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Messages - Xenorath

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Thanks to both of you XD
Now to figure out how to mark this as answered ... and found

Gaming Advice / Using Feats granted by magic items for prerequisites.
« on: April 10, 2015, 11:02:45 AM »

So I want to play a mounted combatant that charges and overruns their foes.

I've been using the Mount Handbook heavily:

Riding BootsMIC: For 12,000gp you get +5 to Ride checks, Ride-by Attack as a bonus feat, and a boost to the power of Spirited Charge if you have it.

But I'm confused in how the boots work in entirety.
If I have the Boots of Riding (and Battle Bridle)

- Can I take Spirited Charge as a feat and use the 2 magic items to fill in for some of my prerequisites (Mounted Combat and Ride By Attack)?
- If I use a different mount/unequip the magic items: I presume I'd lose access to Spirited Charge.


Gaming Advice / Re: Clerical Cohort Advice please
« on: April 02, 2015, 03:44:28 AM »
Party composition:
Scout 3/ Ranger 6
Ranger 6/Druid 3
Brawler 9 (slightly modified monk class)
Rogue 5/Beguiler 3/ Shadow Dancer 1

Also a fighter 7 hireling (Tower shielding specialist)

As for deity, probably Pelor using Healing and Good domains but again open to suggestions
However since I'm a paladin and cleric of Heironeous the choice is kinda limited to LG, LN, NG.

As for source material anything except psionics. (even homebrew is allowed if the DM okays it but I'd prefer to keep away from that, this is just a cohort
EDIT: we're gonna play at least another 3 levels if not 6

Gaming Advice / Clerical Cohort Advice please
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:33:59 PM »
Hi All (First post, please don't hold back I open t suggestions)

tl-dr (summary thing)

Long part:
So I'm part of a game we've just hit 9th level now, I'm running a DMM Dip-tastic Cleric (Cloister Cleric 3 - Church Inquisitor  2 - Prestige Paladin 3 - [Ordained Champion 1 or Divine disciple 1])
My build is pretty solid as a gishy kinda guy but I'm keen to pick up Leadership and want to make my cohort a pure support role.

The limitation on the cleric is one base class + one prestige class.

Given the cohort will be level 7 All i have so far is
Human cleric 7
Spell focus (abjuration)
Greater Spell Focus (abjuration)
Imbued Healing
Augment Healing

The basic idea being Round 1 cast sanctuary DC 19 on itself.
Then run around just buffing and healing as need be.

Since it will be a cleric I'll take 1 cure spell per level and the rest will likely be buffs that can be sacrificed for spontaneous casting.

I'd love to have your suggestions


Introduce Yourself / I agree, er i mean hello
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:18:06 PM »
Hi all

I'm Xenorath, been playing DnD for 13 years, never played the same build twice XD
Long time stalker and resource user of brilliant gameologists - now i have a question I want to put forward to you all.


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