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Messages - krusk

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Please help me with my thesis
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:28:20 PM »
I think it boils down to something pretty simple.

3.5 - Tons of tactically interesting choices at every level. Depending on what you play, you can also get choices every time you play a session. (What spells do I prep, which monster do I summon)
4e - Way less choices. All of them are uninteresting. +1 to hit, 2W Damage and slide 1, or 3w damage and push 1. You only get choices when you level.

With online boards, you have people constantly theorycrafting builds and running through various combos and very quickly the "Correct" 4e builds were flushed out. Conversation didn't immediately end because WoTC would throw out some errata that changed stuff, and that might revive it for a few weeks. Optimization basically became "Play one of the top tier builds, which are all some variant of ____". If your group doesn't optimize much it was "Play a tier 2 build, A, B, or C is good". If you don't want to optimize, why would you go online to discuss your build? Go somewhere edition neutral and talk about his story or plot elements.

4e isn't fun to talk about, so no one does. I suspect once 5e is out, there will be a strong 3.5 community, a weak 2nd ed community and a respectable 5e community (but based on what I've seen, I don't see it being better than 3.X, and so I don't see much migration)

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Guy Post
« on: August 05, 2012, 02:55:26 PM »
Nah, its the same krusk. I just don't ever bother logging in/posting here.

Homebrew and House Rules (D&D) / Re: Gladiator 3.5 Prestige Class
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:13:57 PM »
Battle hardened:  "he is immune to fear caused by overwhelming odds, overpowered opponents, and hopelessness." What determines these things? Generally there is not a fear check for them unless you are using other house rules? Just give immunity to fear and it probbaly wouldn't be too bad.

Scary good: A gladiator is immune to fear, but is good at scaring other people? I gather that gladiators generally fight one another in battles. Just sort of awkward because I guess this never comes up? Also mechanically awkward, make one check to then make a second with a bonus? How about just let them make weapon drill checks to intimidate as per the intimidate skill. IIRC thats already what the skill can do/does. If so, give a bonus for weapon drill checks to intimidate.

Stage presence: "These temp HP go away when the crowd disperses or the fighting has stopped." I'd add something like that on the end.

Signature move: Not generally as good as a normal full attack. What if its "make a weapon drill check DC X. Do ___". Maybe extra damage like knowledge devotion?

Crowd pleaser: 25% or less. Actually to make the class decently powerful, you can make it "opposed weapon drill check as a move action. If successful, auto kill." or something. (Dropping the 25% which requires the PC to track enemy HP.) (If you wanted you can keep the X/day requirement, but I'd make it more than 1)

Like a dog: I'd say this stacks/improves a monks unarmed strike.

Fall on the blade: At the end of your turn, choose an opponent. Until the end of your next turn, all attacks they make against you are critical hits. All melee attacks you make against them are also considered critical hits. These criticals do still need to be confirmed. (or do they?) - Rewrite of the ability.

Not human: Awkward considering other gladiators are immune to this.
For Crowd stuff, I'd impliment some sort of alternate rules for "arena fights". You get a favor score with a crowd. +1 per gladiator level, +2 per crit this fight, +5 for each kill, +1 for unarmed, -1 for running away, +1 for unarmored, -2 for each hide check, +1 for exotic weapon, etc. Then say you can use these points for stuff. Maybe spend a ____ action to use special arena powers. "Gladiator Krusk has them in a frenzy, he signals and the crowd demands the lions be unleashed" or "The crowd hates Krusk for his cowadice, fatbeard74 lets out a cry of frustration at being unable to find him and someone in the crowd casts a light spell on Krusk. He is revealed feigning unconsciousness among the dead."

Maybe you make a skill check with +X, X being your score or maybe you have a pool of X, and can reduce it by those numbers.

Homebrew and House Rules (D&D) / Re: Fighter Fix - Feat Master!
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:10:24 AM »
I'm pretty sure people were giving accurate feedback to homebrew before anybody ever started speaking of tiers.More in concrete, would you be tempted to take more fighter levels in order to earn the benefits I sugested?
I'd take either 3 or 5 instead of 2. 5, only if I couldn't find a cool prestige class yet, and we were pressed IRL to start playing agian.

As for tiers, I don't actually care, the question I should have asked was "how strong do you want this to be in comparison to other classes?" If you don't tell us your goal, how can we tell if you reached it?

Also yes, it's suposed to be able to tell a lot from an oponent's fighting ability just from a glance like Prime32 exemplified.
And thats awkward. The DM has you against some classed foes and mid session one of the PCs is like "Oh wait, let me read all their sheets". Its annoying, there is little precident, and it bogs the game down. Especially when the fighter is smarmy and says "OK the enemy fighter drops dodge, and thus all feats/prestige classes associated with it". Now you pause the game while they double check all prerequisites and recalculate stuff. Its like all the hassle of ability drainX2, only there is no ward or method to prevent it.

Homebrew and House Rules (D&D) / Re: Fighter Fix - Feat Master!
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:49:03 PM »
Cant give very accurate feedback without a target tier, can you help us out?

As for wizards, spells arent class features either. The wizard should totally have class features. There is a reason people like dread necro, beguiller, and duskblade. Problem is that as soon as you start a buff the wizard thread people laugh. (rightly so). Really the spells need to be toned down, and the class needs  features.

Actual feedback. I dont like the nullify opponents feats feature.  Is really awkward, and you basically have to have the dm show you the foe stat block. (also should include non fighter feats, or it still sucks vs casters)

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Guy Post
« on: December 21, 2011, 08:52:18 PM »
Joined a new dnd group, and someone asked my name while I was describing my pc. This was before I had even noticed there were iconics and I doubt the group knew either. Essentially introduced myself as Krusk and the name stuck. Helped a lot that the pc was very memorable  and the campaign went a long time. We Hang outside the game now and it still goes. Enough people use it that don't play dnd that it's an all around name now.

Will snag that pic as an icon for sure.

Posted with iPod sorry for brevity

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Guy Post
« on: December 17, 2011, 04:41:36 PM »
That username is familiar. Can't really recall where from, but I feel like we maybe chatted about stuff once or twice? Either way, see you around.

Introduce Yourself / New Guy Post
« on: December 17, 2011, 03:43:08 PM »
-Your name
-Your favorite games
-Your non gaming hobbies
-Where you live, including country, without using abbreviations
-What other communities you belong to meetups, message boards etc

- Krusk. (I literally go by this name, and have for years. Obviously its a nickname, but real names online are tricky)
- 3.5/Shadowrun
-  PC Games, Hiking
- United States of America.
- Belong to wizards forum, TGD, and a ton of other communities. Fairly inactive on them all. Active on Wizards mostly. Usually telling people "Druid 20 with natural spell",  "No, you don't need to prep cure serious wounds, just spontaneously do it if you feel like casting it" and "yes you can sneak attack with multiple weapons".

Went linking people to the handbook threads that I used all the time, and a new forum exists now. Figured I should have an account, and might post some stuff sometimes.

I went with a lamp message icon for this thread because I saw it was an option.

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