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Messages - SageBahamut

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Civil Rights Leader, Assassin, Man of the People
« on: January 14, 2012, 01:29:10 AM »
Am I the only one who saw "sneaky charismatic assassin" and immediately thought some version of Bard? I'm seeing surprisingly a lot of INT-based builds for a CHA-based request.
Bard / Evangelist / Mindbender perhaps, verging into Sublime  Chord at high levels?
Maybe just me?

Off Topic Fun / Re: Letter swap game
« on: January 14, 2012, 12:58:50 AM »

e -> c

Gaming Advice / Re: Superseded Prestige Class Printings?
« on: December 31, 2011, 01:36:48 PM »
It does supersede regardless. Compare "Master of Many Forms" and "Shifter," for example.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Letter swap game
« on: December 31, 2011, 03:56:18 AM »


Gaming Advice / Re: Good items to make with Shapesand?
« on: December 27, 2011, 03:29:58 PM »
Let me answer your last question first, since it's the one I best know the answer to: You would continue to control the entire volume, even though you could not have shaped it initially. This is because of the rule that spells only check the validity of things like that at the time that they are cast and never re-check thereafter.

If you can't make anything masterwork, even if you had the appropriate Craft skill, the item is less useful. My first instinct would have been "a masterwork tool of whatever skill you're about to use." But really, a 30 foot cube of anything is pretty good. A 30-foot cube of just plain sand still makes an effective wall. Shape it into a 30-foot ball and go all Temple of Doom on somebody. Or shape it into a 30 foot statue of yourself and Bluff people into thinking it's a sand golem - or thinking you are a sand golem (pay no attention to the little man with the bottle). 30' cube of glass, and get someone to Telekinesis it as a portable invisible wall. 30' breaching auger and use it to drill through walls. Convince your GM that an 8-headed hydra would fit into a 30' cube and have some fun spooking the rubes?

It's kindof situational, is what I'm getting at.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: In light of the holidays (Optimization Challenge)
« on: December 27, 2011, 11:53:30 AM »
Dwarf Artificer 8 w/ Leadership and Extra Followers. All his minions to do the crafting, his own craft pool to make the magic he needs to get around. All he needs is some way to convert all those cookies into crafting pool and he'll be all set.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Letter swap game
« on: December 24, 2011, 09:20:41 PM »
(pass - my word is wrong)

Gaming Advice / Re: Trying to use Mirage Arcana
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:59:43 PM »
arias - That's different. Shadowcraft Mages have an ability that turns all (or almost all?) of their illusions into Shadow illusions. If you do it right it's possible to get over 100% shadow reality (which leads to the weird case where it hurts more if they disbelieve).

Yes, they stack. The only part of this that is mechanically relevant is that both are unnamed bonuses, which by definition stack with absolutely everything including each other so long as they're not from multiple instances of the same source.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Best Ur-Priest builds, including Psionics
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:51:57 PM »
Unless it's houseruled in, there also is no Divine War Weaver variant. In fact it's the one thing that class's "Adaptation" section specifically tells you never to do.

Kudos, though, on using Contemplative that way. It's not a class I've done much with, personally.
What's your opinion of Ur-Priest/Divine Oracle? Is there anything there or is it a neat idea that doesn't play out mechanically?

Do it. It works well. I've posted a couple of times on here about throwing in some War Weaver just for uber buffing power. Basically you want a +casting class to fill the gap between Bard 5 when you get 2nd level spells and level 10 when you have enough skills to get into Sublime Chord next level. (Unless you're a Savage Bard, it was pointed out to me, you can't go Bard 5 / Ur Priest because of the Fort requirement.) Personally I like Mindbender, War Weaver, more Bard (Bard 7 gets you third level spells, Bard 8 gets you Inspire courage +2, both good breaking points)... depends on what level you are already, how much farther you want to go just being a Bard, and so on, what break point works for you. Overall, I highly recommend Bard / Ur-Priest / Sublime Chord / Mystic Theurge very well.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Letter swap game
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:02:24 PM »

(change your g back to an o, reorder. Google assures me this is a real word.)

