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Messages - SuperSabre

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Im going to use the swordsage UA option just as you suggest but I think Im going to limit them to the Shadow Discipline.
The Shadow discipline seems to work perfect for Drow and Im going to use the no LA thing. I mean let them advance a touch slower but gain all their lvls seems much more fun and even handed.

I looked up the sword sage and he does look pretty close to what I was thinking of.

A couple things.

1) rather than light armor and melee weapons
--no melee weapons or armor but get monks ua attacks (includinf flurry), ac bonus and movement?

2)change the sense magic to only sensing items that he can use

3) change the lvl 20 specials to lvl 18 so a Drow can get them (no lvl 20 due to +2 la)

Sound reasonable?

I saw a pic of the Hex Draagon and I think he looks sweet but alas I cant find any information on it.  :banghead

Thanks guys,

This is the angle Im leaning towards.

The players will be part of a lesser house. The Matron had a relationship with a Dragon and thus the half breed. She hid the fact of his birth from the other family members and outsisders and rasied him in secret adding a 3rd son to the house (technically). Because she did this so well etc Lolth is pleased with the matrons deviousness. I think the elder male will be murdered thus leaving only the two male players as House males.

There is talk of a rival House gathering power to attack her House. The Matron is now ready to make a move so she has introduced the half breed to her family (not admitting to him being a sibling) and is sending them to make a pact with the Dragon for aid.
The Dragon will offer aid if proper preparations are made (I havent figured that all out yet).
I thought part of the prearations would be to clear an Underdark route to their Houses compound from a tunnel near the Dragons lair. I thought a Black Dragon may be a good choice as a moat type defence for the House may be interesting. Also having the compound of the House being floodable would be interesting. Also the tunnel that they are clearing out could be partially submerged thus aiding to the Dragons aquatic natuture and making life more difficult for others.

I am open to other Dragon ideas though. I thought a Deep Dragon would be a good choice too. having humanoid forms plus swim and burrow skills is very versatile. I know a Fang Dragon is CN in alignment but I thought given good reasons of self preservation (and a Fang not normally being in the Underdark) might be a good enough reason for careful cooperation.

Oh, the wyrmling will be more of a NpC. It will cause trouble but also help. It is the runt of the litter and thus has damaged wings. The wyrmling is actually extremely powerful and once its wings heal could be a powerful asset for the House in the centuries to come. In truth starting out it will be more of an annoyance for the players but will test their patience and obedience to their Matron. It will also repeat (often) how anything he sees that he doesnt like will be reported to the matron. Whether he does this or not will reply on how well he is adored by those around him.

This will be a fresh campaign in one of the cities of Undrek'Thoz.

Im also looking at making a varient monk class suitabe for Drow. In the Underdark book they say Undrek'Thoz actually have an assasination order of Monks called the Black Fist (they coat their right hands in something dark). For this class I was thinking of a mix of Blackgruard, Monks of the Long Death. I also thought a shadow form ability with them actually becoming Shades at lvl 20 would be very Drow. I see them inadvertantly worshiping Bane or even Bhaal though they dont know it.

I also just looked up Deepwyrm Drow. I think the Nobles will be Deepwyrm Drow if they so choose. The Deep Dragon idea is starting to grab my interest more and more lol

Well, what do you think?

One of their Houses main allies is going to be a Dragon while one of the players is going to play as a Halfdragon of that species.

The group will have a wyrmling with wing issues (no flight).

What Im wondering is what do you think would be an interesting Draconic ally for their House?

Im a bit torn.

A Black dragon. Their house would have a large moat etc and the bottom level could be flooded to provide protection. Would also be able to have some interesting story as to why a Black or Fang dragon would be in the Underdark thus making sense for alliances.

A Fang dragon with their House perched on the side of the cavern providing a sort of Underdark mountainside.

A Deep Dragon. This would be the easiest choice I suppose.  They naturally live in the Underdark. They often have alliances with Drow and even gain the ability to change form into a winged snake or humanoid.

What do you guys think? This will be a strongly "Drow" inspired family campaign. Meaning they wont back stab each other (much) but will gladly do it to others.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: December 25, 2014, 08:38:38 PM »
Thanks for all the suggestions and tips guys.

For alignment Im leaning towards CN.

As for liking him, yeah I do lol.

