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Messages - qaplawjw

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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Genies! Marid, Efreet, Dao/Shaitan
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:53:52 PM »
dealing with a family death right now, but will reformat sometime, and get the tables together. The next couple days I should have time. And wow those are huge pictures, I can change that tonight.

Thanks for the advice

Edit: Adding spaces was easy, and a much-needed distraction. How do I do the tables, though?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Genies! Marid, Efreet, Dao/Shaitan
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:07:31 PM »


10202Body of Earth, Minor Wish, +1 Str
21303Genie, Earth Mastery, Push, +1 Con
32313Earth Moves, Partial Wish, +1 Str
43414Growth, Tremorsense, +1 Con
53414Electricity Resistance, Noble Wish, +1 Str
64525Improved Initiative, +1 Con
75525Pasha's Wish, Stone Curse, +1 Str

Hit Dice: d8
Class Skills (6+Int, x4 at 1st): Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Knowledge (engineering, planes), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Proficiencies: Shaitans are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with their natural weapons, but not with any armor or shields.

Body of Earth: A shaitan loses all other racial bonus and gains outsider traits (basically darkvision 60 feet). She is an outsider with 20 base speed and two slam attacks dealing 1d6 damage each. A shaitan doesn't take a penalty for attacking with both slam attacks in a full attack.
The shaitan also gains a Nat armor bonus equal to her Con modifier.

Minor Wish (Sp): As SLAs, a shaitan may use soften earth and stone once per day per HD and glitterdust once per day per 2 HD. Save DCs for SLAs = 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod. Caster Level = HD.

Ability Increases: A shaitan gains +1 Str at 1st and every odd level, and +1 Con at 2nd and every even level. Total +4 Str, +3 Con

Genie: The shaitan gains the earth subtype, and telepathy of 40 feets plus 10 feets for each extra HD beyond 2.

Earth Mastery: A shaitan gains +1 to attack and damage rolls, and +2 to opposed Strength-based checks [PF: +2 CMB and CMD], if both it and its opponent are touching the ground.

Push: A Shaitan can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Earth Moves: A shaitan gains a burrow speed equal to 10 feet per HD, and a climb speed equal to 5 feet per HD.

Partial Wish (Sp): As SLAs, a shaitan may use meld into stone and stone shape once per day per 2 HD.

Growth: The Shaitan grows to Large size.

Tremorsense: The shaitan gains tremorsense equal to 10 feet per HD.

Electricity Resistance: A shaitan gains electricity resistance equal to her HD.

Noble Wish (Sp): As SLAs, a shaitan may use stoneskin and rusting grasp once per day per 3 HD.

Improved Initiative: The shaitan gains improved initiative as a bonus feat.

Metalmorph (Su): As a standard action once per day per HD, a shaitan may touch a single metal object of no more than 10 pounds and transform it into any other metal for 1 day.

Pasha's Wish (Sp): As SLAs, a shaitan may use wall of stone once per day per 5 HD, and transmute mud to rock and transmute rock to mud once per day per 6 HD.
In addition, as a SLA 3/day, the shaitan gains the following spells at the following HDs:
11 HD Stone Tell, Veil
13 HD Limited Wish, to non-genies only, at 17 HD functions as Wish
15 HD Earthquake
If a djinni use his wish SLA to create/improve items or any other permanent lasting effect (like improved ability scores), it must pay the full exp price.

Stone Curse (Su): Once per day per 2 HD, if a shaitan wins a bull rush check by 5 or more and pushes its target into a stone barrier, the target must make a DC 19 Reflex save or be forced into the barrier as if the target had cast meld into stone until the victim makes a successful DC 19 Fortitude save as a full-round action to exit the stone. The save DCs are Strength-based.

