In that case you can still make the build work at those high levels
Your build would go something like Whisper Gnome Dark creature LA+1/rogue 3/fighter 2/monk 2/Blade Bravo 10
Take all the flaws you can. You want
Combat Expertise, Dodge+Titan Fighting (RoS); WF(rapier) [prereq], Weapon finesse [prereq], Underfoot combat, Confound the Big Folk, Craven, Darkstalker, Dragonfire strike (DMagic), Staggering strike (CAdv) and the TWF line. The Mage slayer line and Elusive Target (CW) are also good
Take the Cosmopolitan Feat to get Iaijutsu Focus skill (Oriental Adventures) always in class and max it. Use a gnome quickrazor (RoS)
Also make sure that you take the Penetrating Strike ACF from Dungeonscape, the Spell Reflection ACF from CM and the Hit and Run tactics ACF from Drow of the Underdark
Appreciate the feedback ShubNiggurath. I can understand the Dark template, the Rogue w/ ACF from Dungeonscape, the Fighter w/ DotU ACF as well as the assorted feats initially listed.
Cosmopolitan Feat isn't allowed (Oriental Adventures is a 3.0 book)
Spell Reflection ACF from CM is nice, but you suggested Monk 2 in place of Conjurer Wizard 1/Swashbuckler 1. Is the reason you suggested Monk 2, to get Evasion back? Therefore, the build would be Rogue 3/Fighter 2/Monk 2/Conjurer Wizard 1/Swashbuckler 1/Blade Bravo 10/Add your flavor 1?
What you have given me so far is extremely useful. I will be utilizing this build as it fits the ticket perfectly. I'm mostly concerned for optimization purposes on your suggestion there