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Messages - Deusnocturne

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: hello.
« on: February 19, 2012, 11:29:21 PM »
GURPS has a lot of great things to offer just because of the sheer amount of content and the free form nature of the setting/making a character (cherry picking advantages/disadvantages based on a point cost allotment) etc. You have the option of making just about anything with the caveat of taking the time to sift through the massive amount of content, the place where GURPS runs into issues is that things (particularly some aspects of combat) are extraordinarily over complex.

There is a high probability I will be posting it once I have given my system a good combing through a couple times to clean up obvious errors and language problems (I will never be an English major). The original intent was to take aspects of other gaming systems that my gaming group, other gamer friends, and myself really enjoyed and see if there was a way to take those elements and create a new game that's balanced, easy to learn, gives lots of depth and choice without it being a requirement. It is a lot harder than I initially thought it would be (and I didn't think it would be easy) but so far I'm pretty happy with the results however I will occasionally go back over stuff and notice something is missing/wrong or incomplete because I've read it so many times that i fill in missing content subconsciously.

Other RPGs / Re: Can you suggest a good gaming system?
« on: February 18, 2012, 03:07:06 PM »
I think I would have to say Shadowrun would be a good choice it has a way different feel from DnD and requires players to think and play differently. The system is a pretty far step removed from DnD but isn't over complicated to learn, and the futuristic setting has a starkly different but engaging atmosphere and gives an overall good cyberpunk feel. I think it's the safest bet when venturing into the futuristic for the first time and it's a good measuring stick to see if future styled games are going to catch your group's interest or not.

Other Games / Re: Anima: Beyond Fantasy
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:54:35 PM »
I have played this on multiple occasions with my gaming group Anima is great fun and gives you a lot of freedom with some interesting powers. However, the game suffers from Rifts syndrome, that is it has a lot of content (for only being 2 maybe 3 now books) with balance issues between powers/magic schools etc etc and has spots where the rules are way more complicated than they should ever be. It's a good first attempt and has potential but depending on how interested you are in it most of the issues are easily house ruled and they are releasing a revised edition of the rules in the next couple months called the Core Exxet book so it may well be worth waiting for. My gaming group gets the itch for some Anima from time to time though our games never last more than about 5-6 sessions so I'm not sure how it would play as a full campaign.

Introduce Yourself / hello.
« on: February 18, 2012, 02:23:37 PM »
Hello there people, I'm Deusnocturne call me D or Deus or Noc or whichever. I have been playing tabletops for about 12 years now I've played pretty much all but the most obscure games (usually for a total of a session but still) though I think my favorites are Pathfinder, Anima, Shadowrun, and Gurps. I tend to end up as the GM though I prefer to play, I enjoy optimizing/theory crafting and have been writing my own table top for about 2-3 years now off and on more as a design balance exercise than anything else but maybe one day something will come of it. Anyways just wanted to say hi, so HI!

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