Gaming Advice / Re: Foresight
« on: December 12, 2011, 11:49:33 AM »

Wow, that spell does blow. What the hell is that even for?  :twitch

Gaming Advice / Re: How often do you min-max?
« on: December 12, 2011, 11:47:40 AM »
Honestly, I don't even realize I'm doing it any more.  :bigeyes 

I would definitely get in on this.
I only ever got to participate in one of these on the old 339 boards, but it was worlds of fun.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Best Ur-Priest builds, including Psionics
« on: December 12, 2011, 08:14:07 AM »
You could always go with Savage Bard (Unearthed Arcana p. 50) instead of regular bard to make it work.

This, with my apologies.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Fixing AC costs
« on: December 12, 2011, 08:11:17 AM »
BB just hit on the other problem with AC - the fact that someone with iterative attacks has a fifteen point difference between his first and last swings of the round. "Fixing" AC would theoretically make at least that last swing very difficult if not impossible to land, and the second-last one marginally less so.

The problem I see with BB's solution, however, is that raising WBL would give people more money to spend on things other than AC.

I think I would begin by halving the costs of AC boosts and playing a full campaign that way, to see if it fixed things, especially in that mid-to-late-level area where the grind really becomes overwhelming.

Gaming Advice / Re: Making PCs Really Hate a Reoccurring Villain
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:33:50 AM »
I once had a character who was a Focused Illusionist / Master Specialist / Shadowcraft Mage in a mid-high level game. She kept projecting BBEG's for them to fight and take down. Even gave away some loot (appropriate to BBEG of about half or a quarter her actual level) some of the times.

The party fought her no less than six times before they figured out what her schtick was, including at one point blowing up a derelict building and leaving a quarter-mile-deep crater on the edge of a major city. By the time they brought her down, she had stolen all their gear at least once, framed their bard for murder, impersonated their team leader for six weeks after kidnapping him and locking him up, shackled and blindfolded in the basement of the inn they regularly stayed at (hidden behind an illusory wall), and made three whole game sessions occur entirely inside a mirage arcana.

I find the most satisfying way to make a villain hated, isn't to make them scary or destructive, but to make them annoying as hell.  :plotting

Ah. Well, be that as it may, it's still Inspire Courage +4 and 9/9 casting and Warweavery stuff, even if that rule is in effect.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Fixing AC costs
« on: December 12, 2011, 02:02:12 AM »
This is an interesting idea. I would certainly like to see something to make armor class relevant at high levels, but... it really seems like it just plain doesn't. And either shouldn't, or ... I'm getting ahead of myself.

On the one hand, yes, AC becomes completely irrelevant at higher levels once AC either caps out (i.e. you can't get bigger bonuses) or becomes so offensively expensive that you just plain can't be arsed, and either way Displacement is just better. There are two causes of this: AC being both limited (bonuses don't get any bigger) and hampered (bigger bonuses get expensive fast), and the fact that BAB (for you, but more importantly for the bad guys) scaled with HD while AC doesn't and certain truly nasty bad guys rely on having piles of HD to be substantial threats (Famine Spirit, anyone?).
What this means is that above certain levels, the simple fact that attack bonuses scale with level while AC doesn't makes AC irrelevant above a certain point. (I don't honestly know what that point IS - in my experience it hovers somewhere between level 12 and level 16, but is almost certainly true by level 20 and truer the more epic you go.)

The problem I encounter every time I sit down to try to fix it is... what happens if I succeed? That is, what does it do to the game if you actually balance this? The simple fix, after all, is to give everyone an AC bonus that scales with level, perhaps equal to their BAB. ... But wait, wouldn't the end result of THAT be that the bad guys more or less have to roll a 10 to hit you, no matter what your level is?

While it might not be THAT strict a thing, or that watery a thing, I think that does become a real problem when trying to correct this. You go from AC itself as a concept being irrelevant at high levels (because they're going to hit you; you're just better off not being there when they do), to AC as a concept being relevant but the actual numbers thereof mattering more or less not at all (because they're going to hit you on a ten or better, unless you're doing it wrong, in which case, see above).

Doesn't that sort of steal the thunder out of having a jacked-up AC at all? Knowing that in a couple of levels you're to have to keep reinvesting it in in order to stay on par, while the guy who bought a cloak of displacement (or just casts a persistent displacement every day) will have the same 20% or 50% miss chance from now until forever, and the things that can challenge him (anything with true seeing) will wallop you (because they're probably casters)?

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