« on: December 23, 2014, 12:24:20 PM »
I've always felt very "meh" about traps in general. I usually don't even use them as a DM, and when I do, it essentially boils down to me throwing some validation at the Rogue. For me it boils down to "exploitation of weakness" is how I think you worded it. If there is a giant weakness due to a small party, I am not going to hold it against them. If I have ten 8th level characters in the party and not a single person has a ranged option, every other person in the world just sprouted wings.
I don't care if the party has the classic: Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Cleric. But I do expect them to have spell casting, melee, and ranged combat covered. If one of these things is not covered, I will make the party regret it.