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Messages - fallintolife

Pages: [1]
Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Bronze Dragon
« on: May 27, 2018, 03:24:49 PM »
"Rescue:At 13th level the Bronze Dragon can, as a fullround action, take two move actions and during them pick up any number of creatures whose combined weight doesn't put the dragon over a light load. The Bronze dragon can then drop those creatures at another point of his movement, or move them to his back at which point they count as riding the dragon.

Rescue movement doesn't provoke attacks of oportunity."

May want to mention that the bronze dragon can pick up willing creatures with Rescue. Otherwise you've elder bronze dragons who just straight up win against typical Medium-sized PCs, by picking them up and dropping them from great heights ie triggering fall damage.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Kyton (Chain Devil)
« on: May 27, 2018, 03:02:29 PM »
Chain reach is listed on the table at level three, but in the text as level two. Other than that, looks good! Feels like a kyton.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Centaur
« on: May 27, 2018, 02:55:40 PM »
"In addition, if the centaur multiclasses for a druid or any spontaneous casting class, he can count his centaur levels as levels of that class for purposes of CL and for the purposes of learning new spells and geting new spell slots. So for example, a centaur 3 who took 1 level of sorceror could choose to have CL 4, get 3 2nd level spell slots, 1 1st level spell slot, 1 2nd level spell known and 1 0th level spell known. He wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a sorceror 3 however.  He would get the familiar ability, but centaur levels wouldn't count for it."

This is a bit confusing. It says the centaur counts for getting new spell slots, and then says he doesn't get the spell slots. Which is it?

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