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Messages - shriekingdrake

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Druid6 vs Wizard6
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:45:06 PM »
I think the druid has the advantage until level 11 or 12.  At level 6, I don't think it's a close call.  Druids are significantly more versatile.  In the end, the wizard will out perform the druid, but only in the latter half of the character evolution. 

Board Business / Re: Old Boards
« on: March 26, 2012, 10:11:57 PM »
So . . .  what ended up happening? Did we find a solution?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Unique, Orginal, or Powerful creature abilities
« on: February 05, 2012, 02:43:12 PM »
And there is the Meenlock's (MMII) Rend Mind ability, As well as Dire Tortoise's (Sand) Lightning Strike ability.

I don't believe I was complaining.  Rather, I was disagreeing with what I still believe to be your erroneous assessment.  These are, after all, forums for colloquy.  And when one member issues an opinion, others are free to politely address that opinion.  If you don't want your opinions challenged, you should consider not issuing them publicly.  If you'd like to continue this discussion on another thread, feel free to start one.
That's not the topic of this thread.  The topic of this thread is whether or not Wings of Flurry is a top-tier spell, and it is.  If you want to challenge THAT idea, then I'll listen to you.

It is unquestionably a top-tier spell.  Wizards should be jealous.

I don't believe I was complaining.  Rather, I was disagreeing with what I still believe to be your erroneous assessment.  These are, after all, forums for colloquy.  And when one member issues an opinion, others are free to politely address that opinion.  If you don't want your opinions challenged, you should consider not issuing them publicly.  If you'd like to continue this discussion on another thread, feel free to start one. 

All this said, I agree with you that the flavor text is not the rules text.  It nonetheless offers at least some impression of the rules as intended.  As for the rest of your logic, I'll let my original comments stand.  You should also feel free to maintain your own conclusions and post what you like, whether or not people agree with you. 

The spell flavor says: "Immense, scaled wings unfurl from behind you and beat at nearby foes in a savage flurry before vanishing as quickly as they appeared." (Emphasis added.)  The meat of the description says "...wings that strike at every target in range, dealing 1d6 points of damage per caster level to all designated targets..." (Emphasis added.) 

I think it reads, both RAW and RAI, that the spell affects only those targets designated by the caster who are in range.  While it is not untenable to argue otherwise, to me, it is unreasonable.  The use of the word "target" instead of the word "creature" is significant, as is the use of the word "designated". 

It seems clear to me that the spell functions to affect designated targets rather than all targets.  While I'm not suggesting that this is the best idea for a spell or the most well-drafted spell, it strains  reasonableness to interpret the spell as affecting all creatures within the area.  (I do understand that the stat block does not include the category "Target", but I'm not sure it needs to in order for a spell to have a target.)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Immunity to Negative Levels
« on: December 19, 2011, 08:47:52 AM »
So what would you do if you had true immunity to any and all negative levels?

I'd probably go bowling.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: PHB only Cleric ... for Tomb of Horros
« on: December 17, 2011, 10:38:43 AM »
Convince the DM to at least allow the summon elemental reserve feat. Having gone through this before I can say it is a killer dungeon, as in it will kill characters. Using the reserve feat keeps you from having to use all of your spells summoning celestial (trap) monkeys.

+1.  This is solid advice, if possible.  As Dwayne Robinson from Die Hard said "We're gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess."  That's an understatement. 

I've been a player--never a DM through this module several times.  Go in expecting not to live.  Roll up several characters--a minimum of five--or ask the DM of several "lives" before the game begins.

With that much gold, you're better off just taking Vow of Poverty and enjoying the role-playing. 

I don't disagree.  We've toyed with systems that combine attributes but haven't worked out the kinks.   Once we get it worked out, I'll post it.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Do we treat Elves too well?
« on: December 16, 2011, 05:37:31 PM »
Thanks for sharing that Goblin Defense Fund site.  That was great.  :clap :clap

In one of my groups, we use a hybrid system of skills in which we've clumped the skills into smaller sets (reduced the number of skill points characters get), but left the extant categories.  So, for instance we have:

Small Motor (DEX)
   Disable Device
   Open Lock
   Slight of Hand
   Use Rope

You put skill points into Small Motor and it fuels each of these sub-skills.  However, synergies among skills, or specific circumstances may affect a character's sub-skills differently. 

--edit--sorry for the twice in a row post; I hadn't realized I was at the end.

Assuming flaws are allowed, which do we think are acceptable?
I submit:
Murky eyed (you can usually use spells with no attack rolls and you have access to sensory buffs that will negate many sources of concealment)
Shaky (although ranged combat can be useful at low levels when you need to conserve spells.)
Vulnerable (you either have your AC buffed enough to not care about the penalty or you weren't expecting much protection from your AC anyway given your armour restrictions and DEX as tertiary.)
Weak will (you'll still have a better will save than the BSF.)

