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Messages - TrigBen

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / [3.5] THW Bard/Warblade Maneuver Progression Help
« on: February 25, 2016, 08:32:57 PM »

Main Point of Post:I am seeking information and advice on my current maneuver progression.  In addition, I am curious as to which 5 maneuvers I should ready for combat.

This character will be joining the party at an ECL of 14. 

I'm loosely following the BladeSinger 3.5e Optimized build found at dandwiki. I plan on my character playing a lute instead of singing. In addition, I somewhat followed Keld Denar's two weapon kukri build's maneuver progression plan found at Giantitp.

The other additional PCs in the party are: (1) A tripper who uses a whip; (2) Sorcerer; (3) Druid; (4) Monk; (5) Archer; and some weird  (6) Factotum/Chameleon build.

Character: ECL 14 - Bard [4] Warblade [10]
Final Build: ECL 14 - Bard [4] Warblade [16]

I will be using a two-handed weapon (Greatsword).

(click to show/hide)

Maneuver/Stance Progression -
I picked maneuvers that fit well with the character's idiosyncrasies and qualities.  I know I don't have to have every little feat/maneuver etc. match up with the backstory, but I'd like for everything to make sense thematically and conceptually. 

The ideas I have in mind for the character are: he's sharp-witted, observant and mentally focused; disciplined and loyal; transitions between maneuvers/stances etc. with fluidity and natural order (an instinctual ability that involves presence and awareness)

He's not really a leader or combatant who unleashes his inner feral rage to attack.  That being said, he is dragontouched and therefore dragonblooded, but I've implemented it in such a way where it affects his musical prowess and not his civility or combativeness.  I may be totally off on this for the sake of DND Lore (I'm still learning the lore and how it effects each race), so any input would be nice. I liked the flavor of this for his backstory.

That being said, I didn't include the following maneuvers even though they are very effective: Raging Mongoose, Pouncing Charge, War Master's Charge etc.  Pretty much, I am staying away from any maneuver that involves the character to play or act in a "leader" type role or unleash feral rage or animal acts, I've decided to leave out.

I've chosen maneuvers that align thematically and conceptually with the character.  In addition, I made choices that utilize the effects of Stormguard Warrior and Robilar's Gambit.

Current Maneuver Progression:
(click to show/hide)

It'd be nice if I could fit in Lightning Recovery (IH) and/or Iron Heart Focus (IH) for more counters and the added synergy with Stance of Alacrity (DM), but I don't think it's possible.

I feel as though this progression fits well with backstory I've written for the character.  Is it the most optimized?  Most likely not... I'm probably gimping myself with the build, but I feel as though it will do fine into the later levels.  ECL 14 should still be fine - I can ready the following 5 maneuvers for combat: Dancing Mongoose (TC); Wall of Blades (IH); Iron Heart Surge (IH); White Raven Tactics (WR); and Sudden Leap (TC).

I've worked through different variations of the maneuver progression, and I've realized that most of the maneuvers stay relatively the same up to ECL 14.  I can always make changes as the campaign progresses along.   

Question 1: Am I totally gimping myself by trying to better align my character's maneuver progression to his backstory? Or, is it relatively solid? If not, I'm open for suggestions and have no problem switching some stuff around.

Edit: Spelling.

Sounds good! I like the idea of Celestial Lion for damage and Celestial Eagle for flight.  And, that works out perfectly, because I never chose a bonus language, so I can choose Celestial for flavor and be able to talk with the celestial summoned creatures and other good-aligned creatures.

As for Lastai's Caress.  It's from... Book of Exalted Deeds.  I'd copy and paste the spell in this post for convenience, but the description is quite long.  Let me know if it doesn't come up on google, and I can provide a link.  Depending on what you think, do you recommend a different level 2 spell?

I'll talk to my DM about Divination and modify spells from there according to your advice.

I'm ready to do the permanency stuff as soon as I level!  Thank you for that tidbit.

Thank you for a great read, stanprollyright.  You definitely provided some good knowledge on how to think as a front-liner and on how to balance chosen spells. I've taken away and added a few spells using your advice and input.

That being said, I want to briefly mention why I am holding on to certain spells, and if you feel my reasoning is off, please do say so.  If you have a better idea, I'll go for it.  I'm going for efficiency and effectiveness.  I have a feeling one of the members will be upset that I'm not going pure healer/buffer/remove [insert] build, but I have to get over it and just play the way I'd like to.

