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Messages - Ziltoid

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[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:21:26 AM »
Hmm, rethinking about it, I'll just disallow bloodlines; it will probably be too much of a hassle for me to keep track of given keeping track every sheets as time goes by plus how I'll give "XP" out. I hope you didn't use too much time on coming with something there sirpercival, if so, sorry. :-\

No problem, Shikster.  It's all good :D  I didn't want to make more work for you, I'm just always super ambitious with my chars, and starting at low level means I have to get used to the fact that I can't have everything I want just yet ;)

That sounds all too familiar  :lol

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: April 01, 2012, 02:56:54 PM »
... him ...


Sorry, internet and all that :facepalm

As for the bloodline thing, that link is one big wall-o'-texttm
Care to sum up your ruling?
-Do Bloodline levels count towards ECL?
-Free, 'Class levels' or similar to LA?
-If the last one, LA-buyback or not?

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:16:25 PM »
Yes, you have to take the "levels", but they don't increase your "character level".  Do they increase your ECL like LA do?  I agree that RAI you're right, but by RAW it's unclear.
Well, since UA continuously refers to them as 'class levels' I'd say so, but that's just one person's interpretation :)
But enough of this, let Shiki make the tough calls

That way we can bitch and complain at him if we don't like his decision  :smirk

[D&D 3.5] Marauding Misfits / Re: OOC Chatter thread.
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:12:41 PM »
I was thinking either a Hippogriff or Pegasus.  I would buy the young (3k gp either way) and train it for Combat Riding myself, using the Riding Bracers and a mwk tool to get a total of +15 on my Handle Animal check so I could take 10.

I'd then swap the Sphinx Claws for Riding Bracers in everyday use.

The only difficult part would be if you said a Pegasus started as unfriendly, in which case I couldn't make it friendly (my max wild empathy for a magical beast is +2).  If it started as indifferent it would still be difficult.

...and lol, no fleshraker.  I need something that can fly ;)  This is cheaper than a magic item, and it can fight.

EDIT: I just realized I asked about animals, not magical beasts... hopefully this will be ok. :)

EDIT2: And would I be able to pick its feats?  I'd prefer a Peg, and if changing my alignment to good would help I can easily do that.

Just remember to stay within its flying carrying capacity ;)
Goliaths are pretty big guys and all that, and I don't know how much gear you're dragging along with you

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:07:27 PM »
Well, it comes down to a question of whether bloodlines count against ECL or not.
RAW they do, and aren't eligible for LA buyback, which is why I suggested a martial class dip as an alternative

I disagree that RAW is clear.  From the SRD:

Class levels of "bloodline" do not increase a character's character level the way a normal class level does

EDIT: There are a million different ways to interpret how bloodlines work, there was even a handbook about it on the old boards.  That's why it's just easier to check with the DM ;)

Quote from: Unearthed Arcana
the power gain is gradual over a span of twenty levels, a static
level adjustment doesn’t truly reflect this difference. Instead, a
bloodline character must take one or more levels of “bloodline”
at various points in his career, as noted on Table 1–2: Bloodline
Levels. Before a character with a bloodline reaches the indicated
character level, he must take one class level of “bloodline.”
That precedes that little snippet you posted

Now, to me it seems quite clear that while they don't provide all the benefits of regular class levels, they're still class levels nonetheless (and certainly not LA)
YMMV of course, and asking the DM is never a bad thing :)

That being said, if Shiki's okay with a free boost, then who am I to complain :P
(not to mention my Animal Companion is purring in delight at the thought as well)

[D&D 3.5] Marauding Misfits / Re: Cast of characters.
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:55:04 AM »

[D&D 3.5] Marauding Misfits / Re: OOC Chatter thread.
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:54:33 AM »
Tilt, would you allow me to come in with a trained animal?  If so, I'll be shifting my skill points around to Handle Animal and Ride.


inb4 Fleshraker :P

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:53:52 AM »
Well, it comes down to a question of whether bloodlines count against ECL or not.
RAW they do, and aren't eligible for LA buyback, which is why I suggested a martial class dip as an alternative

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:50:05 AM »
I don't remember if you posted this in the old thread, but how are you treating bloodlines?  The prereq feats for Swiftblade suck... would you accept a custom major bloodline?
What good would that do over, say, a level or two of Fighter/PsyWar/Martial Monk for the bonus feats? At least the latter gives HP/BAB/Skill Points

Play By Post / Re: Low tier game.
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:00:56 PM »
ImperatorK will not be joining us after all. Is everyone else still in?
ImperatorK will not be joining us after all. Is everyone else still in?

I'm in, for as long as a Golf Magnate lasts (lol)
What they said

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:58:18 AM »
Question: How do we calculate HP?

