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Messages - Ard3

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: PHB only Cleric ... for Tomb of Horros
« on: December 23, 2011, 06:47:38 PM »
Each mule is 8 gold.

Buy LOTS of them.

Send them in ahead of your party.

Also, be a Cleric with the Strength domain.  Use enlarge person on yourself, boost your STR as high as you can, wield the biggest shovel you can, and don't go in.  Instead, dig your way through the ceiling into the tomb.  Collapse the place if need be.

Remember, Gary Gygax wants you dead!

Clever, I'll keep those in mind. Wont use them as a first option, but if people start dying I'll suggest these. With Animate Dead I can reuse the mules cheaply.

If there happens to be pit trap with monster in the bottom, I can drop mules on it till it dies(how much does a falling mule deal damage anyway?) or till pit is full and monster cannot move under all those carcasses. =)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: PHB only Cleric ... for Tomb of Horros
« on: December 21, 2011, 06:46:03 AM »
So, I finally got the answer form GM. PHB stuff only, Items from DMG.
If I come up with REALLY good reason, it might be possible to get stuff from other books approved. Might be.

Also, other players known: CE Dwarf Barbarian, N Human Wizard(Abjurer).

I think I'll make secondary character too, just in case i need it. Druid perhaps.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: PHB only Cleric ... for Tomb of Horros
« on: December 16, 2011, 04:38:06 PM »
How is that cheesy?
That's just clever play. Trust me, it's not cheesy.
Look at it this way, are you supposed to risk your party members lives when you can do it without risking anyones death?
Wouldn't it be irresponsible for you to do so?

Point, I didnt think it that way.

Bag of Tricks would help you somewhat with that plan as well.

As for what I recommend:
Prepare Lesser restoration and Break Enchantment. Death Ward. Freedom of Movement. Oh and Dispel Magic. Can't forget Dispel Magic.

Bag of trick gives 10 animal per week, so I would probably need several. Then again the gray one is 900 piece, so not that much.

Thanks for advice.

I am not sure what books the GM has, but I'll ask about that feat.

Min/Max 3.x / PHB only Cleric ... for Tomb of Horros
« on: December 16, 2011, 09:51:04 AM »
A friend wants to GM this legendary dungeon for our weekly tabletop club. But since he wants to keep things simple, its going to be PHB only game. We can buy items from DMG, but thats it. I need help in this, since I have heard Tomb is very lethal adventure and would like to survive til the end.
I have very little experience with d&d.

4-6 players. One monk, others I dont know yet. Expect casual gamer non-optimized builds.
Level 9 + standard wealth. For my stats I rolled 16, 14, 14, 12, 12 and 10.

I am thinking putting 16 to Wis, 14s to Con and Str, 12s to Int and Cha, 10 to Dex.
I am thinking human for the extra skill + feat, but cant really think what feats to take.
For domains I was thinking Knowledge and Magic.

Being decent in combat is easy, but I have heard that in ToH there is very little of that and its mostly traps and such.

Things I considered:
Animate Dead and walk them about 30ft in front of team. But little combat -> few corpses, doesnt really work.
Magic domain + Death Knell + summoned rat(or whatever) + scrolls of darkvision, see invisibility and permanency. Cheesy, not sure is even possible, permanency scrolls cost way too much because of the xp cost. Is it possible to pay that myself? If yes,  can't be done before we gain some xp. Assuming DM gives xp during adventure, it is oneshot.
Summoned creatures last very little time, but maybe summon bunch of weak cretaures with metamagic rod of extend and have them trigger the traps. Cheesy.

Apart from not going first, checking absolutely everything, not touching anything except with 10ft poles what do you recommend?

Introduce Yourself / Hi folks
« on: December 16, 2011, 07:48:54 AM »
I am new user to these forums, so please be gentle :P
My nick is Ard3. 3 is pronounced as short, sharp e which nobody gets right at first time, but since I cant hear you over the net it hardly matters.

Favourite games are Shadowrun(4th ed) and Dresden Files RPG. I have also played Warhammer40k tabletops(all of them), little oWod and nWoD, Star Wars Saga, Runequest(the 80s version) and of course D&D. 3.5 Slooooow campaign and oneshot 4th ed.

Other hobbies include reading, playing computer and occasional theorycrafting for various games.

I live in Finland.
In boards I am mostly lurker and my activity is periodic at best.

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