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Messages - crichton

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Full spell list
« on: May 26, 2023, 10:48:31 AM »
This is an amazing resource, thanks!  Is there a doc available for the v6.0 version?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: WotC Website stuff
« on: February 12, 2020, 11:16:04 AM »
Hey, zook, that's awesome!

Is WotC dumping all of this stuff?  Just wondering what prompted this huge data dump.

Im also curious.  Just noticed last week that none of my archive.wizards linked worked and my google fu hasn't turned up any discussion whatsoever of what happened, or even if it is temporary or not.

Also, for some weird reason the Vampire Lord template page is formatted as an ASP so its unreadable.

I've noticed the same, it's been a couple weeks now. I tried to reach out to Wizards via their help account on twitter, and as a support ticket on, but both of them just got back to me saying they didn't have knowledge of website issues and would pass along the information.  No other official word, but we should all find polite ways to contact them through official channels and ask what the story is, and encourage them to keep the archived content up

My DM has decided for some reason to favor humans, by mashing together the features of regular human with the human variant bonuses as well.

I was thinking of playing some kind of hexblade build, possibly with some fighter levels, maybe? Maybe a crit-fisher build with Champion, too, since his houserule on crits is that they do double max weapon damage, including ability bonuses, but not including magical or other extra damage.  Seems like he really likes crits to feel huge.

Anyway, my question is, given all that, which is gonna be a better choice? Half-elf , eventually with Elven Accuracy, for 'triple' advantage, or the houseruled human with human variant bonuses, for the extra ASIs and feat?   (We're using point buy, standard 27 points)

We're starting at 1st level, and will probably stay in the 1-6 or 7 range for the whole campaign, probably.

I'm not totally committed to the hexblade build, but it seemed neat and semi-powerful, but if other options sound fun or powerful or both, given those houserules, feel free to suggest! I'm all ears!

Thanks in advance.

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