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Messages - Eledan

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] Super Sneaky Rogue
« on: March 25, 2016, 10:55:34 AM »
Thanks for your help. I really like the idea of the Cleric domain powers. I was unfortunately told by the DM that whisper gnome is not what he is looking for in this campaign and that he'd rather stick to mostly core races so I'm going with halfling(strongheart variant). Mostly I think the whisper gnome is just a bit too well tuned for what he has in mind.

BTW, any chance you know where to find a list of the God's that grant the domains in the SC? I probably will just cherry pick my own, but I just want to know for future reference. Again, thanks for your help in this.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] Super Sneaky Rogue
« on: March 09, 2016, 09:38:59 AM »
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. My group is just coming off an absurdly high magic campaign(we regularly have 2 million gp in magic items each), and the new DM is planning on making this a much lower magic campaign. I will definitely look for the various stealth magic items but I doubt I'll be able to count on them.

Anyways, as far as builds I was looking into doing something like 6 Rogue/1 Shadowdancer/2 Cleric/10 Shadowspy. It sounded interesting and gave a couple of fun abilities.

Also, reading what you guys said I was very interested in looking into using the illusionist wizard variant. I would probably take wizard to a max of 5. For a build like 5 Rogue/5 Illusionist what would be any recommendations for prestige classes that would work well to maximize stealth?

Min/Max 3.x / [3.5] Super Sneaky Rogue
« on: March 03, 2016, 04:17:06 PM »
Hey All,

So I want to try my hand at building a guy who never is seen ever and is also sometimes able to do slightly more than that. Right now my thoughts are to go with a whisper gnome rogue that I will level into a shadowdancer at lvl 6. The point buy for the game is 28. The campaign is going to be really low magic and I don't know the exact level target but I would guess it'll go to around 15.  We will be starting at level 1.

I think what I'm looking for most is class or prestige class recommendations, feat recommendations, or something else that can make me the sneakiest thing around. I also am looking for a bit of advice on how to make a character like this useful to the party. Sneaking after all isn't real an end in and of itself so I'd like to be more useful than just saying "I can't be seen guys, but good luck!"

I believe all WOTC books will be allowed so no dragon mag, or D20 system stuff but pretty much everything else.

Here is my stats and feat choices so far for a level 1 whisper gnome. I'm definitely willing to change.

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 14
Wis 12
Int 14
Cha 10

Combat Reflexes

Thanks in advance for your help.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Warmage Blaster Build
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:27:36 PM »
Thanks for all the help!

I'll have to ask the dm on the War Mage, it sounds pretty great though. The only problem is that since my int is my key stat my Cha is pretty poor.

Stormcaster looks great.

My problem with spelldancer as well as some of the others is the feat tax to get in. I am just really strapped to get all the feats I need to qualify and then all the ones I need to be good.

As I assume is normal for reserves of strength I'll have to confirm the DM is ok with the reading that it breaks open the cap. If so that is an awesome feat.

I currently have both those rings and a unique bracers that is a RoML, free(ish) maximize or energy admixture on electricity spells, and free untyped caster level thing.

Also, do you know does a RoM... add its damage each time to spell that last longer than instantaneous(Wreathe in flames etc as you suggested)?

Again, thanks for all the input.

Min/Max 3.x / Warmage Blaster Build
« on: March 17, 2015, 10:02:04 AM »
Ok, so first a disclaimer. I know that I am probably not as optimized as I could be at blasting, but I would appreciate any help I can get.

So currently in a game where the whole party are planetouched Genasi. We're basically planehopping looking for treasure. My character is a fire Genasi warmage. Quirk about the game we are all commissioned to be doing our adventuring by our Elemental Lords(gods). Because of this we started out with a perk that sometimes broke the RAW for our characters. So for me my main casting stat is Int as opposed to cha. This obviously makes the power level go up significantly. I am currently going towards being a metamagic specialist.  Anyways on to the numbers.

I'm currently a Warmage 7/Incantatrix 3
I got Iron Will from a pregame Birth Chart

I've taken a couple early feats to boost caster level to fire spells such as bloodline of fire and elemental spellcasting.

I also have some metamagics: Searing Spell, Empower Spell, and Sudden Empower

Lastly I've taken the healing domain with the Arcane Disciple Feat to be a bit of a field medic as well. (The flexibility has been nice)

So I guess what I'm looking for help with is what can I do to maximize from here? I have looked down a couple of paths but I'm not sure if its the best I can do. The campaign is to Level 20.

After the few beginning shenanigans the game is mostly RAW and the allowed books are all official WOTC material.

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

Introduce Yourself / Hey Guys
« on: March 17, 2015, 09:45:39 AM »

I'm excited to join this new community. As far as RPG's go I am currently playing DnD 3.5 and enjoy it quite a bit. I also play many different board games. Some of my favorites are Power Grid, Acquire, Catan, and others that I can't think of right now. I'm currently living in the chicagoland area. I don't frequent most message boards, but I was hoping to basically go here to talk DnD(at least that is my initial impetus for coming here). Anyways, hope to meet more of you during my time here.



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