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Messages - tombombodil

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At first I was exited, and then I saw the "melee" clause :(. My favorite way to kill a Balor involved mass unseen servants and around 100 vials of holy water xD

Min/Max 3.x / Re: An Optimization Challenge for 3.5
« on: November 29, 2011, 12:11:08 PM »
I approve! I like where this is going :D. Crap! now I have a ton of ideas for interesting builds but no time, cause I have a final tomorrow X/

Min/Max 3.x / An Optimization Challenge for 3.5
« on: November 29, 2011, 03:57:19 AM »
So I think it's safe to assume that we all know how easy it is to break reality/the game/your GM's hopes and dreams, with tier 1-3 characters and powerful PrC's, nonsense that often looks like Beguiler 14/Mindbender 1/Shadowcraft Mage 5 or Cleric 5/Ruby Knight Vindicator 10/Contemplative 5, Incantrix X/Caster X Or hell even just straight Archivist or Artificer.

But I would like to challenge you all to create a powerful character (obviously not as powerful as any of the above builds) with classes chosen elusively from tier 4 and below. Make them do something interesting, being a powerful hitter (Uber Charger) or being incredibly hard to kill/deal with (Warforged Juggernaught) isn't good enough, think outside the box, use different combinations of somewhat sub optimal PrC's, Feats and Classes to do something new*.

Just so we have a starting point, lets go with,nothing above LvL 16 (though you can project where the build would go past that point), 32 point buy, Full DMG Gold. Everything else is completely open.

If you feel the need, please include a Myth-Weaver's sheet link, (or similar thingy) and a brief description of why you character is good/what it does/is supposed to do.
Heck you never knkow, you just might stumble across something that's so cool you might end up playing it in your next game; and so without any further ado, let the challenge Begin!

*I understand that because the internet exists, in a system like 3.5, everything has been tried and posted once by somebody, so don't feel like you need to try and build something 100% original, because odds are, it's already been done in one form or another.

My Idea: Basically this guy just straight up renders most things completely impotent. He has ridiculous saves, mettle and evasion (so no partial effects of any sort) respectable HP and AC and is has even better saves against any magic effect (an additional +6 to be exact). His main plan is to wade into the thick of things, and using a double dose of Aura of Dispair, Dark Companion and Hexblade Curse, give anyone that matters a -8 penatly to everything, then he imperious commands/never outnumbered, to intimidate (with an average roll of 46) that penalty up to a -10 to everything, then he either pummels you into unconsciousness with his merciful great club, tripping you and sundering your weapons (remember you're at a -10 to all your saves) or just uses his eternal wand of charm person to convince you that he's on your side (remember -10).

I like this build because it only needs to max out one thing (Intimidate) and with the help of Crystal Mask of Dread a la MiC we can easily boost it to unstoppable heights. Everything else can be average because of the bajillion penalties his enemies are taking from effects that don't allow saves plus penalties that do allow saves, but at that point your already at -6...

He's also a solid melee combatant with Power Attack, Cleave, Combat Expertise, and a Full BaB. Notice the synergy of his main gameplan with things like Brutal Strike, Disrupting Unarmed strike, stunning fist  the Short bow loaded with Drow Poison. Even little things like Deadly Touch fit into the bigger picture. With everything capitalizing on his ability to very reliably reduce enemy combatants defensive and offensive capabilities by a staggering amount, I got a feeling that this guy would give just about anything short of Solid Fog or Tier one, breaking time and space,  a real rough time.

And the fact that even then they would have to expend one of their most powerful and limited resources (No save just suck/die) just to have an effect on a character composed of entirely sub par classes is a victory in and of itself, because basically, if it allows a save; he's immune. And just about anything that he can't deal with as of this build, can be challenged with a few minor adjustments to utility items.

Well That's all, I think you guys get the just of it. Happy brewing :)

Introduce Yourself / Hooray for teh intertubes!
« on: November 29, 2011, 01:03:56 AM »
Name's Willie, I enjoy long walks on the beach and playing Roleplaying games  ;).

My favorite games are 3.5, Mage the Ascension, Paranoia, Dread and Battletech.

My non gaming hobbies include, Skiing, Triathlons, Camping, Rock Climbing, Reading, Math and Physics (yeah I know I'm a freak :P), Guitar, Violin, Fixing/Building Computers, Acting (theater and radio drama's) and drawing.

My home town is Sedro-Woolley, Skagit County Washington United States about an hour north of Seattle.

I also post on Feat the Boot (Tombombodil), Giant in the Playground (MiniMalconvoker). Also in non rpg related boards: MTG Salvation (Nope) and (BuckNasty).

Finally I would just like to say that I am always astounded by how great it is to be able to tap into the heart of our relatively small community, without having to go to a convention every week (though I did go to Gen Con with the Fear the Boot guys and had a great time). I reminds me that I'm not the only one in the world who not only plays RPG's, but who plays them the same ways that I do.

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