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Messages - brislove

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I once came up with a wizard/runesmith//artificer gestalt for doom but he also does things like catching Captain America's shield which imply a high martial arts ability too...

Or a persisted Divine power and deflect/catch arrows feats. Doom (as I see him) is basically artificer/factotum gestalt. He has a million skills and is unreasonably intelligent; in addition he has the knowledge and means to make nearly anything. He casts spells, but rarely, and there is nothing saying that it couldn't be powered by items, his armor, ect.

If you wanted to play doom, artificer is the best choice.

Back on topic: There is a difference between pun-pun level optimization and waste of space de-optimization.
There are also a lot of ways to be powerful.
I have seen many games in which tier 1-2 classes aren't performing as well as tier 4-5 classes; Not because they are built poorly, but because the game favored dudes stabbing things with swords. Lots of dungeon crawls, filled with "death of 1000 papercuts" type of encounters.
I played in another game where burning hands was among the best spells in the history of games being printed. (lots of swarms)

There are things people do that are wrong; mechanically, it just doesn't make sense. Greatsword is better than greataxe, why would you use a greataxe?

However, there are a lot of things that happen in games, diplomacy is a big deal. Bards are totally nuts if you're in a war campaign and you can buff your military allies as well as your party. Smaller parties need less pure combat power, but more versatility to handle more situations.

I am with you however; I will never understand why people who have "x Character concept" won't choose the classes that mechanically perform that the best. Ex: My friend wanted to play a Vampire hunter archer. He chose inquisitor because he wanted to be an inquisitor, but for everything he was doing mechanically; ranger is significantly better.

Gaming Advice / Re: pointbuy system
« on: July 12, 2012, 01:25:11 PM »
I'm on board with the PF pointbuy. the best thing about it (imo) is that you pay the new bonus, so 14's actually are a choice instead of a given :D.

I do think it's one of the improvements from pathfinder. The biggest problem that I have with pathfinder is that combat feats got nerfed really hard (like you need 3 feats instead of 2 for the best combat maneuver feat.)

One of the easiest changes for that is giving people more feats, the other one is "if you take improved (maneuver) you get greater for free." or just allow the 3.5 versions of  everything :D.

There is never a problem with using a point buy system, from a power perspective :D

Gaming Advice / Re: Challenging optimized adventurers?
« on: July 12, 2012, 01:15:58 PM »
I tend to use things that are difficult to lock down, or simply use a lot of the powerful "tricks" that PCs use.

12+ I'm not on the material plane very often anymore. This allows for planar environmental.. issues. Line of effect/sight is the biggest thing that you can do to mess with players. Being on Plane where summoning becomes difficult. Have enemies use save or loses. Why can't the enemy planeshift you?

Spell casting is strong, make players use silent/stilled spells. AMF, Silence on a bunch of imps while the devil is fighting you! Templated hordes of undead? Half Fiend is a great template, full of fun abilities, slam that on a bunch of "ok" monsters and the players WILL have more problems. Lots of HD is a plus since half-fiend has SR.

Bait people. Clerics don't have teleport. Make him follow someone upwards, then have them teleport away (still using demons here). Higher levels, non-dectection, areas of restricted planar travel. Party members have limitations, If you want to use out of the book monsters, and don't want to use a lot of spell casting... you're going to have a rough time of it :D.

Advancing monsters with class levels, sundering to keep wealth in check, summoning (this is always a good one) Remember to pack dispel (oh you're flying, now you're falling. oops?)

Again let the PCs be unstoppable gods against garbage, just use that garbage to draw them into a trap where your big bad is actually ready for them.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Master Summoner Archetype
« on: July 11, 2012, 03:12:04 PM »
UMD is a good option. I think disable device should be on the list (It's for PFS in theory, so there may not be a rogue).

The only issue with flying mount is that I don't really want it out in combat (since it limits me to 1 summon SLA in that case); Also with master summoner, the Eidolon can't get flight till 10th.

Stream mentioned this in my other PFS thread so I'm trying to run with that idea in it's own thread. I'm going to flesh out a couple build options at 1/5/10 and get opinions. I want 2 main things. a very powerful class at level one, and to not get overshadowed by level 12. I'm pretty sure this archetype does that the best, well this or the witch class, but that class is weaker at level 1.

Short builds
Half Elf - UMDmancer
FC: 1/4 Evolution points
Traits: Reactionary, Something that gives stealth and +1 Trait bonus.
Skill Focus: Knowledge (probably arcana)
1: Eldritch heritage: Familiar - Dino! (or raven, assuming it can UMD.)
2: Augment summoning (Class)
3: Superior Summoning
5: Still Spell (hopefully I'll have a silent rod by now) Still worth it, since stealth is stronk. 
7: Improved familiar (imp for invisible UMD, more extra actions!) If the raven is working I might skip this, but Imp is super good.
9: ??
11: ??

