empower spell
Maximize spell
Spell mastery
Silent spell
still spell
Quicken spell
Spell perfection

Feats: Free
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny dodge -eyes in the back of neck
Least legacy Caput Mortuum
Lesser Legacy Caput Mortuum
Greater LegacyCaput Mortuum

Environment: Prime Material Plane
Challenge Rating: holding till he's done
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Languages Spoken: all
Level Adjustment: +1 ( Gifted template)


Spells prepared:( working to gain all arcane spells known , already have all divine )

Spells known:

Character background:

Adam is fathered by Asmodeus and Wee Jas.( )&    (

At birth he is granted a Candle of invocation as a gift. ( )
from here he follows the path of our good old friend pun pun ( )

granting himself infinite candles and by association infinite wishes. These are the basics of character concept.

age 1 Immortal  HT 3” Wt 75lbs 19th lvl  Wizard Fighter divine rank 9,001  Portfolio:all
Templates -Abyssal bred , Child of Wee Jas and Asmodeus, Demon gifted,Gifted, Godspark

Divine salient abilities attribute to many of adams abilities, having a DR 9,001 he has ALOT of abilities the list is not done and each section (skills, feats, ect ect.) as I get time. Did I resolve the issue?

for those interested to follow the build I will be moving him to " You Break It You Buy It "
he is a character that will be played in an all spots legal extended session this summer , link will be posted

still need to account for DR in th build, working on basics (self buffing)

4500 bonus spells per day to each 0-9 and 19th   9   5   5   4   4   4   3   3   3   2

Gaming Advice / Spells known,Bonus spells per day with extreme stats
« on: April 13, 2014, 01:10:34 PM »
Greetings Gameologists

Today I present to you Adam. he is a theory build for this summer and I am currently in construction. The Idea here ,was to pun pun , lets just say I got a bit carried away. Onto the fun, DND 3.5 is the system and here is Adam in all his raw glory.
taking full advantage of the game I was able to craft him.

Adam ,Envoy of the Void
age 1 Immortal  HT 3” Wt 75lbs 19th lvl  Sorcerer Fighter divine rank 9,001
Templates Abyssal bred , Child, Demon gifted,Gifted, Godspark
                    stat           modifier
Strength       18,013       9,001           HP: 171,209
Dexterity      18,013       9,001          AC:  36,014       
Constitution 18,013       9,001          Fort: 11+9001=9012
Intelligence  18,013       9,001          Ref:   6+9001=9007
Wisdom       18,013       9,001          Will: 11+9001=9012
Charisma     18,013       9,001          BAB: +19/+14/+9/+5
                                                         SR :
                                                         dodge 100%
                                                          DR 10/Magic
appears human except for the following mutations granted by the template Demongifted
eye in the middle of the forehead detect magic/ invisibility
small horns on the forehead
eyes in the back of neck
Wings 30/ poor
extra set of arms useable
Scorpions tail 1d4
skin will shift color  in random beautiful patterns
Mutations no longer occur due to subtype change

Feats :
Create object
create object greater
Divine creation- create anything
Instant move -move up to 30ft per divine rank as a move action instant teleportation
Divine dodge physical attacks or specifically targeted spell have a miss chance equal to 50+diety rank
Rejuvenation  upon death will reform 1d10 days
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Uncanny dodge
Power attack trade to hit for dmg
Cleave make an additional attack after killing an opponent
Great Cleave no limit on cleave
Combat reflexes - 9,001 attacks of opportunity
Improved critical (scythe) crit range doubles
Combat expertise- trade attack bonus for AC
dodge -+1 to ac against selected target
mobility -+4 dodge against select aoo
spring attack- move before and after melee attack
Polyglot- speak/ write all languages
Whirlwind attack- one attack against each opponent within reach

skill points :198,060

So the questions proposed are How many spells does adam know and how many bonus spells per day does he receive?

Introduce Yourself / Gaming again
« on: April 13, 2014, 01:01:01 PM »
Greetings everyone, call me Steve or Thoth.
I am a life long gamer thus far even starting my own gaming community recently , but I digress. I am here to gain assistance in min/max and the math in dnd 3.5 

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