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Messages - Vulcanus

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Yes, you can do that (you can also pick one from Animal Power and three from WHMD, because Animal Power can also be converted into WHMD).


Let's see,
lvl 1 and 2 would give 1 tentacle each (2 total)
lvl 1 feat for an extra tentacle (3 total)
lvl 3 and 4 I would use for Rage and probably size up to be practical (grapple bonus) but i could alternately max tentacles (3 large, 6 medium)
lvl 3 feat for 3 more tentacles (6 large, 9 medium)
lvl 5 and 6 both for size increases or extra tentacles (6 gargantuan, 21 medium)
lvl 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 feats for extra tentacles (36 gargantuan, 51 medium)

Maybe you could argue delaying your flaws until lvl 5 for 12 more tentacles, but we're already pretty scarily tentacled.  I wonder which would be more effective damage-wise, 36 gargantuan or 51 medium.  Assuming you're stacking strength like you should be, 15 extra secondary attacks sounds amazing.  On the other hand, gargantuan would also increase the 'size' of the tentacle damage so...  Maybe I'll sit down and theorycraft that later.

Also, made me think, would improved grab (from WHMD?) apply to all the tentacles or would it just give it to one actual attack?  Either way, maybe a one-level dip into scaled horror would be better anyways.  That's a TON of grapple checks, all of which would do a TON of damage...  Once we're up to that many grapple checks, I'm thinking Spines would pay off...  Maybe pounce as well?

Extra Option
Prerequisites:Levels on one of the following monster classes
(click to show/hide)
Effect:Choose a list of chooseable abilities of one of your monster classes from which you already picked one, such as Animal Apotheosis or Minor Gift of Chaos. You gain another of those options you qualify for.
Special:You may take this feat multiple times, each one picking a diferent option you qualify for. Paragons and their excellences don't qualify for this, she already has her own feats.

Ok, so question:

Animal Apotheosis from Antrhopomorphic Animal ( is specifically listed as an example, so I know it can be picked, but I want to know the exact effect in this case.

Animal Apotheosis reads, "Animal apotheosis:At 5th and 6th level select one of the following bonus. Alternatively pick two from Animal power or six more from "What has magic done?""

So my first instinct was that you pick 'one of the following bonus' but really you could interpret the ability as 'choose between one of these, two of these other, or six of those.'  So if I use a lvl 6 feat or higher to get Extra Option, do I have the option of picking six from "What has magic done?"?

If so...
(from "What has magic done?")
Tentacle: the AA has a tentacle wich can be used as a natural weapon dealing 1d4+1/2 str mod damage for a medium character and has double the normal reach. This option may be taken multiple times, each new time granting a new tentacle.
For every option leveling except one which would be used to pick up Animal Rage to qualify for Black Blood cultist to get...
Savage Grapple: Starting at 8th level, you deal damage as if you had hit with all your natural weapons (including rend, if you are raging) on a successful grapple check

Sounds like a fun character concept if nothing else...

Introduce Yourself / Vulcanus
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:08:23 PM »

Vulcanus (V, if you like nicknames) is my name, D&D's the game.  I don't have that many friends near me who like roleplaying, so I end up doing lots of theoretical characters in my free time.  I literally have on my computer folders full of excel sheets of unplayed characters for various editions of D&D, Pathfinder, GURPS, etc.

Just tbh, I'm probably going to be a lurker who asks a few random questions here and there.

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