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Messages - June

Pages: [1]
This feels needlessly restrictive. The ability for an arrow to "return" if it misses (but only sometimes) seems pretty low-value, and only early-mid game at that. You already have the ability to retrieve half your missed arrows anyways, after a combat.

I'd consider making it apply to all missed shots, or even just straight-up making it a magic item (a magic quiver, or a +GP ammunition special ability). A cheap one.

You shouldn't add the whole attack bonus; those get very big very quickly. You can and should base it off of BAB or HD or some other character attribute and add an ability score.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Full spell list
« on: September 02, 2021, 11:05:38 AM »
That one's dead too. Do you think you could put it on a persistent filehosting site like

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