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Messages - Potato Cannon

Pages: [1]
Gaming Advice / Re: Fist of Stone + handheld weapons
« on: June 26, 2014, 12:03:51 PM »
Which is still great, +3 on attack rolls with a 1 min lvl 1 spell. But they dont let me use with my weapon =(

Gaming Advice / Fist of Stone + handheld weapons
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:35:18 AM »
One of my groupmates says i cant use the strenght bonus from the spell with handheld weapons, just with unarmed strikes and the slam attack the spell gives me. I read the spell over and over and it doesnt say anything about it. Who's right?

In case i'm right, using a 2h weapon, how'd it work? I use the bonus strenght on the attack, but not on dmg, cuz there's no buff on the other hand.

Introduce Yourself / Hi
« on: June 26, 2014, 01:25:05 AM »
Hi, you can call me potato cannon or PK, I'm not very good with this, just doing it cuz i dont know where to ask questions, hope someone answers me.

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