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Messages - Loki

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Min/Max 3.x / Pathfinder Arcanist Occultist Tipps needed
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:34:09 AM »
Hello there :)

I'm playing in a Pathfinder group, we're at third lvl by now.
Since now i was a Master Summoner, but last week we had our first "real" fight and my dm (+my group) said it may be fine if i change my class.
Because Master Summoner seems way too strong. Can't deny that.

So i'm searching another Summoner flavor class and i happened to find the Arcanist Occultist.
Seems like this may be the class i will stick to.
But how to build a fluff and cool Occultist? I could really use some input from you guys.

As i said, we're at third level
Attributes are:
10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16 - in any Order^^
Race is Halfelf or maybe human
Aligment is Neutral Evil
I want some cool kind of familiar with UMD, the Imp could be kind of neat.
The only Feats i know i will need are:
Spell Focus Conjuration, Augment Summoning and Superior Summoning. Maybe later lvl Evolved Summoning.

What else could be good?
I may need some other things then Summoning cuz Occultists cant have the full load of summons out at the same time.

Thanks for your help, i appreciate it.

Hi there :)
I'm quoting the Monk Handbook from the Handbooks Section

"Paladin: Yeah, you heard me right.  Want insane saves?  Or wisx2 to AC?  Two levels here get you wis to either saves or AC.  Wait, but I thought it was cha to saves?  Dragon Compendium has a feat called Serenity.  It keys your paladin abilities off of wisdom.  There is an alternate class feature that subs the save boost for an AC boost.  Coupled with full BAB and an alright spell list it’s not the worst dip for monks."

Where is this alternate class feature i cant find it.
And my DungeonMaster wants more as a proof than this Handbook ;)
Please help me ^^

I wanna do my Monk/Paladin Combo ;p

Introduce Yourself / Just Sayin hi!
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:03:55 PM »
Hello everyone!  :)

My name is Daniel, I'm here for Dungeons and Dragons / Pathfinder.
My biggest non Gaming hobby is the zoo, I'm working in the zoo too^^
I'm living in Germany, Sachsen.

So - There's my hi! :)

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