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Messages - Tourach

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Optimizing a DPR Character - Help Needed
« on: August 06, 2014, 04:32:44 PM »
I will definitely admit that there is some appeal in having a Magus just for those "tricks".  And a melee fighter that can cast his own Fly (since every melee will need Fly) is a big plus.

Do you find that Wand Wielder is a good choice?  It seems to me that Frigid Touch (stagger without a save) is your go-to as the guy that really helps control the fight like a mini-caster.  But you are hurting for spell slots as a Magus so having a way to cast it constantly seems strong.

I feel like STR for Power Attack and using the extra feat(s) on something like Toughness (or Dodge) or even on Intensified Spell which you want eventually anyway would be good?  I mean even if your primary thing is being cool and casting spells, more damage never hurt anyone.  As long as you stick to a good crit range weapon (Rapier, Scimitar, or Katana) then it seems like upping your damage on the melee attacks is a good thing.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Optimizing a DPR Character - Help Needed
« on: August 06, 2014, 03:11:45 PM »
Good thoughts all around.

Regarding the archer build, the character has to be within one step of LE so sadly Saddle Surge (and paladin in general) is unavailable.  Do you find that Greater Named Bullet really is a workhorse?  I wouldn't mind (for example) going Inquisitor, but it seems like with an extremely limited number of spells/day that you aren't getting more than one or two full attacks with that buff up.  Or do you find it worth shelling out for wands of that thing (which seems cost prohibitive, but would give the option to use that effect on, say, a Fighter with UMD).

As for the Bladebound, that's good information.  And you are correct that Impact seems less important when your "primary" source of damage is from magic.  Do you find Dervish Dance to be all that critical over just going with STR?  Saving two feats (Weapon Finesse and Dervish Dance) as well as getting to use a Katana over a Scimitar/Rapier seems like it could be a game changer.  But then your Reflex Saves and AC would obviously suffer.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Optimizing a DPR Character - Help Needed
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:07:48 AM »
Thanks for the tips.  I don't actually play PFS, so something being PFS legal isn't a concern for me as long as it comes from Paizo material only.

For the build setup, do you find that the Bladebound archetype really helps out?  You do gain a free magic weapon which does save on gold costs, but does not being able to modify it hurt down the road?  For example, it seems like a pretty big drawback to never be able to put Impact on your weapon.

How does that compare to, say, a Kensai that is getting access to more weapon materials, etc. for DR avoidance and what seems like a nice boost in access to Fighter feats at level 7?

Min/Max 3.x / [PF] Optimizing a DPR Character - Help Needed
« on: August 06, 2014, 02:10:38 AM »
Hey there theorycrafters,

I'm looking to play a character that isn't one of the typical Tier 1 (or 2 I suppose) character, while still keeping it entertaining to play.  Build advice as well as class/archetype suggestions would be good since I'm not very experienced playing things that aren't just straight up arcane casters.  All Paizo material is available, nothing third party.  Character has to have an alignment within one step of LE.

Some ideas (to illustrate what I mean):

Natural Attacking Druid (but not "just" a caster) - If druid, I'd like to avoid too much complexity with an animal companion
Barbarian - Can be as "broken" as a barbarian gets (Superstition, Pounce, Spell Sunder, whatever)
Fighter - Either Archer or Two-Hander
Monk - Seems like Zen Archer is best, but a melee monk would be fantastic (and I think fun)
Ranger - Any variety is fine

Actual DPR is less important than filling that "role" in the party.  And the characters start at level 1.

Edit:  Just a note - that list isn't exhaustive.  Anything that focuses on "combat" is fair game - magus, inquisitor, whatever.

Introduce Yourself / Tourach - Introduction
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:57:49 AM »
Hey there,

I actually lurked back when the forum had a brilliant gameologist url.  Now I'm here mostly to look for/work on some Pathfinder optimization.

Been an RPer since 2nd Ed D&D and tried a wide variety of systems since then.  But the vast majority of my "tabletop" roleplaying is play by post these days and most of that is Pathfinder.

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