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Messages - blooddrop

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / [3.5e] 11th level archivist build
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:17:43 PM »
Hello folks!

i'm about to start a new campaign and i would love to finally try out an archivist! The campaign starts at level 11, all books allowed (no dragon mag or online stuff).

Stats are really good (got some epic rolls!)
str 10
dex 15
cos 16
int 18
wis 14
char 14

I should be able to get pretty much any spell (southern magician stuff is allowed and DM said it wont be too hard to find scrolls)
not sure on what to focus: a gish sounds cool (maybe with some polymorph+cleric buffs?), but i was also thinking about making a metamagic build of some sorts as i should be able to get turning attempts from holt warden for divine metamagic (going be an evil this time so no sacred exorcist!). And what about summoning? too many options :P

thanks for the help!

Introduce Yourself / hello
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:04:33 PM »
hello everyone!

I love playng D&D and starcraft 2, and also enjoy basketball and martial arts!

see you around!

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