« on: May 03, 2015, 07:31:06 PM »
Well then, lets show them some love:
This is a char I built as an NPC for varius purposes in the current pf game i'm running. math might be wrong but i love this winter knight concept.
Xand Human (CG), Fighter (thunder striker) /11,
Init: +7, HP: 143
Defence: AC 22, Touch 11, Flat 21, Dr -3
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +6 or +9 against fear.
Special: Snow shroud 1D6+9 9 rds.
Offense: Speed 20 ft, space/Reach : 5 ft.
Melee: +16/+11/+6 falchion, +14/+9 buckler-
damage: 2d4+23 15-20x2 falchion, 1D4+9 20x2 buckler.
Special: +1D6 cold steel (sp)
Str 22, dex 13, con 14, wis 14, int 10, cha 15
BAB: +11: CMB +17/+20 with falchion, CMD: 28 or 39 against disarm and grapple
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) +13, Knowledge (engineering) (Int) +13, Survival (wis) +8,
Perception (wis) +13
power attack, cleave, improved initiative, two weapon fighting, Skillfocus (survival),weapon
focus (falchion), eldritch heritage cold steel, weapon specialisation (falchion), toughness,
improved two weapon fighting,, improved critical (falchion), Critical focus, Improved
eldritch heritage snow shroud.
Traits: reactionary, indomitable faith.
Handy haversack, +1 Adamantine full plate, +4 belt of ogres strength, Boots of speed, Cap of
the free thinker, +1 cold iron Falchion, +1 silversheen spiked buckler, weapon cord.
SQ abilities
Bravery, +3 to will saves against fear.
Weapon training heavy blades, + 2 to attacks with heavy blades.
Weapon training close, +1 to attacks with close weapons.
Cold steel (sp), Standard action to touch and gain +1D6 cold damage on weapon or 50
amunition for 4 rds
Snow Shroud (Su): At 9th level, you ignore concealment and Perception penalties in natural
or magical snow, ice, fog, and similar weather conditions. In addition, you can surround
yourself with a cloak of swirling snow for a number of rounds per day equal to your sorcerer
level. This power acts and deals damage as a fire shield (chill shield) that sheds no light.
It provides a 20% miss chance on attacks made against you and grants a bonus on Stealth
checks equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level in snowy or icy areas. You can use this ability once
per day at 9th level, twice per day at 17th, and three times per day at 20th.