D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Recruiting for Roll20 Game: Arcana High
« on: August 07, 2014, 07:27:08 PM »I was thinking of taking the Arcane School Spirit feat (exceptionally fitting thematically, I think), but the concept doesn't seem consistent with illusion magic: I make a bluff check opposed by the opponent's sense motive to brag about how great my specialized school is, and if I win they get -2 on their next save against a spell from that school. But since my specialization is illusion, wouldn't it be counterintuitive to brag about illusions and thereby reveal that what I'm about to do IS an illusion? Could I instead make the bluff check pertain to how powerful magic is in my family bloodline or something?
Well the way I would justify that, is that you're pulling an Aizen on them. "Well played, but what you fail to realize is that you're already ensnared in my illusions. Your mind has been in the palm of my hand since before you even saw me. Since when were you under the impression that this is the real me? SINCE WHEN WERE YOU UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU WERE UNDER THE IMPRESSION?"
FULL KUBO. Full troll. Your feat is now justified.
Oh yeah that's a great idea!