Male Half-Elf Sailor Monk 9 / Warlock 3
Lawful Evil
Strength 8 (-1)
Dexterity 20 (+5)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 15 (+2)
Size: Medium
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 145 lb
Maximum Hit Points: 75
Speed: 45 feet [monk]
Armor Class: 18 = 10 + 5 [dexterity] + 3 [monk wisdom]
Proficiency bonus: +4
Initiative modifier: + 5 = + 5 [dexterity]
Attack (handheld / thrown): + 3 = -1 [strength] + 4 [proficiency]
Attack (missile / finesse): + 9 = + 5 [dexterity] + 4 [proficiency]
Strength save: + 3 = -1 [strength] + 4 [proficiency]
Dexterity save: + 9 = + 5 [dexterity] + 4 [proficiency]
Constitution save: + 1 = + 1 [constitution]
Intelligence save: -1 = -1 [intelligence]
Wisdom save: + 3 = + 3 [wisdom]
Charisma save: + 2 = + 2 [charisma]
Insight (passive): 17 (22 with advantage)
Investigation (passive): 9 (14 with advantage)
Perception (passive): 17 (22 with advantage)
Carry: 120 lb maximum
For groups using the optional encumberance rules:
If carrying more than 40 lb, encumbered -- -10 on speed
If carrying more than 80 lb, heavily encumbered -- -20 on speed, disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saves involving strength, constitution, and/or dexterity
Languages: Common Elvish Orc
Unarmed strike [+9 to hit; 1d6+5 bludgeoning]
Club [+9 to hit; 1d4+5 bludgeoning, 3 lb, light]
4 Daggers [+9 to hit; 1d4+5 piercing, 1 lb, finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)]
10 Darts [+9 to hit; 1d4+5 piercing, 1 lb each, finesse, thrown (range 30/120)]
Short Bow [+9 to hit; 1d6+5 piercing, 2 lb, ammunition (range 80, 320), two-handed]
2 Short Swords [+9 to hit; 1d6+5 piercing, 2 lb, finesse, light]
Imp familiar Str 6 (-2) Dex 17 (+3) Con 13 (+1) Int 11 (+0) Wis 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2) AC 13; HP 10; Speed 20, fly 40; 24 as rat; 20 fly 60 as raven; 20 climb 20 spider; deception ++4; insight +3; persuasion +4; stealth+5; resi cold, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonsilvered nonmagical weapons, immune fire and poison, darkvision 120 feet unimpeded by magical darkness, pasive perception 11, speak infernal and common; advantage on saves vs spells; sting (bite in beast form), +5 to hit, 1d4+3 damage plus 3d6 poison, save vs constitution DC 11 for half damage
Skill Name/Key Ability/ Skill Modifier/Ability
Acrobatics Dex 9 = +5 + 4
Animal Handling Wis 3 = +3
Arcana Int -1 = -1
Athletics Str 3 = -1 + 4
Deception Cha 2 = +2
History Int -1 = -1
Insight Wis 7 = +3 + 4
Intimidation Cha 6 = +2 + 4
Investigation Int -1 = -1
Medicine Wis 3 = +3
Nature Int -1 = -1
Perception Wis 7 = +3 + 4
Performance Cha 2 = +2
Persuasion Cha 2 = +2
Religion Int -1 = -1
Sleight of Hand Dex 5 = +5
Stealth Dex 9 = +5 + 4
Survival Wis 3 = +3
At warlock level 3, this character knows 2 warlock cantrips.
Mark this character's Warlock Cantrip(s) here:
Eldritch Blast
Minor Illusion
At warlock level 3, this character knows 4 warlock spells.
Choices may include this character's pact spell options.
Mark this character's First Level Warlock spells here:
Armor of Agathys
Burning Hands [pact spell]
Command [pact spell]
Mark this character's Second Level Warlock spells here:
Blindness / Deafness [pact spell]
Mirror Image
Scorching Ray [pact spell]
At warlock level 3, this character knows 2 warlock invocations.
