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Messages - Gamer-man

Pages: [1]
D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Arcana High Campaign Journal
« on: August 16, 2014, 04:48:36 AM »
Nice campaign journal, looking forwards to the future updates.
Just curious, are any of the players going to do a CO Diary?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« on: August 08, 2014, 05:11:01 PM »
Will this be recorded or streamed? or may I otherwise spectate the game?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Attribute Per Level By Tier
« on: August 03, 2014, 06:23:56 AM »
Option #1: Point Buy modifications. This is a quick and dirty fix that helps a bit. It's not perfect, but it's certainly something. Tier 1s get 24 point buy. Tier 2s get 28 point buy. Tier 3s get 32 point buy. Tier 4s get 36 point buy. Tier 5s get 40 point buy. Tier 6s get 44 point buy. Result? At low levels, their Tiers are nearly reversed, with CW Samurai having awesome stats while Wizards really are weak bookish types. By the high levels, the Tiers are back in order, but the difference is less pronounced through the mid levels. Obviously, you can adjust what the differences are, but this works pretty well, and most importantly it's extremely easy. The big downside is that you really can't allow much multiclassing or else it all goes out of whack. Other similar methods include rolling but letting lower Tiers get extra rerolls or bonuses after the roll, and giving free LA points to low tier classes (so, everyone Tier 3 and below gets 1 free LA, and everyone Tier 5 and below gets 2 free LA). -Jaron K tier list

I'm not looking to make the tiers even with each other, rather I'm looking at the ability to do things along the lines of option 1 in Jaron's list to help, however not knowing what level the game will end, I'd prefer an attributes over time system (this will also make multiclassing less of a hassle as then I just change the rate of earning points)

Currently I'm playing with you get a number of points each level equal to the tier, every 10 is an attribute.  so a tier 1 class would only get 2 attribute points to work with, a tier 2 would get 4, a tier 3 would get 6 all the way down to tier 5 getting 10.  however, these numbers seem a bit smaller than the 4 points of point buy. 

I'm considering 1 point per 5, so a tier 5 gets an attribute point every level.  Is that too much to consider (even the sorc would end up with 8 points over the life of the character, the wizard would be down to 4)?

if you would prefer to think of it independent of the tiers... how many attribute points over the life of a character would be worth 4 point buy at startup (lvl 1-20). 

Thank you for the posts so far and your consideration.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Attribute Per Level By Tier
« on: July 28, 2014, 03:34:33 AM »
I was thinking, instead of having the one attribute point per 4 levels, instead have it differ by tier, like the different point buy sizes, but scales better with length of game (hopefully).  I was wondering if this idea might work, and if so, how many lvls per point would you suggest using as a point for initial tests?  sorry if this is a bad idea, and thank you in advance for any feedback  :)

Introduce Yourself / hello
« on: June 30, 2014, 07:42:41 PM »
I am an actuary by day, and a DM of BECMI and 2nd ed by night.  been ghosting the boards for a while.  I made this account mostly just in case.

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