First, and most importantly, my DM banned DMM Persist and the business associated with it.  Sad times.

Second, I'm holding onto Divine Favor for two reasons: 1) It stacks with Divine Power; 2) We are heading into a dungeon and multiple encounters in a day are expected, so having more than one buff spell it will be nice.

Third, Sanctuary has some interesting flavor, IMO. If I'm not playing this "pure" cleric bot role, Sanctuary will provide an "oh shit" response to a sticky situation or a party member in poor positioning.

Fourth, I took your advice on grabbing a few debuffs: Lastai's Caress (no saving throw required).  The spell succeeds on a melee touch attack roll.  Also, I took Bestow Curse.  It seems to have some nice versatility to it. 

Fifth, I am having a hard time finding utility spells, but I think Divination provides some unique flavor and is useful in most situations (in and out of combat). 

Lastly, I haven't decided for sure, but I'm tempted to pick up Summon Monster IV.  I just feel weird summoning a spider or a Monster not of the same alignment as my cleric (neutral good).  And, in addition, I'm not sure how to role play my battle hungry melee cleric who's randomly summoning monsters... Lol.  Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.  I'm still looking into other Level 4 spells.  If I replace SMIV it'd probably be with Death Ward. 

It's hard dropping Recitation because on paper it looks solid (+2 to Atk Rolls and Saves while -2 to Atk rolls and saves to all foes).  I dropped it though for Divination and SMIV. 

The newest list:

Level 1: Protection from Evil (Buff), Lesser Vigor (Heal), Obscuring Mist (Control), Sanctuary (Buff/Control), Divine Favor (Buff)
Level 2: Silence (Control), Resist Energy (Buff/Support), Lesser Restoration (Support), Lastai's Caress (Debuff)
Level 3: Cure Serious Wounds (Heal), Dispel Magic (Debuff), Bestow Curse (Debuff)
Level 4: Divination (Utility), Summon Monster IV

Thank you for the response, stanprollyright!

1) My domains are: Sun, War and Time

2) I cannot spontaneously cast cure spells, because I took a variant called "Spontaneous Divine Casters".  This variant prevents me from spontaneous casting cure and inflict spells.  However, Ordained Champion has an ability that allows me to spontaneous cast War Domain spells when sacrificing a turn undead attempt.  In summary and to answer your question strictly, I am not able to spontaneously cast cure spells.

3) This ties into "2".  Because, I have the Spontaneous Divine Caster variant, I forgo my ability to prepare different spells daily; therefore, the spells I choose are locked.  I am turning level 12, so I am able switch out older spells for newer ones (I am allowed to do this every 4 levels). 

4) I've examined the Cleric Handbook and have done my best integrating some of those spells along with other spells I and others deem "useful".

5) I have read a bunch about Summon Monster Spells, and while I believe they are strong and useful, I find that they don't fit the theme of my character very well.  In other words, I have opted out of picking those spells for flavor and play-style reasons.

In conclusion, it'll be interesting to read what you write in response to this post seeing as though you may have a different train of thought. 

Lastly, I do have to apologize for how much I wrote initially, but there was a lot to cover. While the block of text is a lot, it did include most of the answers to your questions.

Thank you again!

After some more research, I have made some changes to the list of spells for Level 12:

Level 0: Detect Magic, Light, Guidance, Read Magic, Resistance, Enhance Diplomacy, Mending
Level 1: Divine Favor (Buff), Protection from Evil (Buff - Support), Lesser Vigor (Heal), Obscuring Mist (Control), and Sanctuary (Buff/Control)
Level 2: Silence (Control), Resist Energy (Buff/Support), Lesser Restoration (Support), Divine Insight (Buff)
Level 3: Cure Serious Wounds (Heal), Dispel Magic (Debuff), Remove Curse (Support)
Level 4: Greater Magic Weapon (Buff), Recitation (Complete Divine - Buff)
Level 5: 0

*Semi-Long Read*


After some googling and reading around, I've determined there are too many good spells in DnD 3.5. I'm having trouble picking/finding spells most efficient and effective for the theme of my character. I'm hoping to receive some input and advice from others that have more knowledge of this stuff than I do.

My character is an ECL of 12 and is composed of a Cleric lvl 4 / O.C. lvl 5 / Radiant servant of pelor lvl 1 and Fist of Raziel level 2. My party is composed of a Druid, Sorcerer, Monk, Whip-Tripper and Bard.
While my character started out in more passive role i.e. support/healer with damage output second, I've decided to make my character a little more focused and less diverse in the many different roles of dnd: support/buffer/debuffer/healer/dmg/controller/caster etc.