Check this character's chosen invocations here.
Devil Sight
Voice of the Chain Master
This character is proficient with at least 1 artisan tool set(s). Check any artisan tools with which this character is proficient:
Alchemist's supplies
All Half-Elves get +2 on charisma (already included).
This Half-Elf chose +1 on dexterity (already included).
This Half-Elf chose +1 on wisdom (already included).
Darkvision (see 60 feet black-and-white in pitch-dark)
Advantage on saves against being charmed; immune to magical sleep.
One extra language (already included).
Two extra skill proficiencies (already included).
You can secure passage for yourself on a vessels and have contacts in the seafaring community.
If you were a pirate instead, your bad attitude can intimidate others.
In any case, this character knows how to sail a ship (water vessel) and can navigate.
You chose proficiency in a set of artisan tools.
You chose proficiency in a musical instrument.
Level 1: Unarmed strike damage 1d4
Level 1: Either strength or dexterity is used to calculate to hit and damage for unarmed strikes and monk weapons
Level 1: Unarmored defense -- if no armor or shield, add wisdom and dexterity bonuses to armor class
Level 2: Two ki points -- usable for flurry of blows, patient defense (dodge as a bonus action), step of the wind (disengage or dash as bonus action), ki points renew upon making a short rest. Afterward, ki points equal to monk level.
Level 2: Flurry of blows -- spend a ki point to make two additional unarmed attacks as a bonus action
Level 2: Patient defense-- spend a ki point to make a dodge action as a bonus on your turn
Level 2: Step of the wind -- spend a ki point to make a disengage or dash as a bonus action on your turn, double jump distance for that turn
Level 2: Unarmored movement -- add ten to speed if unarmored and no shield
Level 3: Deflect missiles
Level 4: Slow fall -- use your reaction to reduce falling damage by 5x monk level
Level 5: Extra attack
Level 5: Stunning strike -- critical hits may stun opponent to end of next turn
Level 5: Unarmed strike damage 1d6
Level 7: Evasion -- no damage if a dexterity save is made, half damage if failed
Level 7: Stillness of mind -- use your action to end charm or fear
Level 9: Move along vertical surfaces and over liquids normally
Shadow Monk (monastic tradition)
Level 3: Shadow Arts -- use ki to duplicate darkness, darkvision, pass without trace, silence; gain minor illusion.
Level 6: Shadow step -- from one shadow to another.
The DC to resist your spells is 8 + proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier.
Level 1: One spell slot / short rest, slot level 1.
Level 2: Two spell slots / short rest.
Level 2: Two invocations known.
Level 3: Spells slots are level 2.
Fiendish patron (warlock)
Expanded list of available spells.
Level 1: Dark Ones Blessing -- on reducing enemy to 0 hp, gain temporary hp equal to yourcharisma modifier plus warlock level
Chain pact (warlock)
Level 3: Familiar becomes available
First Ability Score Improvement: +2 dexterity
Second Ability Score Improvement: +2 dexterity
Class HP rolled
Level 1: Monk 8
Level 2: Monk 5
Level 3: Monk 5
Level 4: Monk 5
Level 5: Monk 5
Level 6: Monk 5
Level 7: Monk 5
Level 8: Monk 5
Level 9: Monk 5
Level 10: Warlock 5
Level 11: Warlock 5
Level 12: Warlock 5
Acid vials x 2
Alchemist fire x 2
Arrows (quiver of 20) x 2
Antitoxin vials x 2
Ball bearings (bag of 1000)
Caltrops (bag of 20)
Grappling hook
Mess kit
Pitons (bag of 4) x 10
Rations (1 day) x 10
Rope (50', hempen) x 1
Rope (50', silk) x 1
Signet ring
Torches x 10
Waterskins x 1
Alchemist supplies
Disguise kit
Forgery kit
Poisoner kit
Spell component pouch
Thieves' tools
A brass orb etched with strange runes