If you can use flaws from Dragon Magazine consider:
Divine Gesture (Dragon 326) ... many druids don't wear armor
Individualist (Dragon 329) ... this feat appears to apply to non-natural weapons; so make your staff and move on, you won't be using it much anyway.
Love of Nature  (Dragon 324) ... get your animal companions or summoned creatures to take those on if you need to
Stubby Fingers  (Dragon 328) ... if you qualify, this won't apply to your staff or your natural attacks

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Do we treat Elves too well?
« on: December 15, 2011, 10:14:21 PM »
Nah--except elves don't have to wear underwear.  Seriously, the question might better be "Do we treat kobolds too well?".  I think elves are not overpowered in 3.X, even if they are better looking, smarter, and longer-lived than the rest of us.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Fixing AC costs
« on: December 15, 2011, 09:51:39 PM »
So if you're fixing this, you need to target the misc AC bonuses. My personal favorite is to just junk the whole lot of AC bonus types and grant a class AC bonus from BAB.

In one campaign we do something quite similar to this.  You get your BAB in "Experience Armor Class" and there are several feats available to different classes that can add to this EAC.  In this world, you get half your EAC when immobilized or unconscious--you've just been hardened with time.  But, Monsters also get additional bonuses--this has been the hard part to balance.   

I have to say about half of my groups like the power.  We often play with condensed skills, feats at every odd level, and just about everything else, even materials in the magazines.  The only things we consistently ban are some of the infinite loops, most of the "time" based spells and abilities, pun-pun cheese, etc.  Druids and wizards are just fine.  There is some limitation on some items like nightsticks to limit DMM, but otherwise it is pretty no holds barred.  Our DMs tend to adjust the play so that each player's character is challenged to his or he ability.  For us DnD is less a contest or sportint event and more of a game designed for all to have fun.  We reward humor and acumen, as well as insight and innovation.  But the guy who wants to play a monk or bard can have just as much fun as the guy who wants to play a druid or cleric. 

While not exhaustive or situation specific, these are the general set of spells I think druids would be most likely to prepare from each day.

Zero: Cure Minor Wounds, Create Water, Dawn (SC), Detect Magic, Guidance, Groundsmoke (Dragon Mag. 326 @ 73), Light, Know Direction, Read Magic 

First: Aspect of the Wolf (SC), Beastland Ferocity (SC), Entangle, Healthful Rest (SC), Impeding Stones (City), Obscuring Mist, Omen of Peril (SC), Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Vigor--Lesser (SC)

Second: Blinding Spittle (SC), Bone Talisman (WoTC), Gust of Wind, Kelpstrand (SC), Master Air (SC)Snake's Swifness--Mass (SC), Splinterbolt (SC), Venomfire (SK)

Third: Alter Fortune (PHII), Crumble (SC), Energy Vortex (SC), Heart of Water (CM), Magic Fang--Greater, Poison, Primal Instinct (DrM), Sleet Storm, Spiritjaws (SC), Stone Shape, Venomfire (SK), Vigor (SC)

Fourth: Boreal Wind (Frost), Blast of Sand (Sand), Enhance Wild Shape (SC), Friendly Fire (EoE), Giant Vermin, Heart of Earth (CM), Langour (SC), Last Breath (SC), Luminous Armor--Greater (BoED), Moon Bolt (SC), Murderous Mist (SC), Sheltered Vitality (SC), Vortex of Teeth (SC)

Fifth: Animal Growth, Baleful Polymorph, Blizzard (Frost), Call Avalanche (Frost), Control Winds, Owl's Insight (SC), Phantom Stag (SC), Plant Body (SC), Vigor--Greater (SC)

Sixth: Antilife Shell, Bite of the Werebear (SC), Dispel Magic--Greater, Energy Immunity (SC), Mummify (Sand), Resistance--Superior (SC), Spellstaff

Seventh: Control Weather, Heal, Master Earth (SC), Rain of Roses (BoED), Slime Wave (SC), True Seeing, Word of Balance (SC)

Eighth: Bombardment (SC), Frostfell (Frost), Red Tide (SC), Unearthly Beauty (BoED), Word of Recall

Ninth: Nature's Avatar (SC), Shapechange, Summon Elemental Monolith (SC), Undermaster (SC)

I'm sure I'm missing some obvious ones, but the above is a start.

Handbook Discussion / Re: The Druid Handbook - Discussion Thread
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:58:44 PM »
You should consider adding Friendly Fire from EoE to the 4th level spells.

Introduce Yourself / Greetings and Felicitations
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:55:04 PM »
Hey.  Nice to see these boards.  Been playing dnd for over 30 years.  I eschew 4E.  Tried it; don't like it.  I wouldn't call myself a serious gamer, though I play in several games.  I don't play DnD to win; just to have fun.  For me, it's mostly about the people.

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