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Messages - Maculosa

Pages: [1]
Yes DM will use a Module but we don't know which one is it... but i had some hint that it will include Evils.

Second, we will have a fighter that will focus on DPS but lacking AC.
I do not necessary focus on DPS, but want to be balanced between damage and defence.
but still want to be able to put some high damage on evil ennemies. (the reason of the Falcata) with a crit range on 17-20 with X3 dmg and smite evil is not bad.

I put 18 Cha to have maximum Lay on and since i will lacking some CON. but with 18 i maximise smite evil dmg and ac bonus.
At level i will put +1 str that will give me 16 STR, at lvl 8 put +1 to DEX to get 16 dex.

Also not that i need to have 15 dex for two weapon fighter prerequiste.

Third i do not want to play mounted even if it's better.

and as for magic item i know we will not be able to buy anything we want even if we have the cash for... so i can't count on specific item for character development.

Last we will start at LVL 1, but i'm just planning my futur levels

Min/Max 3.x / Pathfinder Sword and Board Paladin, what do you think of it?
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:38:52 PM »

We are starting a new pathfinder campain really soon and want to see if my character i'm planning to play is ok or could be improved in some way.

We are allowed to use only the Player Guide and the Advanced Player Guide... no Ultimate Magic/Combat or others books.

I want to play a Sword and Board Paladin, i know S&B is not what will give me the best of the paladin but i like the flavor and it's what i want to play.
We are allowed to use 25 Point buy.

Here my Character:

Race: Human
Class: Paladin

I will use Human Paladin favoced class to give me energy resistance (fire)

STR: 15
DEX: 15
CON: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 9   
CHA: 18 (16 + 2)

Feats Progressions:

L1: Exotic Weaon Profiency (Falcata)
L1: Two Weapon Fighting
L3: Improved shield Bash
L5: Double Slice
L7: Shield Slam
L9: Improved Critical
L11: Shield Master
L13 : Bashing finish


Indomitable Faith
Dangerously Curious

Is there anything that could be improved?

Thanks and sorry for my poor english.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Board is back just in time!!
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:28:54 PM »
Nice worked, i just changed the temp password for a new one.

Thank you.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Board is back just in time!!
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:23:22 PM »
Its ok but how i do it?

Introduce Yourself / Board is back just in time!!
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:18:57 PM »
Happy to see the board is back just in time! we are starting a new Pathfinder campain and need some help for my character!

Is there a way to modify my Username? i wanted Maculosa and not Maculoa...

My name is Francois
My favorite games include DD3.5, Poker, the new Skyrim. (havent played it but i'm sure i will like it!)
Non-gaming hobbies: Photography, programming.
I live in Quebec, Canada

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