Have an info dump
Stunning Fist replacements:
Punishing Kick (Hungry Ghost Monk)
Touch of Serenity (Monk of the Lotus)
Perfect Strike (Weapon Adept)
Improved Trip (Underfoot Adept)
Catch Off-Guard (Standard, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Combat Reflexes (Standard, Zen Archer, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Deflect Arrows (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Zen Archer, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Dodge (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Zen Archer, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Improved Grapple (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master)
Scorpion Style (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Throw Anything (Standard, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Far Shot (Far Strike Monk, Zen Archer)
Point-Blank Shot (Far Strike Monk, Zen Archer)
Precise Shot (Far Strike Monk, Zen Archer)
"any targeting feat" (Far Strike Monk)
Agile Maneuvers (Flowing Monk)
Improved Reposition (Flowing Monk)
Improved Trip (Flowing Monk)
Nimble Moves (Flowing Monk, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Weapon Finesse (Flowing Monk)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hamatulatsu Master)
Intimidating Prowess (Hamatulatsu Master)
Weapon Focus (Hamatulatsu Master)
"any Improved combat maneuver feat" (Maneuver Master)
Elemental Fist (Master of Many Styles, Student of Stone)
"a bonus style feat" (Master of Many Styles)
"a feat in that style's feat path" (Master of Many Styles, Monk of the Four Winds)
"Mounted Combat feats" (Sohei)
Rapid Shot (Zen Archer)
Power Attack (Ironskin Monk)
Toughness (Monk of the Sacred Mountain, Monk of the Iron Mountain)
Stunning Pin (Tetori)
Weapon Focus (Weapon Adept)
Endurance (Monk of the Seven Winds, Wanderer)
Gorgon's Fist (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Improved Bull Rush (Standard, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Improved Disarm
Improved Feint
Improved Trip
Mobility (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Zen Archer, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Improved Precise Shot (Far Strike Monk, Zen Archer)
Parting Shot (Far Strike Monk, Zen Archer)
Trick Shooter (Far Strike Monk)
Acrobatic Steps (Flowing Monk, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Bodyguard (Flowing Monk)
Ki Throw (Flowing Monk)
Second Chance (Flowing Monk)
Sidestep (Flowing Monk)
Hamatulatsu (Hamatulatsu Master)
Improved Sunder (Hamatulatsu Master, Ironskin Monk)
Power Attack (Hamatulatsu Master)
"any Greater combat maneuver feat" (Maneuver Master)
Improved Dirty Trick (Monk of the Empty Hand, Wildcat)
Improved Steal (Monk of the Empty Hand, Wildcat)
Improvised Weapon Mastery (Monk of the Empty Hand)
Wind Stance (Monk of the Seven Winds)
Greater Grapple (Tetori)
Weapon Specialization (Weapon Adept)
Improved Reposition (Wildcat)
Focused Shot (Zen Archer)
Many Shot (Zen Archer)
Improved Critical (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Zen Archer, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Medusa's Wrath (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Snatch Arrows (Standard, Hamatulatsu Master, Zen Archer, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Spring Attack (Standard, Monk of the Seven Winds)
Improvised Weapon Mastery (Far Strike Monk)
Pinpoint Targeting (Far Strike Monk, Zen Archer)
In Harm's Way (Flowing Monk)
Repositioning Strike (Flowing Monk)
Tripping Strike (Flowing Monk)
Critical Focus (Hamatulatsu Master)
Impaling Critical [unarmed strike] (Hamatulatsu Master)
"any maneuver strike, such as Tripping Strike" (Maneuver Master)
Lightning Stance (Monk of the Seven Winds)
Pinning Knockout (Tetori)
Quick Dirty Trick (Wildcat)
Quick Reposition (Wildcat)
Quick Steal (Wildcat)
Shot on the Run (Zen Archer)
Greater Sunder (Ironskin Monk)
Shaitan Style (Student of Stone)
Chockehold (Tetori)
Shaitan Skin (Student of Stone)
Neckbreaker (Tetori)
Shaitan Earthblast (Student of Stone)
Most archetypes add possible bonus feats. Flowing Monk, Hamatulatsu Master, Master of Many Styles, Monk of the Seven Winds, Tetori, Zen Archer, Ironskin Monk, are all substitutionary, not additive.
Ironskin Monk is Hobgoblin only.
Student of Stone is Oread only.
Underfoot Adept is Halfling only.
Wanderer is Human only.
This should cover all the archetypes from pfsrd that weren't listed under third party as of 7/2/15.
I appreciate any error-spotting that occurs.