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Messages - Dragon Snack

Pages: [1]
Off Topic Fun / Re: CNY
« on: February 25, 2013, 02:25:01 AM »
8 hours from NYC, where in "central" NY are you?  I'm in Mount Morris and only 5 hours away.

If you're not far from Mount Morris, there are a few different RPGs going on at my store...

Other Games / Re: Ticket to Ride
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:41:32 AM »
I'm also a newer player, but, oddly, my strategy seems completely opposite...

I usually keep all 3 routes (sometimes even picking up more) and grabbing the small lines as quickly as possible.  I also try to get the longest train, as the "free" 10 points is nice.  I can't recall a game I've lost when I had the longest train and I've lost a game by less than the 10 points to the player who did.  Taking a round about way also helps keep people from blocking you.

I win a lot (I won my first 5 games, mostly against more experienced players), even against players who know my strategy and try to block me.  My biggest problem is timing when another player will get down to the end of their trains, since taking short lines leaves you with extra trains towards the end of the game (and someone grabbing a 6 train line can suddenly leave them with 2 or less when it looked like they still had plenty).

Off Topic Fun / Re: MtG General Thread
« on: January 24, 2012, 12:33:09 AM »
I would LOVE to draft M12/ Innistrad/ Dark Ascension, but I doubt any of my players will want anything to do with that.  I tried to push M11/ Scars drafts back then too, but nobody would go for it...

Off Topic Fun / Re: Monte Cook to start his own TV series
« on: January 22, 2012, 12:37:03 AM »
Well, a "web series".  Not quite TV just yet...

Off Topic Fun / Running GAGG - (edit: nevermind)
« on: January 18, 2012, 01:07:18 AM »
Running GAGG XVI at SUNY Geneseo will be the first weekend in February this year. Dragon Snack Games will be there - AND you can (won't be there, so) visit the store just 7 miles down the road...

EDIT: Sadly I was just informed (8 days before the convention) that my services will not be required and they "do not have space for me", despite being assured that the same mix up that happened last year would not happen this year (when I showed up and they said "you weren't supposed to come").

So just come directly down to Dragon Snack Games or visit us at Sim Con or UB Con in March and April...

General D&D Discussion / Re: The DM's Screen- do you use one?
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:41:58 PM »
I liked DMing with a screen, but as my combats got more involved I moved away from using it.

I got more player kills after I lost the screen...

General D&D Discussion / Re: D&D 5e: For real this time?
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:28:41 PM »
It went over pretty meh at Encounters tonight, even though only one of them knew about it beforehand.  Did have one kid claim he would "stay with 4E", but then I don't know who is going to play it with him...
You playtested it, then? Anything you're allowed to tell us about it?
Sorry, I was talking about the reaction to the announcement.  I do know people who have playtested it and they were still under NDAs the last I knew...

It went over pretty meh at Encounters tonight, even though only one of them knew about it beforehand.  Did have one kid claim he would "stay with 4E", but then I don't know who is going to play it with him...
Didn't know they were doing playtests of 5th yet. Wow, that was fast. Where were you that you got a chance to play it?
Again, I haven't actually playtested it, but they are already playtesting it.  There is a good chance that I will see a playtest of it at Running GAGG or at the latest Queen City Conquest though.  I'll let you know what I can...

Food for thought.
I read it, but all I got out of it was "Whaaaa!"...

Ironic, huh?

Now fourth is rolling over to fifth after only four years.  How many people are just going to decide that they're unwilling to keep repurchasing their entire library of D&D books twice a decade or more?
I already know of a group of 4E players who are planning to switch to PF due to this announcement...

They're going to have to try to craft a game that appeals to as many of those factions as possible, and appeals strongly enough to get them to switch.  Catering to only one portion of the playerbase is not going to get them back to the top of the heap.

I wish Mr. Cook and his cohorts the very best of luck--because, to be honest, I think they've been handed the most daunting task in the history of the RPG industry.
And with the open playtest you will have people from all editions and more arguing for their versions core conceit, making their job even harder.  Or have they chased away enough customers that older edition players will care?

Remember that they tried this in fourth edition, with the D&D Essentials line and the whole "Yes, we changed things, but you can run your D&D Essentials character right alongside existing 4e characters with no problems!"
They used that line in the 3.0->3.5 transition as well.  "You could be playing at the same table using 3.0 and 3.5 rules and never know".  Except you could, ESPECIALLY if the 3.0 player was a spellcaster...

EDIT: finished reading the thread...

Other RPGs / Re: Savage Worlds advice
« on: January 12, 2012, 05:03:42 AM »
I've only played Weird Wars in a Convention game with a pre-gen character (while I ran the table for my store, it was in the room behind me)...

