Feats are unfortunately too diverse of a category to organize in the homogeneous way we do. As such I propose we reallocate how feats are acquired.
Step one throw out the old system entirely.
Step two rank the current feats, flaws, PF traits, and PF Drawbacks based on mechanical value(ie a tier list) I suggest 10 tiers. Feats and traits would cost their tier and flaws and drawbacks would grant their tier in points.
Step three define feat point gains.
Feat PointsLevel | 3.5 | Pathfinder | Fighter | Expert | Wizard |
1st | 6 | 5 | +5 | +5 | +1 |
2nd | 7 | 7 | +10 | +6 | +2 |
3rd | 10 | 10 | +12 | +7 | +3 |
4th | 11 | 12 | +15 | +10 | +4 |
5th | 12 | 15 | +17 | +11 | +5 |
6th | 15 | 17 | +20 | +12 | +6 |
7th | 16 | 20 | +22 | +15 | +7 |
8th | 17 | 22 | +25 | +16 | +8 |
9th | 20 | 25 | +27 | +17 | +9 |
10th | 21 | 27 | +30 | +20 | +10 |
11th | 22 | 30 | +32 | +21 | +11 |
12th | 25 | 32 | +35 | +22 | +12 |
13th | 26 | 35 | +37 | +25 | +13 |
14th | 27 | 37 | +40 | +26 | +14 |
15th | 30 | 40 | +42 | +27 | +15 |
16th | 31 | 42 | +45 | +30 | +16 |
17th | 32 | 45 | +47 | +31 | +17 |
18th | 35 | 47 | +50 | +32 | +18 |
19th | 36 | 50 | +52 | +35 | +19 |
20th | 37 | 52 | +55 | +36 | +20 |
3.5 column reflects base 3.5 feat points that can spent on any feat you meet the requirement for.
Pathfinder column reflects base pathfinder feat points that can be spent on any feat you meet the requirements for.
Fighter/Wizard feat shows how many points a class with the fighter feat progression would gain in addition to the base list, of course the classes would be limited to feats on the class list. Class feats points can be spent with general feat points to grain feats on the class list but not the other way around.
Experts feat list is any feat they meet the requirement for so they are added to the general pool instead of a class pool.
Tier List ConsiderationTier 1 would be unreasonable to take other than fluff or fundamentally required to function.
Tier 2 provides a minor benefit or penalty that is negligible. Pathfinder traits that grant +1 to a skill and make it a class skill.
Tier 3 unlocks new avenues that do not shift character option majorly.
Tier 4 refined specialization that isn't required, but helps and doesn't change gameplay massively just moderate benefits.
Tier 5 impacts your ability to succeed or opens a new option of impressive power.
Tier 6 impact is seen by the entire party but not unbalancing.
Tier 7 provides major quality of life improvement or new option.
Tier 8 provides game changing modification to character or noticeable party change.
Tier 9 alters the game world on a noticeable scale at the local level or causes significant rise in character power.
Tier 10 alter the game world or party balance in major degrees.
Feat Tier list10- Most Scaling feats, Epic Spellcasting, Epic Leadership,
Redshirt [3.5 Flaw]9- Leadership [Feat]
8- Vow of Poverty [3.5 Feat, BOED]
7- Roll With It[3.5 Feat, SS]
6- Skill Focus(Use Magic/Psionic Device)
5- Spell Focus(Evocation)[Feat], Improved Toughness[3.5 Feat, PHB2], Toughness[PF Feat] Spell Focus(Any)[Feat], Skill Focus(Linguistics)[PF Feat]
4- Toughness, Improved Initiative,
Warded Against Nature [PF Drawback]3- Trapfinder [PF Trait], Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus, Spell Focus(Divination), Skill Focus(Any)
2- Duel Strike[Feat](CW),
Shaky[3.5 Flaw],
Reactionary [PF Trait]1- Skill Focus(Speak Language), Percise shot.
If (any) is listed then a specific one is listed the specific one is the exception and any is the rule.
CW=Complete Warrior, SS=Savage Species, BOED=Book of Exalted Deeds, PHB2=Player Handbook 2
Please Comment with additions and adjustments to tier list and common classes to add with odd feat progressions.