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Messages - .Zero

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: D&D Tools Goes Down The Hole (UPDATE: 11/22)
« on: December 04, 2014, 10:09:14 AM »
I have problems too. When i open the link, the new window says "page not found". Is there a way to get the database on a Windows pc?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Sublime Chord shenanigans
« on: October 04, 2014, 04:38:27 PM »
The above only references "spellcasting classes" not "caster level of ..."

Therefore it suffers from the same difficulties as master spellthief. I have a whole thread on the arcane dilliante (or however you spell it) where I debunked the CL shenanigans.

Most DMs won't allow more than 20 in CL boosters anyways (so CL40 is max).

And where can i find that thread? It would be a very interesting reading for me. But i still believe in the Sublime Chord + Master Spellthief cheese, i'll explain why another time, i don't have time right now.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Sublime Chord shenanigans
« on: September 14, 2014, 10:18:30 AM »
I have some questions.

First off, are things on this link correct?

If they are correct, you can continue to read this, but if they are not, please explain why and please explain how do those things work.

If that is correct a Bard 1/Wizard 8/ Sublime Chord 10 has three separate caster levels, which SC sets to 18. Now we add a level of Spellthief and Master Spellthief and everything goes to 72.

Now, let's forget a moment about PrCs prerequisites and take something like Bard1/Wizard5/Chameleon10/Sublime Chord 4/Spellthief1, with Master Spellthief.

1) Is the Chameleon cl affected by the SC 'spells per day' ability? If so, should this build have a cl 45 for arcane spells? If not, should the cl for arcane spells be 47?

2) Is it possible to add the SC's spells per day to the Chameleon's spellcasting? And in general, can PrCs progress Chameleon spellcasting?
I think i know the answer of this question is 'no' but i'd like to see why.

3) Does caster level boosters count towards the SC's ability to increase caster level? I mean, if the first build has an orange ioun stone and a bead of karma, does the total caster level be 92?

4) Say, you are bard 1/wizard 8/ SC 1/ Spellthief 1 and you add your SC's 'spells per day' to wizard. Now you take 9 levels in another random full-casting PrC, progressing Sublime Chord. Does the added level of that PrC contribute to the cl shenanigans? Is the build's final cl 72?


D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Improving Animal Companion
« on: April 17, 2014, 04:24:18 PM »
Ahah, no way! ^^
I'm not going to sacrifice my spellcasting or wild shape for a greater number of pets! I'm going straight old human druid without prc, and i wish i could make the best out of this concept..
Thanks for the reply, though.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Improving Animal Companion
« on: April 17, 2014, 02:14:35 PM »
I'd like to know how a druid can magic-less and equipment-less improve his animal companion. I'm talking about a druid that applies templates to his companion and/or to any other permanently charmed, rebuked (initiate of nature), bought, wild empathy-ed, diplomacy-ed animal or magical beast.
You know, I'm trying to build an animal/magical beast army.

ASAP, i can freely apply the Warbeast template to any animal or dinosaur, but does it work with magical beasts? And what about the controversial magebred? Just screw Braland fluff, now. Is it possible to apply it to any animal or magical beast? Or does it exist only in the form of ghost tiger and dire bears?

I'll resume with this question: take the simplest aimal companion and a random magical beast. Which templates can a druid PC apply to them? Also, can animal companions get vow of poverty?

Thanks ^^

Introduce Yourself / Hi there!
« on: April 17, 2014, 01:54:07 PM »
Hi there! I'm new to the game and I'm here to learn as much as possible 'cause i'll be starting a campaign soon with an experienced dm!
See ya in da boards!

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