Eidolon (I'm going to list summoner levels)
Small biped
Evolutions: Perception, Stealth, Disable Device
Skills: Perception +12, Stealth +18, Disable Device (12, with Masterwork Tools)
Feat: Skill focus Disable Device
4th: Evolutions: UMD, Natural Armor

Min/Max 3.x / [PF] Master Summoner Archetype
« on: July 10, 2012, 05:53:06 PM »
Lets assume PFS

Races: Human is always on the table.
Halfling/Gnome for small size, Summon while stealthed in a corner.
Half-elf. Interesting thought with the 1/2 leveled Eidolon since it's ~25% increase in total evolution points.

Eidolon, This guy isn't going to be a great fighter. I'm thinking serpent (for the climb speed) small biped has arms though, so that is also strong. Skill evolutions in perception, Stealth, and Maybe natural armor? keeping the little guy alive is cool.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Pathfinder society... break it?
« on: July 10, 2012, 12:20:54 AM »
Yeah, I was just messing around with a master summoner archetype, that class is extremely powerful. 10+/day of the highest level summon that a wizard of equal level could cast, AND augment summoning, without the pre-req.

I do like the idea of Fey-blood sorc, but never getting 6th level spells (you retire at 12) seems ... weak, but really once you get 4th level spells you do kind of... win.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Pathfinder society... break it?
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:55:55 AM »
Yeah i'm playing a witch in a normal game right now. three-fold aspect cheating the gold curve is far more powerful in that level range as well.

is 1/4 level to Eidolon really worth a feat, skilled (on a low int/skills class) and an extra hp or skill point each level?

it is the ONLY way to get extra evolution points, but is it worth it?

Min/Max 3.x / [PF] Pathfinder society... break it?
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:18:53 PM »
Alright so the basics.
Starting level 1, ending level 12.
Starting gold = 150
2 Traits.
No item creation (mundane or magical) All class granted item creation feats are replaced (ex Scribe scroll becomes spell focus)

Character viability includes being able to complete your "side tasks" Pretty easily. As far as I can tell stealing things, and Diplomancing are the easiest ones to consistently build for. If you're an accomplished PFS player, please let me know about your experiences with gaining extra or "easy" Prestige from the side missions.

What class is the highest average power from 1-12. Still wizards? Summoner? Cleric?
I'm currently leaning towards summoner, but I'm looking for opinions on this.

initial musings.
Human Summoner 1
Feats: Toughness, spell focus (conj)
3: Augment Summoning
5: Improved Init
7, 9, 11 open I can never decide what I want to do :D

Extra Armor, +2 Str
Weapon Prof - Fauchard (exotic glaive 18-20) or Greatsword. Reach and better crit or 1.5 damage? I'm leaning towards Fauchard but it might not get allowed.

Eidolon build... Stuff? Obviously large at 8th, goal is maximize damage. The other option is a natural attack pouncer, but I would prefer the readying of reach trips for better battlefield control. Also allowing it to look more humanoid makes it far easier to keep around in towns letting it's perception, and other skills get more value :D

Partially "whats the most powerful" and completely broken things are still available? Candle doesn't seem prohibited, so that's good. :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Pathfinder optimisation
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:47:55 PM »
I'm glad they made Wild Caller because the Third Worlder archetype was just sucktastic.  This version is half decent.
Hadn't noticed the Scarred Witch Doctor, there has to be something that can be done with that; maybe when Paths of Prestige comes out...

The race builder is just stupid, I've been playing with it in Hero Lab and you can just do some really absurd things.

They have it in herolab already! This is wonderous news. Much easier to play around with things in there haha :D Just add everything...and cut down to 10 :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: I need help making a ship :D
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:30:53 AM »
Lyre of building seems awesome, I'll have too look into making that actually function. Wand of fireball is worth infinite happiness.

I'll have to try to get spell compendium in, it's technically a pathfinder game, but i'll see about getting them approved.

wall of force is out of reach atm, (lvl 9, and no full casters). Magus and and Inquisitor are the only casters we're running with at the moment.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: I need help making a ship :D
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:58:14 PM »
expressly not possible in the current world sadly. I tried! :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / I need help making a ship :D
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:43:53 PM »
Here's the situation.

There is a veritable armada of orc pirates, we have made a few "standard" warships, but the PCs need an awesome Flagship.

Here's what we've got so far. We found an overrun by spiders mithril mine, and cleared it out, so we're reinforcing the entire ship with mithril (I have max ranks in smithing, so I'm making it work).

We have enchanted it up with resist cold and fire. As well as just a simple +1 on the siege engines and armor. I made a few Fan tokens in case the winds are working against us.

Ship is built, and we have ~25k left to spend, I have craft wondrous and arms/armor. so we can get some discounts. I'm new to ship combat, and not entirely sure what other things would be useful, Adamantine ram? (assuming I can find the adamantium) Sundering? (no idea how or if that would do anything)

I'm not really up on the ship combat rules, and the srd is kind of ... lacking. What other good tricks can players pull off?

the full-attack action is a standard action. So anyone wielding two weapons moves and makes it's initial attacks. (2 if two weapon fighting) or flurry, ect.

The secondary attacks are move actions, but the primary attacks are standard, creating "full-attacks" for monsters/eidolons similar to before.