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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Genies! Marid, Efreet, Dao/Shaitan
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:06:19 PM »


Hit Dice: d8
10022Body of Fire, Minor Wish, +1 Str
21033Genie, Heat, +1 Con
32133Change Shape (humanoids), Partial Wish, +1 Str, +1 Dex
43144Growth, Flying, +1Con
53144Fire Resistance, Noble Wish, +1 Str
64255Improved Initiative, +1 Con, +1 Dex
75255Change Shape (giants), Change Size, +1 Str
86266Malik's Wish, +1 Con
Class Skills (6+Int, x4 at 1st): Bluff, Craft, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (planes), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
Proficiencies: An efreet is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as his natural weapons, but not with any armor or shields.

Body of Fire: An efreet loses all other racial bonus and gains outsider traits (basically darkvision 60 feet). He is an outsider with 20 base speed and two slam attacks dealing 1d6 damage each. An efreet doesn't take a penalty for attacking with both slam attacks in a full attack.
The efreet also gains a Nat armor bonus equal to his Con modifier.

Minor Wish (Sp): Once per day per HD he has, the efreet can use detect magic and produce flame as SLAs. In addition, he can choose any 1st level illusion spell and use it as an SLA once per day for each HD he has (spell choice can be changed every level-up, always subject to DM aproval). DC for all SLA's=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier. Caster level for all SLA's = HD.

Ability Increases: An efreet gains +1 Str at 1st and every odd level, +1 Con at 2nd and every even level, and +1 Dex at 3rd and 6th level. Total +4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con

Genie: The efreet gains the fire subtype, and telepathy of 40 feets plus 10 feets for each extra HD beyond 2.

Heat (Su): An efreetiā€™s body deals 1d6 points of fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or in each round it grapples.

Change Shape (Su): The efreet may assume the form of any medium humanoid once per day per HD. This functions as alter self, except his ability scores do not change.
When he reaches seventh level, he can use this ability to assume the form of any large or medium humanoid or giant. This ability then functions as alter self or giant form I [3.5 equivalent spells?], except his ability scores still do not change.

Partial Wish (Sp): As SLAs, the efreet can use pyrotechnics and scorching ray 1/day for each HD he has and heat metal and invisibility for each 2HD it has.

Growth: The efreet grows to large size. The damage on his slam attacks increases to 1d8.

Flying: An efreet can fly, but not as fast as a djinni. He gains a fly speed of 5 feet per HD (perfect maneuverability).

Fire Resistance: The efreet gains fire resistance equal to his HD.

Noble Wish (Sp): As SLAs, the efreet can use fireball 1/day for each 3 HD he has and gaseous form for each 4 HD he has.

Improved Initiative: An efreet gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.

Change Size (Sp): Once per day per 4 HD, an efreeti can use enlarge person or reduce person as SLAs. The efreeti can target himself with these abilities, but not other outsiders.

Malik's Wish (Sp): An efreet can use wall of fire once per day per 4 HD, and shadow conjuration and pyroclastic storm (as ice storm, but fire damage instead of cold damage) once per day per 5 HD.
In addition, as a SLA 3/day, the djinni gains the following spells at the following HDs: 
9 HD Shadow Evocation
13 HD Shadow Conjuration, greater
15 HD Shadow Evocation, greater
17 HD Wish, to nongenies only
If an efreeti use his wish SLA to create/improve items or any other permanent lasting effect (like improved ability scores), it must pay the full exp price.

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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Genies! Marid, Efreet, Dao/Shaitan
« on: September 10, 2014, 02:59:41 PM »


Hit Dice: d8
10022Body of Water, Minor Wish, +1 Str
21033Genie, Swim, +1 Dex
32133Change Shape (humanoids), Lesser Wish, +1 Str, +1 Cha
43144Growth, Cold Resistance, +1 Dex
53144Partial Wish, +1 Str
64255Vortex, Improved Initiative, +1 Dex, +1 Cha
75255Change Shape (giants and water elementals), Noble Wish, +1 Str
86266Water's Fury, +1 Dex
96366Shahzada's Wish, +1 Str, +1 Cha
Class Skills (6+Int, x4 at 1st): Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (planes), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim
Proficiencies: A marid is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as her natural weapons, but not with any armor or shields.

