Handbook Discussion / Re: Iaijutsu Focus Guide (How to make your opponent flat-footed) Handbook Discussion
« on: May 16, 2015, 04:01:50 AM »
I have no idea if you're still keeping up on this bruceleeroy but I did stumble upon an interesting way to impose the flat-footed status upon someone even if it is only a oneshot setup. The Bladeshimmer oil in Complete Scoundrel (pg114) lets you coat an item or weapon and turn it invisible. When attacking with a weapon coated with Bladeshimmer the target can attempt a Spot check to notice something unusual (DC to notice is Sleight of Hand check +10 for oil's competence bonus) and if they fail the check (or don't make it at all) they are rendered flat-footed against that attack. The oil is wiped off after one successful use though unless there's a good way to make oils permanent or at least more than single use like that.