This is a new group of players so what Im doing is making two NpC's that after the initial (short) adventure they can choose to invite to help on quests or now.
If they feel they need raw power they will most probably chose this guy.

The other NpC that Im introducing with Creed is a beautiful female Wild elf that had half her face ripped off by zombies. She is a rogue when the event takes place but soon pledges herself to Shevrash (the elven god of vengeance) and will end up a Skull hunter.

Hassliche Narbe, wild elf rogue
S  16
I  10
W 16
C  18 
D  19
Cha 8 (due to terrible scaring and anger)

The whole adventure will be based around undead.

I figured this way the players could lean on different NpC's as they see fit. If the meeting goes bad they may not even let any of these out of their prisons so perhaps these two will end up being enemies rather than quasi friends.

We shall see what happens based on the players interactions and decisions.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: November 26, 2014, 01:47:36 AM »
Thank you all for your suggestions.
I think I have settled on a razorclaw Shifter with the feral template.
He will have d8 claws a high movement, fast healing and NA.
He does have a -6 on his intelligence though.
He will go down the barb3/ranger1/warshaper1/were touched master 5 then either more barb or warshaper levels. He will be as close to Sabretooth as I can get him I think while staying completely in the rules.
lvl 2 Stats (lvl 1 barb +1 feral template)
str    24
int    8 or 10
wis 16 or 14
dex 16
con 18
cha 10
What Im wondering is the stats I have to play with leave me at 8 int and 16 wisdom or 10 int and 14 wis. For flavour I actually think the lower int with a higher wis makes sense but I hate having a -1.
What do you guys think? Also, what alignment do you think suits him? Id like him to be as savage as he can be while still not eager to tear into the fellow players.
For feats Im going to go down the shifters pounce tree. It totally suits Sabretooth.


D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Undead campaign with a monstrous rogue
« on: November 25, 2014, 08:15:35 PM »
Im starting a 3.3 undead campaign. Most of the enemies will be undead but one of the main NpCs will be a rogue skull hunter. For race Im leaning towards Gnoll. Any ideas on the proper build and feats for a Gnoll thief/cleric/skull hunter?

If you think theres a better monstrous race for this idea Im open to suggestions.


D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:25:57 AM »
The Feral template looks like a good idea.

Anthromorphics just look a tad too animal fotr what Im aiming for but they are very interesting.

razorclaw/longtooth feral/shifter with barbarian and ranger lvls.
That sounds interesting. I do remember the kensai class but I would think as he levels he could get bracers or NA or something like that

Im thinking of having him actually be a demi god of Malar who turned away from his father and in punishment had his memorey wiped.

Is there not a druid class that affects natural weapons? Fot the life of me I cant remember what Im half remembering.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: November 24, 2014, 09:52:35 PM »
I also thought how could I change the weretiger template to not allow a human or animal form but only have one form, the hybrid.
That would certainly look and feel like Sabretooth. So he would get stats and abilities but not the other forms. What whould the ECL be without the other forms? +2 ecl rather than+3?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Im actually an Old school DnD player.....
« on: November 24, 2014, 07:06:03 PM »
I started playing with AD&D and now I prefer my home in 3.5.
Im also a cosplayer that loves Marvels Sabretooth.

Im trying to build a charachter for a new Horror based game Im creating. My stepdaughter loves the Walking Dead and the campaign world will be under the atatck of zombie hordes (Im trying to hook her). Those Hordes will be controlled by vampire overlords then perhaps a Lich at the top tier.

I want to build a lvl 20 NpC thats a Shiter or Weretouched based on my favourite charachter Sabretooth. I was thinking a Razorclaw and Longtooth shifter. As for classes, PrC, feats Im not sure. Im very out of practice. Perhaps a barbarian/ranger build using his natural weapons as his primary attacks?
Im a little lost as to how to make his a viable combatant using his natural weapons etc. I even thought a druid might work and I thought I membered a druid prc that builds off natural weapons rather than wild shape but I cant remember.

Pls help me flush this idea out. He doesnt need to be the strongest guy in the group but Id like him to be viable and terrifying in his primalness.

Introduce Yourself / Hello all
« on: November 24, 2014, 06:56:52 PM »
Ive been playing DnD since I was 10 or so and thats a good 35 years of travelled road. I use to be on top of things but over the last 5 years my knowledge has really slipped. Im here to try and get my head on straight ;)

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