Body of Water: A marid loses all other racial bonus and gains outsider traits (basically darkvision 60 feet). She is an outsider with 20 base speed and two slam attacks dealing 1d6 damage each. A marid doesn't take a penalty for attacking with both slam attacks in a full attack.
The marid also gains a Nat armor bonus equal to her Con modifier.

Ability increase: The marid gains +1 to Str at 1st and every odd level, +1 Dex at 2nd and every even level, and +1 Cha at 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels. Totals: +5 Str, +4 Dex, +3 Cha.

Minor wish: Once per day per HD she has, the marid can use create water, detect magic and purify food and drink (liquids only) as SLAs. In addition, she can choose any 1st level illusion spell and use it as an SLA once per day for each HD she has (spell choice can be changed every level-up, always subject to DM aproval). DC for all SLA's=10+1/2HD+Cha modifier. Caster level for all SLA's = HD.

Genie (Su): The marid gains the water subtype, telepathy of 40 feets plus 10 feets for each extra HD beyond 2. A marid gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls if both she and her opponent are in or on a body of water.

Change Shape (Su): The marid may assume the form of any medium humanoid once per day per HD. This functions as alter self, except her ability scores do not change.
When she reaches seventh level, she can use this ability to assume the form of any large or medium humanoid, giant or water elemental. This ability then functions as alter self, giant form I, or elemental body III [3.5 equivalent spells?], except her ability scores still do not change.

Lesser Wish: As SLAs, the marid can use invisibility and obscuring mist 1/day for each HD she has and quench and see invisibility for each 2HD it has.

Swim: The marid gains a swim speed of 10 feet per HD and can move in water without making Swim checks.

Growth: The marid grows one size category, to large. The damage from her slam attacks increases to 1d8.

Cold Resistance: The marid gains cold resistance equal to her HD.

Partial Wish: As SLAs, once per day for each 4 HD it has, the marid can use gaseous form, water breathing, and water walk.

Vortex (Su): When submerged in a body of water, marid can transform itself into a vortex once per day per HD and remain in that form 1 round per HD. This functions as the Djinni's Whirlwind, except it may only be used underwater. The marid may not leave the water in Vortex form.

Improved Initiative: The marid gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.

Noble Wish: As SLAs, once per day for each 6 HD it has, the marid can use control water, ice storm, persistent image, shadow conjuration.

Water's Fury (Su): As a standard action, once per day per HD, a marid can release a jet of water in a 60-foot line that deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 HD and blinds the target struck for 1d6 rounds. A Reflex save reduces the damage by half and negates the blinding effect. The save DC is 10+1/2HD+Con.

Shahzada's Wish: As SLAs, once per day per 6 HD, a marid can use shadow evocation and cone of cold.
In adition, as a SLA 3/day, the djinni gains the following spells at the following HDs:
13 HD Permanent Image, Shadow Conjuration, greater
15 HD Shadow Evocation, greater
17 HD Wish, to nongenies only
If a marid uses her wish SLA to create/improve items or any other permanent lasting effect (like improved ability scores), it must pay the full exp price.

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Just signed up! I have some requests, but I have a couple questions first:

I'm a Pathfinder player; how easy would these classes be to convert? I know most of the classes and races got buffed a bit; how would these classes hold up? How many of them would need new abilities, especially in the early levels?

And now, some general requests: I could never have too many monsters from mythological origins, especially Norse and Greek myths. I also like genies, so for my first few contributions, I'll try my hand at the Marid, Efreet and Dao/Shaitan (wonder why they changed the name?) Djinni seems like a pretty good base for them...At first I thought they could be Djinn prestige classes/archetypes, but on second thought I think they're just different enough to warrant splitting them out.

p.s. I just noticed, marids are supposedly the strongest genies of them all, but they can only grant wishes annually? Any other noble genie (except Janni), and normal Efreeti can grant daily wishes! It's a bit...odd.

Introduce Yourself / Good evening, or whatever it is in your time zone
« on: September 08, 2014, 04:25:27 PM »
This is an introductory post...I just signed up to ask some questions about Oslecamo's monster classes...Introductions are not my strong point, but I've been gaming for about 6 years.

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