« on: November 24, 2015, 07:05:21 PM »
I'm bringing a conjeration wizard into a nautical themed pathfinder campaign-
just go look at the handbooks you scrubbing nubbling
Whoa there I'm not finished, the problem is my gm (with some justice) has declared full casters overpowered and will only progress on the slow track. I'll be coming in at 4th as the only caster with an apl at 7 and our average encounters being challenging.
why not just play a mundane class
A. I'm masochistic B. I want to prove that limiting players is as pointless as it is no fun
can you get to the point please?
All right all right jeeze. It's looking like I'll be heavily dependent on scrolls which would put my cl even lower. What I'm looking for is pathfinder items both magical and mundane that could be accessed by a character of 8th level or lower and strategies to not only survive but remain useful as well.
For bonus points
CWI, is it worth it?
Unusual uses for low level spells
Thanks for helping a young mage