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Messages - valarmorgulis

Pages: [1]
Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Shade
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:36:02 AM »
Is the handfang really supposed to do 1d6/HD once a grapple is started? Or 1d6/4 HD?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Gloom
« on: November 02, 2015, 12:37:49 AM »
I have a number of questions about this class and could use some clarification. Ready? Go!

Which abilities are (Su)? I assume the following:
  • Quietesence
  • Terror
  • Shadow Jump
  • Gloom Cloak

Any others?

"Unlike a silence spell, the Gloom may choose to affect only the target of the effect to be silenced." -- This is a bit confusing. Does this mean that a Gloom can silence a spellcaster's mouth while not silencing the spellcaster's movements? Clarification appreciated!

Does the Terror ability bypass immunity to fear at 11 HD or at 22 HD? Or is it that at 11 HD the subject gets the +5 bonus to the save, but loses the bonus at 22 HD?

Does the Gloom Master ability apply to existing magical effects that occupy an area (ex: Energy Transformation Field) or just AoE attacks like fireball? How does this ability interact with AMF?

How does Gloom Speed work in relation to something like Foresight? Is the foresight-wizard flat-footed during the surprise round?

Does the Killing Edge ability to improve a weapon's threat range stack with other abilities that improve threat range?

Introduce Yourself / hello!
« on: November 02, 2015, 12:23:30 AM »
Hi everyone, Valar Morgulis here. Game of Thrones fan, obviously.

Here to check out some cool homebrew creations and hopefully get a little clarification on some of the wording.

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