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Messages - Skellig

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The facts are this Thicket of Blades can be extremely powerful and moving it back was to balance it. The taunt is in itself really awesome as well. I wanted an old war veteran who wasn't as strong as he used to be but has enough experience in combat to control the direction that melee combat flows and can find openings where others may not see them. And can defend himself with less effort due to muscle memory or experience.

The taunt, combat expertise buff, and the ToB all together make a super powerful melee fighter :S..

The extra buffs to the weapon are also really good...

Not to mention he can also gain extra feats if he so chose... feats maybe long forgotten but remembered when chosen...

SOme of the ideas u all mentioned are good but some are also way too strong imo..

The Canny Defense I liked alot tho XD

So what your saying is that its underpowered?

Retired War Veteran               
Lvl   BAB  Fort Refl  Will   Special
1   +1      2      0      0        War Veteran
2   +2      3      0      0        Awaken Weapon Familiar
3   +3      3      1      1        Veteran's Taunt
4   +4      4      1      1        War Veteran
5   +5      4      2      2        Awaken Weapon Familiar
6   +6      5      2      2        Canny Defense
7   +7      5      3      3        War Veteran
8   +8      6      3      3        Awaken Weapon Familiar
9   +9      6      4      4        Veteran's Aura
10  +10   7      4      4        Combat Veteran Expertise
Requirements- BAB +5, Item Familiar (weapon only), Weapon Focus(the item familiar), Combat Reflexes, Must have spent some time in the military, during war time, with at least 10 years spent doing something other than fighting after being released from duty. Ex. Cooking, Farming, etc..               
Special Abilities:               
War Veteran- At 1st, 4th, and 7th level the veteran can choose a bonus from this list.               
Armor Adjustments- Due to experience on the battlefield you remember how to optimize the fit of your armor causing a unnamed bonus of +1 AC. Must be wearing medium or heavier armor for this bonus to take effect.               
Combat Experience- Years on the battlefield have ingrained into your muscles resulting in a bonus combat feat.               
Calculated Strikes- The scars earned from battles long past remind you of failure resulting in a morale bonus to strike opponents as a +1 bonus to hit and damage.               
Awaken Item Familiar-  At 2nd, 5th, and 8th levels the veteran's weapon becomes more aware that its master is wielding it once again. The veteran can choose from the following list of abilities based on Veteran levels + ChA Modifier. The weapon familiar is the only item familiar you can have.               
Less than or equal to 3: Align weapon to your alignment               
4-6: +20 Hardness and HP to the weapon familiar               
7-8: +1 to Attack and Damage ( May only be selected once)               
9: +1 use per day to a spell-like ability of the weapon familiar's.               
10+: +1 to one special ability's DC, of the weapon familiar.               
Veteran's Taunt: 1 use per day equal to the veteran's class level halved. Can be used to enhance one attack per round. The target if successfully hit must attack the veteran or provoke an attack of opportunity its next turn. Must have an intelligence score of 6 or higher.               
Canny Defense- +Int Modifier to AC

Veteran's Aura- Within' the Veteran's threat range enemies that take 5' steps provoke attacks of opportunity. Withdrawal still provokes attacks of opportunity to the Veteran.               
Combat Veteran Expertise- Treat this as the feat Improved Combat Expertise, meaning the veteran can use up to his BAB to fuel the combat expertise feat instead of the normal max of +5. If the Veteran already has this feat then the ratio for Attack Bonus to AC is 1:2 instead of the normal 1:1.               

When I thought of this class I was thinking of some old cook at an inn who finds reason to fight again.

The idea for most of this comes from the Anointed Knight prestige class. The special abilities taunt and aura are taken from the maneuvers Thicket of Blades and Defensive Rebuke from the tome of battle. The Thicket of Blades normally can be attained at a much lower level but I deemed it a bit powerful so its much later in this setup.

Introduce Yourself / Hi :)
« on: March 08, 2012, 01:44:55 PM »
I am new to the boards :) Looking forward for good talks.

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