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Messages - Thurbane

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v7.0 - Now with +15% more reposts!
« on: May 26, 2017, 11:11:06 PM »
Ghostwalk states that Undead can use Charisma to determine the duration of their Rage:

Quote from: Ghostwalk p.155
Barbarian: There are not many barbarians among the undead, but gangs of barbarian ghouls and ghasts are used as shock troops by the more powerful lords of Xaphan. A raging undead barbarian does not gain an increase in Constitution (or anything dependent upon Constitution such as hit points or Fortitude saves) but uses its normal Charisma modifier instead of its Constitution modifier to determine how long a rage lasts. Because undead are immune to fatigue, an undead barbarian is not penalized when a rage ends.

...also, less obscure:

Quote from: Monster Manual p.293
Charisma: A creature’s Charisma modifier affects the save DC for any spell-like abilities it has. Use Charisma for anything pitting the creature’s will against an opponent, such as gaze attacks, charms, compulsions, and energy drain effects. Also use Charisma for any DC that normally would be based on an ability score the creature does not have. For example, undead have no Constitution score, so any poison attack an undead creature has would use Charisma to determine the save DC.


And it states it must happen within 1 minute of the corpse having died, so you have almost a full minute to haphazardly tear a heart out of a chest; a fairly easy thing when you think of it as almost 10 entire rounds worth of actions.

Heartripper or Clutch of Orcus should seriously reduce the removal time.  ;)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v7.0 - Now with +15% more reposts!
« on: December 27, 2016, 04:40:56 PM »
to the '73 The Hues Corporation tune Rock The Boat :

Nerf the Nerf
don't nerf the nerf baby
Nerf the Nerf
don't nerf the nerf over
Nerf the Nerf

Or to the tune of the '75 Parliament track Give Up The Funk...

Ow, we want the nerf
Give up the nerf
Ow, we need the nerf
We gotta have that nerf

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v7.0 - Now with +15% more reposts!
« on: March 11, 2016, 07:48:06 AM »
Fairly sure that this would have been covered before, but the Poison Ring (Dragon Compendium p.115) is simple light weapon. The obvious intention was for it to be a poison delivery method. However, as far as I can tell, it has the "side effect" of being a weapon that always uses a touch attack roll to deal damage. The wording is a bit weird as to how exactly it is used, but I'd say there's a good case for my reading. I think the RAI was that you can't use it to deliver poison/touch attack if anyone spots that it isn't just a normal ring.

I can imagine that being pretty useful for Sneak Attacks and similar...

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: How does a Bard do the necromancy thing?
« on: June 27, 2015, 09:23:08 PM »
What does it do? Cause I can't remember Cure spells actually being useful for a bard  :p

Adds one spell known to each spells level:

1 Cause Fear
2 Ghoul Touch
3 Vampiric Touch
4 Contagion
5 Dominate Person (already on the Bard 4 list)
6 Eyebite (already on the Bard 6 list)

...admittedly, not as useful for a Bard as for a Sorcerer.

It's also a gateway feat to get Kin Mastery, which lets you turn or rebuke undead.

The same book also has Song of the Dead, which allows your mind-affecting spells to affect intelligent undead.

I know this is 3.5, but I think most of these options existed in 3.0:

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: How does a Bard do the necromancy thing?
« on: June 24, 2015, 07:11:20 AM »
The Necromantic Bloodline feat from Dragon Compendium isn't a bad option for a Necro-bard, but it does mean you lose Cure spells.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.P Dispel Master
« on: February 07, 2015, 06:15:30 PM »
A spontaneous arcane caster can get Turn Undead with the Necromantic Bloodline + Kin Mastery (Dragon Compendium), although it will only get you one use.

I know you're not keen on a spontaneous caster, but Beguiler gets Dispel Magic and Greater Dispel Magic...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v6.0
« on: January 24, 2015, 05:47:05 PM »
Some interesting things from the Shackled City adventure path (hardcover):

*) Practiced Magic: like Practiced Spellcaster, but for SLAs. Good for advanced monsters or multiclassed Warlocks etc.
(click to show/hide)

*) High Handcrafter PrC: 3/5 spell casting progression OR (and this is the good part) 3 bonus feats - great for any feat starved build (d6 HD, medium BAB, good Fort and Will saves, 6 skills points/level [set skill list plus any 6 additional skills of your choice], rebuke/command Earth creatures, craft a magic item known as an Earth Talisman that grants certain spells 1/day each).

Gaming Advice / Re: Non-living Mindless Incorporeal Creature?
« on: August 22, 2012, 10:55:05 PM »
The Phantom template (MM5) can be applied to "any corporeal creature". It doesn't technically give the Incorporeal subtype, but on any creature of CR5 or higher it can become incorporeal or corporeal as a swift action. Slap the template on any mindless, corporeal creature of CR5 or higher, and it meets all of the OP reqs.