Also, any suggestions for flaws for a Druid? Thought about Bestial Instinct, but unfortunately that's not compatible with Dissolving Spittle

Play By Post / Re: Low tier game.
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:55:30 AM »
How is everyone else's characters coming, and about how long does it usually take for a game subforum to be created?

Just need to  buy my gear and nail down my invocations. Hopefully I can get that done today or tomorrow.
Pretty much the same for me

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: March 30, 2012, 06:31:12 AM »
Question: While the game is called Wizard college, I take it divine casters are alright as well?

Anything partly Neutral on any axis is fine over there.

1) Flaws & Traits for the AC? Since we already have things like Loredrake running around, I might as well ask :P

I don't mind.

2) Swapping out/retraining feats for more useful ones? Things like Alertness and Improved Natural Attack are a bit lackluster...

I'm fine with that too.

Shiks, do you care about carrying capacity or encumbrance?

I'm not pointy with those numbers, although don't be packed like a horse if you normally can't. :p
Who's awesome? You're awesome :)
Should have a sheet up by the end of the day

What's the list of item you want him to carry all the time? In the school you won't have to carry too much things anyhow because you can dump most of your stuff in the dorms.
And of course we'll have lockers, right? Gotta have lockers in a school :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Koboldery
« on: March 29, 2012, 09:20:34 AM »
Looks good

Why bother with Str investment at all though?

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: OOC + Brainstorming
« on: March 29, 2012, 07:42:34 AM »
Question: While the game is called Wizard college, I take it divine casters are alright as well?

EDIT: Assuming yes, I have a two more questions regarding Animal Companions:
1) Flaws & Traits for the AC? Since we already have things like Loredrake running around, I might as well ask :P
2) Swapping out/retraining feats for more useful ones? Things like Alertness and Improved Natural Attack are a bit lackluster...

Play By Post / Re: Low tier game.
« on: March 27, 2012, 03:51:34 PM »
A cursory glance tells me that we have a Duneon Crasher Fighter, 2 Warmages (one fire focused and one not) and 2 Warlocks (one blaster & one BFC).

If you thin we have too many casters, I can make something different.

...I don't know... maybe it's just me... but I think we need one more melee... what do you guys think?
I for one could see a lot of use for a Paladin in our current lineup, though it may need to be a Paladin of Freedom for alignment's sake.
Another sack of hit points would be nice, yes

And I'm a bit undecided about what to play, so I figured I'd ask you guys for your opinion
Basically narrowed it down to 3 options:
-Warmage (no particular focus)
-DFA (BC, UMD monkey if scoll/wand access isn't too restricted)
-Swift Hunter (straight up damage, nonmagical scout and Legolas impersonator extraordinaire)

Do you guys have any preferences/suggestions for what will best round out the party? I was thinking the DFA might have some synergy with our resident bulldozer, the big guy ramming any wandering critters into the area I can cover before I breathe...

I get the strange feeling that all of these guys have been blacklisted from Gen Con and the RPGA.
Well, if Ed Greenwood can still bring his own erotic fanfiction into conventions, I wouldn't get my hopes up :P

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Hadouken!
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:28:53 PM »
Very nice

Too bad about the limited uses per day, but even if used on a regular melee monk the added versatility and range is very nice
And now I feel the urge to look up other effects to stack on...

Whats is Ring the Golden Bells source?
Dr 319, p.71

[D&D 3.5] Wizard College / Re: Character Sheets
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:08:19 PM »
Reserved (thanks Shiki)

Hopefully done by wednesday

Play By Post / Re: Low tier game.
« on: March 26, 2012, 03:26:11 PM »
Xeph Warlock is my intended route.
Going Hellfire?

And if Risada goes with the Warmage, I might switch to a DFA or Swift Hunter, nice and easy on the book-keeping :)
Hellfire would mean using PrCs, which Tiltowait was on the fence about, and seemed to me to be against the spirit of the game; please speak up if I low-balled the appropriate power level.  Face and ranged support is my goal.

Xeph Warlock 8.  Feats: PB Shot, Psionic Shot, Extra Invocation: Beguiling Influence.  Invocations: Baleful Utterance, Beguiling Influence, Miasmic Cloud, See the Unseen/Fell Flight, Walk Unseen.
I interpreted it as PrCs being fine, as long as they don't drastically ramp up the power level or add a crapton of new abilites (for example Warmage/Rainbow Servant silliness would be right out the window)

I figured Hellfire Blast without Naberius and Bloodlines and all that wouldn't be all that gamebreaking  :shrug

Basic stub looks fine by the way, only suggestion would be maybe Empower SLA for that 3/day extra oomph

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