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Messages - Imaginos

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Sounds like an interesting project in the works, always good to see actual numbers being crunched. Also appreciate Ziegander approaching this divisive topic so civilly.

Here's my issue: The CR system sucks. It fails to account for differences in power and versatility between class/feat/spell choices, which is kind of the point of this discussion. But it also ignores differences in tactical ability, system mastery and party composition, not to mention the rock-paper-scissors way in which monster and character abilities can interact. It is not hard for a competent GM to crush even a decently optimized and played party with a CR-appropriate encounter, should he decide to do so, simply by metagaming and playing to the party's weaknesses. I don't hear anyone advocating this kind of adversarial GMing, but as GM fiat plays such a heavy role in determining encounter difficulty (it is equally easy to throw a CR-appropriate softball encounter to Team Gimp) I find it hard to accept the CR system as a basis for objective character standards.

There must be some objective standard, as otherwise the game is Magical Tea Party and not Dungeons & Dragons, but I would set it at an extremely low level. I'd put the 'armless archers' and unoptimized Truenamers of the world below the acceptable threshold because their abilities just don't function. However, I'd let an unoptimized Bard 4/Cleric 4 onboard the ride because even in a theoretical houserule-free game I believe there is a reasonable expectation that the GM will base encounters around the actual abilities of the players.  This can require deviating from CR guidelines if PCs are exceptionally strong or weak for their level, but that doesn't necessarily make it a houserule:

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While a difference in GM worldbuilding style shouln't really be called a houserule, the last line leads me to believe that tailored encounters (with a smattering of status-quo ones thrown in) should be considered the default expectation in D&D. I just don't see how any objective standard beyond basic functionality can apply in such a case.

[D&D 3.5] The Iron Siege / Re: Iron Siege Q&A
« on: February 23, 2012, 10:02:20 PM »
Daniel, I like the cut of your jib - I was going to ask about Worldly Focus too. Nice Savant build, by the way - I'd recommend checking out the glitterhaunt's Earth Glide (ex) too, unless you figure it is a gross physical capability.

RE: Tshern
I ask about the Uuvudaum's melee attack mostly because I get it essentially for free - it doesn't cost one of the four Protean (ex) 'slots'. If I grow to colossal size, I could go for a Devastation Beetle's 25d10 bite instead. Knowing full well that getting into melee range is the hard part, that's still not a bad chunk of damage at zero cost of feats, class levels or DSAs I wasn't going to take anyway.

To TravelLog: I have a couple of unique ability requests too:

-Spell stowaway: Time Stop, range extended to ten miles, also triggers when time-stopped creature enters ten mile radius.
-Maximum 100 total subjective rounds per casting, no more than normal duration+1round per effect.
-Tenacious effect
-Immune to Temporal Stasis, ability to interact with creatures under Temporal Stasis
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Ooze Qualities
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[D&D 3.5] The Iron Siege / Re: Iron Siege Q&A
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:46:52 AM »
Hey TravelLog & Tshern,

I have a contender in the mid stages of development, figured now would be as good a time as any to run the basic concept past you and try to get your OK with a few somewhat murky elements of the build. The central contender is a DR18 deity from the Far Realm. I put my focus on using creature and divine abilities rather than stuff that is available to normal PCs, if this generally puts it outside of what you have in mind for the challenge please let me know.

How do you feel about:
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Anyhoo, been following the Iron Siege for ages, was psyched to see it come back. Cheers!

Introduce Yourself / Why hello there
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:10:07 AM »
My Name: Imaginos
-Games:  SNES RPGs, Baldur's Gate, DnD3.5,Legend of the Five Rings,Dark Heresy,Prince of Persia, Resident Evil
-Now Playing: Cthulhu Saves the World
-Hobbies: Interested in physics, philosophy, economics.
-Actually does: surf the internet.
-Webcomics/Manga: MSPA, Spacetrawler, Oglaf, One Piece, Gunnm
-TV: Spartacus, Wakfu, Star Trek.
-From: Canada
-Other places: Lurking, lurking everywhere.

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