Definitely a high Guts skill.  Marksman (a seasoned level Edge) may not be as advantageous as it looks, since you will want mobility in this setting (most 'things' seemed to run at you).  At least one character needs decent Knowledge skills.  Taunt and Intim at d6 so you can take Strong Willed could work well, you shake the creature then your buddies have an easier time wounding it - assuing it doesn't have Hardy (the +2 helps for resisting as well).

Make sure you are aware of combat tricks and other tips - cover, crouching, double tap, those situational modifiers can save your bacon...

Other than that more info on the actual setting (European/Pacific theater, raid/espionage/grunts) could give us a better idea (I'm assuming ground forces in my suggestions above, but I think they had info for air and naval units in the book as well).

Gaming Advice / Re: Ending a Campaign Well
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:14:16 AM »
My campaigns usually end with a TPK.  You should probably avoid that.

Although some of them are STILL talked about...

General D&D Discussion / Re: Just how prevalent is 4th Edition?
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:04:36 AM »
At my store:

D&D 3.x = 0
PF =0
D&D 4E = 2 (including Encounters)
Savage Worlds = 6

So yeah, 4E is prevelent here if you compare it to 3.x/PF (there was no RPG scene before my store opened and I opened after the 3.5 books were gone from distribution).  But if you compare it to Savage Worlds, not so much...

General D&D Discussion / Re: D&D 5e: For real this time?
« on: January 12, 2012, 03:33:12 AM »
Umm, thread drift?

It went over pretty meh at Encounters tonight, even though only one of them knew about it beforehand.  Did have one kid claim he would "stay with 4E", but then I don't know who is going to play it with him...

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm a n00b again!?
« on: January 11, 2012, 02:15:34 PM »
Thanks bhu!

Brilliant Gameologists Podcast / Re: Ready for the next episode
« on: January 11, 2012, 02:14:16 PM »
I'll repeat my advice to the BGs.  When RL is interfering, you have to just choose a time, make it an appointment, and stick to it...

Easy for me to say without kids, but if it's going to fit in you have to make it fit in.

Off Topic Fun / Re: MtG General Thread
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:28:27 PM »

So Sorin is a "good guy"!?  Defender of the realm?  I love his card as well...

Undying?  Fateful Hour?  Awesome abilities...

General D&D Discussion / Re: D&D 5e: For real this time?
« on: January 11, 2012, 04:21:33 AM »
When I playtested Wonderland No More, I was (at least partly) responsible for 3 rewrites of the Chesspiece race (and the final iteration barely looks like anything I played).  When I playtested for Reaper, some Goblin units were removed from the final product when I abused the crap out of them (meaning some minis never got produced).  Reaper also delayed the release of CAV2 for a year after a huge hole was found (not by me) in late playtesting (we were literally told it was releasing "in a matter of days" when they found the hole). 

I'm not sure WotC has the ability (not to mention the willpower) to make huge changes or delay 5E like that, but we have to give them the benefit of the doubt - maybe they have learned their lessons...

As intrigued as I am though, I still remember 3.5, 4E, DDM2.0, Dreamblade, and Hecatomb.  Even their Magic side isn't immune with Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Mental Misstep, and Poison.

Introduce Yourself / I'm a n00b again!?
« on: January 11, 2012, 03:25:16 AM »
Looks like it...

In real life I have the totally made up name of Dean Smith (I don't like basketball) and I own Dragon Snack Games in Mount Morris, New York (in the USofA).  That pretty much precludes "non-gaming hobbies", although you can usually find me online at from 7-9 pm EST (currently) masquerading as DJ UNO (if you're unlucky enough to be in Rochester, NY you can also tune me in at 90.5fm).  Some WNY indy wrestling fans may remember me as "Victor E, the referee", but that was a few years back before I opened the store...

I loved me some GURPS, but the rest of my group hated it - so I haven't played it since the 20th century.  I loved me some Babylon 5 CCG and I had a KILLER Human deck before the second edition destroyed my thing of beauty - and therefor haven't played it since.  I loved me some 3.x (house ruled 3.0) and grudgingly updated to 3.5x (still with house rules) - and haven't played since 4E broke up that gaming group...

I'm currently in a few Savage Worlds games (a couple of homebrews, one Hellfrost-based, with a Totems of the Dead campaign about to start up) and I play in D&D Encounters (and spam my best attacks) so we can make sanctioning.  I also play Magic now and then, along with a few board games (not many people will play Axis and Allies with me, but they will play Ticket To Ride).

TRIVIA: I've done playtesting for Reaper Miniatures (I was also on their Black Lightning demo team for 6+ years) and Triple Ace Games Wonderland No More. 

BONUS TRIVIA: I was with the BGs when 4E was officially announced...

I'm also Dragon Snack at,,,, the Nifty message boards, and probably a few more...!/profile.php?id=1479074502!/pages/Dragon-Snack-Games/361313642048

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