I would like to play some kind of martial character for my group's next campaign, and while playing some good old DMC3 I thought of Vergil's distinct combat style. I usually end up playing some kind of arcane caster due to other roles being snapped up rather quickly, so I don't have too much experience with martial characters. All core and splatbooks are allowed,
but I have to run anything from ToB by my DM first. Edit: ToB is not allowedVergil's style:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPbDPgOnh84&feature=relatedThe important bits are his katana moves (0:39-1:20) and his teleports (2:20-2:57). Used together (3:46-4:16).
Actually teleporting around the enemy may be hard to do; I would just like to preserve his mobile/evasive style.
I was considering a fighter/scout build, using the Elusive Attack and Overpowering Attack features from PHB2.
Something like this:
1: Fighter 1 (Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana), Weapon Finesse)
2: Fighter 2 (Mobility)
3: Scout 1 (Power Attack)
4: Fighter 3
5: Fighter 4 (Spring Attack)
6: Scout 2 (Weapon Focus (katana))
7: Scout 3
8: Fighter 5
9: Fighter 6 [Elusive Attack], (Improved Critical)
10: Scout 4
In combat he would depend on strong single hits via Spring Attack + Skirmish + Overpowering Attack + criticals. The main problem here is that Overwhelming Attack doesn't come until fighter 16, and starting level will most likely be 3-6, and not higher than 10.
Any suggestions?