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Messages - wulfanger

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Making a Witch, help appreciated.
« on: July 01, 2014, 07:27:07 PM »
Ratfolk is pretty amazing for extending hexes, I'l have to run it past my DM since its not a 'standard' race. Also planning to ask the DM if i can take Flyby attack in connection to Hex Flight to solve the 30ft range on most hexes.

Min/Max 3.x / [PF] Making a Witch, help appreciated.
« on: June 30, 2014, 01:18:11 AM »
Need some input on building a witch for a homebrew game. The rest of the party is a Barbarian, Oracle and Rogue.Our last game went to 20+ so im fully planning the character out on the off chance i can keep the alive the whole time. I have no stats listed as we have yet to roll for stats (4d6 drop the lowest, minimum six). Character starts at level 2.

I have three different variations i'm currently tossing around. Combat encounters are generally rough so any input in streamlining the character mechanically would be appreciated.

Few Notes:
  • I don’t take agony as Ice Tomb simply seems better (both target Fort).
  • Each has Magical Lineage (ill Omen) with intent toward quicken spell. I’m not super attached to this option as it would conflict with Stinking Cloud Spell slots and Sleet Storm which are both great utilities.
  • Metamagic rods aren’t feasible to obtain based off our last campaign meaning if i want a metamagic i have to spend a feat on it.
  • Were allowed to use anything pathfinder that isn’t 3rd party (so no 3.5 material).
  • I've only really considered Elf, but im not opposed to Human.

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Introduce Yourself / Just in
« on: June 29, 2014, 05:24:14 PM »
Oi, my most common handle is wulfanger. Primarily spend off-time playing 40k and other tabletop games, such as pathfinder and wild talents. Making this account mainly to lurk and use the search function.

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