Aside from that, no, don't know of any such beastie without using templates.

Gaming Advice / Re: Imbuing Spells Into Weapons
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:19:21 PM »
If I'm reading it correctly, the Smiting Spell metamagic feat (PHB2 p.92) should work for thrown weapons.

I thought Ordained Champion (CC p.90) might work, but it's channeling ability seems to be limited to melee weapons as well.

Gaming Advice / Re: Movement-based abilities
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:15:05 PM »
Are you willing to take some Binder levels? If so, bind Paimon, and you can make one attack against every creature you move past in a single movement , once every 5 rounds.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wiseguys in D&D
« on: July 29, 2012, 10:18:48 PM »
Most "Thieves Guild" type fluff (and crunch) can be fairly well applied to a Mafia-esque organization.

One of the sections in UA/SRD acytually has a suggested "code" as follows:
The “code of silence” of the Cosa Nostra isn’t codified or written down. It makes a good code for a thieves’ guild or other criminal organization. One interpretation is as follows.
  • Do what you’re told by your superiors.
    Always look out for ways to make money for the Family.
    Do not hide or hold back money from the Family.
    Respect your elders in the Family, and in the Organization in general.
    Never let a debt go unpaid.
    Never be late paying your debts.
    Don’t get caught.
    If you do get caught, keep your mouth shut.

dipolartech  - oh yes, I agree with that. I love this guide...I just think it's worth a mention that a DM might want to be cautious about tweaking monsters too much if his players are inexperienced or otherwise not up to the challenge.

In a high-op group, I'd have no problem tweaking monsters for all they are worth to challenge the party.

I would say the magical location boosts would fall into the same category as magic items that give permanent boosts (like Tome's etc.) - if the enemy is using NPC WBL, I would recommend deducting the suggested GP equivalent from his gear.

As much as I love the idea of optimizing monsters, if you layer too many things onto a foe and don't increase their CR, you may just be giving your players the royal screwjob. Remember that the DMG meantions at least a couple of times that CR ratings are more guildelines than hard and fast rules, and recommend adjusting CRs ad-hoc where it seems appropriate.

While you can layer a crapton of stuff on a monster that doesn't increase it's CR by RAW, IMHO, you should do so sparingly...

I seem to remember reading somewhere that the core re-prints would include errata. Am I imagining things?

No you're not imagining it, it's in the article JohnnyMayHymn linked. 
Quote from:
On sale September 18, these 3.5 Edition premium reprints feature new covers and the latest errata
Note that it says the latest errata, not that they'd necessarily be writing new errata.

Cool, thank you - that link was blocked by the internet filter on the PC I am using.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Free feats
« on: July 22, 2012, 10:34:17 PM »
I've always wondered about the wording of the bonus Vile feats you can get by worshipping an Elder Evil. Is the 1 feat/5 HD retrospective, or only from when you actually start worshipping?
Also, due to the exact wording, I believe you are restricted to only those Vile feats that are listed in the accompanying table in Edler Evils...which is a shame, since there are other (and often more useful) Vile feats in other sources.

I seem to remember reading somewhere that the core re-prints would include errata. Am I imagining things?

Gaming Advice / [3.5] Diehard Feat
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:57:43 PM »
OK, this is probably really dumb, but my group has some disagreements about exactly how the Diehard feat works (despite it being fairly clearly spelled out).

My understanding is that once you are below 0 hit points (but above -10) you are both conscious and stabilized. You can act normally, however, any standard action (and other action the DM rules as strenuous) causes another hit point of damage (unless that action restores HP).

For instance, my Dwarf Fighter with the Diehard feat is on 5hp. He gets hit by a crossbow bolt for 7hp, taking him to -2. He's still conscious and stable, so he takes a move action to move up to the crossbowman, and then takes a standard action to swing at him with his waraxe. This drops him to -3hp, but he is still conscious and stable.

Do I have this right?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Unusual Gishes
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:48:20 PM »
There was a post over on the official WotC forums a long time back, that made my sides hurt from laughing...sadly been lost in the many revisisons to their boards AFAIK.

It was something to the effect of "Oh hi, welcome to the Forgotten Realms. It's a land of munchkins, where almost every named NPC will have more Wizard or Cleric levels than anyone in your party. As soon as you hit level 20, you get to join an exclusive club. The initiation rite is that you have to give a sponge bath to Elminster - please be warned that he is both senile and incontinent, so he's likely to unleash epic magic against you at some point for being a stranger in his bathroom".

Death Devotion to inflict negative levels with your weapon? Limited by max number of levels (per victim) based on 1/4 your own, though.

If you want Whilwind attack, you can get enough levels of Binder to bind Paimon, avoiding the pre-req feats. Stack on as much reach as you can get to attack everyone in your radius.

Maybe a Vorpal weapon when you can afford it, and the luck feat that allows you to treat natural 1s as 20s...

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