From level 12 on I plan to have the theme of my character be more front-line/tankish/dps oriented with a 2-handed greatsword while still being able to provide some support (buffs? debuffs? control?) to the party. As a side note: it's been pointed out to me by a fellow party member that I'm playing my character inefficiently and should be focused primarily on buffing/debuffing/healing/control, because - you know - that's the stereotype of a cleric.

Anyway, that being said, my caster level is 9, so the number of spells known are:

Level 0: 8
Level 1: 5
Level 2: 4
Level 3: 3
Level 4: 2
Level 5: 0

For clarity, I should point out that I don't have the ability to spontaneous cast cure spells (replace one of my spells for an equivalent cure spell). Instead, I am able to spontaneous cast my war domain spells by sacrificing a spell.

The spells I finalize at level 12 stick with me until level 16 and cannot be switched out.

I haven't selected my final spells for level 12 yet, but the spells I have in mind are:

Level 0: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Read Magic, Resistance, Enhance Diplomacy, Mending
Level 1: Divine Favor (Buff), Shield of Faith (Buff - Support), Cure Light Wounds (Heal), Obscuring Mist (Control), and Doom (Debuff)
Level 2: Silence (Control), Resist Energy (Buff - Support), Lesser Restoration (Support), Bear's Endurance (Buff - +4 Con)
Level 3: Cure Serious Wounds (Heal), Dispel Magic (Debuff), Knight's Move (Control - Positioning)
Level 4: Greater Magic Weapon (Buff), Blessing of Fervor (Buff)
Level 5: 0

My domain spells (war, time, and sun) are:

Level 0:
Level 1: Endure Elements, Magic Weapon, True Strike
Level 2: Heat Metal, Spiritual Weapon, Gentle Repose
Level 3:Searing Light, Magic Vestment, Haste
Level 4: Divine Power, Fire Shield, Freedom of Movement
Level 5: Flame Strike, Flame Strike, Permanency

In conclusion, while keeping in mind the overall theme of my character: front-line/tankish/dps oriented while still being able to provide some support (buffs? debuffs? control?) etc. to the party, am I picking spells that are not very useful? Are there other spells more suitable for how I'd like to play my character and still be able to contribute to the party?

Any input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading through this post.

Sweet, thanks for the confirmation, Chemus.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi
« on: November 02, 2014, 05:14:50 PM »
Fair enough.  I will check the 3.5 cleric handbook from this site out.  I'll read it in more detail to see if it covers Action Economy at all. 

Okay, Chemus.  So, my table stands correct?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi
« on: November 02, 2014, 02:28:26 PM »
Thank you for the suggestion.  I will definitely check "Action Economy" out.

I'm currently playing a battle-cleric (cleric/ordained champion/fist of raziel - My DM isn't allowing DMM, which is fine with me) in a campaign, so it will be nice to learn how to manage my actions better etc.

If you have an sources you recommend, please link them to me.

Thank you Soro_Lost for the response.

The table neatly clarifies the information I was curious about.

To conclude this topic: if I have a Wisdom ability score of 18 (an ability modifier of 4), would the table look as such?


Hello All,

I am hoping to receive some clarification in regards to the spontaneous divines casters variant from the Unearthed Arcana book.

Edit: Here's a link to the variant -

Also, it can be found on Chapter 2: Classes - Page 64 - Section titled: Spontaneous Divine Casters of the Unearthed Arcana book.

In general, I am having trouble understanding how many "Spell slots" and "Spells Known" I have.

Here's an example using my current character:

If my character is a level 4 cleric and level 4 Ordained Champion (Level 8 overall character), I would be a level 6 caster. Therefore, when looking at the S.D.C. Spells Known table, I would have seven level-0 spells, four level-1 spells, two level-2 spells, and 1 level-3 spell known, correct?

For "Spell Slots" I would have seven level-0 spells, 5 level-1 spells, 3 level-2 spells, and 2 level-3 spells, correct? I have 18 Wisdom. In other words, I could cast any of my four level-1 spells five times a day, right?

Hope I am on the right track. This is all very confusing for me. I really appreciate the help.

Thanks in advance!

Introduce Yourself / Hi
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:19:02 PM »
Hello All,

I am new to DnD, so I hope to receive some advice and learn from others that have a good understanding of the game.

Thanks in advance.

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