Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v7.0 - Now with +15% more reposts!
« on: May 26, 2017, 11:11:06 PM »
Ghostwalk states that Undead can use Charisma to determine the duration of their Rage:
...also, less obscure:
Heartripper or Clutch of Orcus should seriously reduce the removal time.
Quote from: Ghostwalk p.155
Barbarian: There are not many barbarians among the undead, but gangs of barbarian ghouls and ghasts are used as shock troops by the more powerful lords of Xaphan. A raging undead barbarian does not gain an increase in Constitution (or anything dependent upon Constitution such as hit points or Fortitude saves) but uses its normal Charisma modifier instead of its Constitution modifier to determine how long a rage lasts. Because undead are immune to fatigue, an undead barbarian is not penalized when a rage ends.
...also, less obscure:
Quote from: Monster Manual p.293
Charisma: A creature’s Charisma modifier affects the save DC for any spell-like abilities it has. Use Charisma for anything pitting the creature’s will against an opponent, such as gaze attacks, charms, compulsions, and energy drain effects. Also use Charisma for any DC that normally would be based on an ability score the creature does not have. For example, undead have no Constitution score, so any poison attack an undead creature has would use Charisma to determine the save DC.
And it states it must happen within 1 minute of the corpse having died, so you have almost a full minute to haphazardly tear a heart out of a chest; a fairly easy thing when you think of it as almost 10 entire rounds worth of actions.
Heartripper or Clutch of Orcus should seriously reduce the removal time.