Natural attacks don't get iteritives, so they shouldn't get the addition to hit die. Which  I guess is a bit unclear in my post, but the intention is "if you would gain an attack at -5 you get an extra d20 on the hit roll instead".

So nothing using natural attacks would be rolling multiple to hit dice. Only weapon attacks, as they are the only things that gain additional attacks for high bonuses.

EX adult black dragon. Claws and Bite are primary attacks +21 and 2x+20, Wings and tail are secondaries. Wings and tail would be a move action, while Claws and bite would be a standard. This allows the dragon more tactical options (imo). Attack with all it's attacks, Breath and Attack with wings/tail. Cast a spell and attack with wings/tail, move and attack with claws+bite, move and cast, move and Breath. VS Move and breath/cast or full attack which are it's only viable combat choices ATM.

This is intended to make more powerful monsters "feel" like that have more actions in a combat, to make "solo" encounters harder without making it arbitrarily impossible to damage the foe. (Flying in a fog cloud using blindsight). I guess basically, monsters do the same damage as before as do monster like things (wildshape, Eidolons) while the other classes are more accurate and mobile.

I'm hoping the damage is similar, due to the increased chance to critical and increased accuracy, but less static.

like spring attacking rogues, not being in harms way after stabbing a guy :D. Or monks that start in melee tripping, punching, then walking away :D

I want to make a more tactical combat. I want to avoid the "stay stationary and slug away" style of combat that the edition brings, while staying with a familiar rules-set and magic system (which for the most part I like, 7th+spells are a problem, but that is a different discussion).

First and foremost I would like to say that I really dislike the importance of being stationary in combat.

I'm trying to devise a way to make full-attacks standard actions, also fixing the monk and minor nerf on SOME casters, because for real?

I am intending to run a game with "these" houserules, and I would like to get input on potential problems. I'm almost worried that it will make martial classes too powerful in early/mid levels, but that they will taper off to much in the later levels.

House rule list time:

"Attack" Action time reduced to Standard Action. Basically any ability that references "Full Attacks" "Spell combat, flurry, ect" Have been changed into "Attack Actions". Any Time you're unable to make your full actions in a round (fatigued, slowed) you cannot make a  attack action.
Base Attack Bonus change: When your base attack bonus reaches 6 instead of getting an additional attack at a -5 penalty, you roll an additional D20 and choose the highest for your main-hand attack. This increases to 3 dice at BAB 12, 4 Dice at BAB 18. (these additional dice are not rolled on critical confirmation rolls)
Combat Feats: at BAB 3, and every 3 BAB after that, this character receives a bonus "Combat" feat.
Natural Attacks: Secondary attacks may be made as a move action, they may not be used as part of an "Attack" Action.
improved Two-weapon fighting: You roll an additional d20 when rolling to hit with your off hand weapon.
greater two-weapon fighting: You roll an additional d20 when rolling to hit with your off hand weapon.

I'm sure there are a couple other feats that I have to change this way. Flurry of blows changes are coming up next.

Monk class. Changes
Changing BAB to "good" 1/level.
Flurry of Blows: "When wearing no armor, and using unarmed attacks or "Monk" Weapons. The monk is treated as having the two weapon fighting, and "DoubleSlice" Feats.
At 8th level, the monk is treated as having the improved two-weapon fighting feat as well.
at 15th level, the monk is treated as having the Greater Two weapon fighting feat.

AC Bonus:
When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +2 bonus to AC and CMD at 1st level. This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 19th level.

These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

Bonus feats: 10th level, greater bull rush, grapple, trip. If they have the improved version of that feat. Cause monks should be the maneuver masters.

BAB reduced to "low".

The Druids BAB changes to that of the creature type that the druid wildshapes into for the duration of wild shape. "IE it becomes 3/4s when in animal form." this makes turning in magical beasts better, but also has the druid exist as a pure caster while not in animal form. And reduces the number of bonus combat feats they get from my other house rule :D.

All other classes that cast 9th level spells. Reduced to "Low" BAB. If it has spell casting progression to 9th level spells, it's Low BAB. Really a minor nerf, but any balance I can get.

I am trying to make BAB vs Spells make some sense. 3/4's is for 6th level spell casters, full is for 4th or less, and more than Low is for 9th.

I'm leaving the rogue at 3/4s BAB because I feel that the ability to move and make 2 attacks is enough of a boon for sneak attack to warrant 3/4s. 

My concerns, purely in theory, come with players doing to little damage, but I'm hoping it prolongs the combat at bit, and encourages combat expertise and fighting defensively due to the large effective to hit bonus on primary attacks. I also like that spring attack becomes viable for rogues and monks, allowing for a tank mechanic to actually function a little more reasonably. Again pure theory.

thoughts? opinions? changes? Bro fists?

Introduce Yourself / Salutations
« on: March 20, 2012, 12:59:53 PM »
it's been a while. I was a member of the old boards early on in their creation, but they I moved and didn't really find a group for a while. So i'm finally re-interested in D&D :D

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