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Messages - amack308

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Jade Phoenix Staff Build
« on: December 07, 2014, 07:18:10 AM »
So I am seeking not only to ask about the effectiveness of my build but also to find creative or simple ways to improve my build in a campaign I am in.

I am playing as a Tiefling Duskblade (3) at the moment.

My projected build at the moment is
Duskblade 5
Swordsage 2
Jade Phoenix Mage 10

Currently Wielding a masterwork shortsword and light wooden shield. Just got a Masterwork Greataxe which is likely my new main weapon til later on.
Feats: Battlecaster Offensive and Somatic Weaponry (which I'm likely to try to retrain down the line for Arcane Strike). Down the line I'd like to switch to either a Runestaff or Quarterstaff as the main discipline I'm going to grab is Setting Sun.

I'm avoiding spike chain to not be a copy of another Party Member who is focusing on it, I would rather keep melee as my build is based around diving into the enemies.

I'd like feedback on what items I should try to pickup first, or any other melee weapon suggestions that could be useful with the available disciplines to swordsage.

Introduce Yourself / Special play.
« on: December 07, 2014, 04:18:14 AM »
'elo, I commonly run with 3.5, path, and 4e as my playstyles.

I commonly make characters that have social issues similar to my own (socially awkward). These characters are usually accidentally cocky or just ignore others when information is needed.
Currently in 2 campaigns; both 3.5.  My characters are usually melee based even if a caster. Running Favored Soul and Duskblade atm in the campaigns I'm in, and seeking to DM a campaign around players with Flaws and Traits upcoming.

From Florida and I sometimes do online campaigns with groups via roll20.

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