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Messages - thurmin

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I have nothing to add other then sheer awe at the optimizations being tossed around. Oh, and good luck Shareeth on your ultimate build :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Care to help me with my Rogue/Cleric Build?
« on: March 22, 2013, 07:21:23 PM »
Jackinthegreen, thank you very much. What an excellent idea. I shall have to determine if that is the case :)

Min/Max 3.x / Care to help me with my Rogue/Cleric Build?
« on: March 22, 2013, 03:10:29 PM »
New campaign. Could be a long one. Starting at level 3. No LA races allowed. Stats are 80 pts, spread across the stats. None lower then 8, none higher then 18 before racials.

General campaign guidelines: Mercenary group, some stealthy abilities strongly suggested.

4 party group. So far we have Player 1: Elven Wizard 3. Player 2: Earth Dwarven Fighter 3(Sword & Board). Player 3: Elven Rogue2/Fighter 1(Rapier & Shield). Me: Human Rogue 1/Cloistered Cleric 2 (skill monkey/caster build)

So far this is what I've come up with.

Base Attributes   Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16

Domains: Trickery (Bluff, Disguise, Hide class skills)
Domains: Spell Domain (+2 bonus on Concentration and Spellcraft checks)
Domains: Knowledge (gain all knowledge skills, cast divination spells at +1 CL)

1 Racial            Feat: Able Learner
1 Rogue 1         Feat: Reach Spell + Bonus Feat: Martial Study (Mighty Throw)
2 Cloistered Cleric 1   
3 Cloistered Cleric 2      Feat: Trickery Devotion

Skills I've put ranks into:

Bluff (cha) 5
Concentration (con) 6
Diplomacy (cha) 6
Disable Device (int) 6
Heal (wis) 3
Hide (dex) 6
K-Nobility & Royalty 5
K-Religion 6
Move Silently (dex) 6
Open Locks (dex) 6
Ride (dex) 1
Search (int) 6
Sense Motive (wis) 5
Spellcraft (int) 6
Swim (str) 1

I picture myself as a sneak cleric. Someone able to talk his way into/out of messes. Follows an ideal, but offers services for any of the gods.

My current hang up is my feat selection. I know I need Able Learner to keep my skill progression/growth rate from plummeting. Beyond that? I'm not certain. I don't want to fall into the sub-optimal role of 'healer' as my group still thinks in those archaic terms. I want to be able to do more for the group as a whole then just offer healing and spiritual guidance.

My feat progression selection is up in the air. I thought of going Malconvoker, but that takes a lot of feat resources. I want a caster build, not a melee build. I've done cleric melee before and my GM has accepted it, (even accepting DMM-Persist finally!) but I don't want to replay that trick. I want to challenge myself.

Any/all suggestion would be appreciated.

Oh, and here are my planned feats should the game progress far enough to allow it.

Lv 6: Touch of Healing
Lv 9: Sacred Healing
Lv 12: Sculpt Spell
Lv 15: Extraordinary Spell Aim
Lv 18: Craft Contingent Spell

Min/Max 3.x / Pathfinder Mounted Combat Build Assistance
« on: November 06, 2012, 10:29:37 PM »
I want to play a Goblin Wog rider. Limited to Pathfinder Core only, this limits my options. Looking around, I thought of the following build:

Dragoon Fighter 1/Boar Shaman Druid 2/Beast Rider Gendarme Cavalier 1/Boar Shaman Druid 4+

1 - Mounted Combat, Skill Focus (Ride), Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush
2 - Nature Bond (Boar), Nature Sense, Orison, Wild Empathy (porcine)
3 - Woodland Stride, Totem Transformation, Trample
4 - Exotic Mount, Ride-By Attack
5 - Trackless Step, Spirited Charge
6 - Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape 1/day
7 - Unseat
8 - Wild Shape 2/day
+ - ?

Perhaps it is overkill, but it feels like I could get a lotta gish packed in for those few levels. My DM will not allow me to change or adapt the classes or archetypes. I am limited to what is printed.

Are there better options then the ones I've chosen?

Gaming Advice / Re: Wall of Stone question...
« on: October 28, 2012, 01:28:26 PM »
Wow. My math really isn't that good. I can handle basic algebra at best. That being said, I appreciate the discussions. I suspect my players will begin to find more uses for WoS, so having a formula to figure out weight will be much appreciated.

As for the hijacking, doesn't bother me :) Let me see how much thought and math are going into answering the questions presented.

Gaming Advice / Re: Wall of Stone question...
« on: October 23, 2012, 03:36:05 PM »
Alrighty then! Thank you for giving me that formula :D

Gaming Advice / Wall of Stone question...
« on: October 23, 2012, 11:38:49 AM »
I've figured out the Hardness and HP. What I want to know is the weight of each 1in x 5ft sq section of Wall of Stone? I can't seem to find it anywhere and wondering if anyone has an answer :)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: October 02, 2012, 10:10:08 PM »

@ShubNiggurath: Thank you again for the clarifications. I am enjoying your build for the sheer 'wtf-itude' it will evoke out of my players.

Assuming that this character will attack indoors or at night, they will DIE (or teleport away) unless they have arcane sight (or similar), daylight spell+true seeing AT THE SAME TIME or a dedicated spotter with a huge spot check.

True Seeing defeats the Greater Blurring armor enhancements but if he had mundane concealment (indoors/at night that should be easy) they will still not find him
Even a daylight spell won't help... it defeats  HIPS but not Greater Blurring so he is still concealed.

Good luck killing him with area spells (evasion + huge REF save). They won't be able to target him.

Have the other group ambush your group, mass dimensional anchor them and teleport away leaving only the gnome behind. Then watch them die :evil:

Okay. That is...not what I want. I want a highly optimized bloke (my party won't be fighting together. Each member is a separate 'boss' for each arc) that will make their lives a living hell while they are dealing with him, but not to outright kill them. I may allow 1 or 2 deaths tho, since we have a cleric and a true necromancer.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: October 02, 2012, 05:00:22 PM »
@ Rebel 7284; I will look that over, I'm wanting a very difficult to find rogue that does his thiefy goodness. A optimized mirror of the group's rogue. Also, thank you for the book where I can find the ACF.

@Halinn: I will look into this Incarnum you mentioned.

@ShubNiggurath: Thank you again for the clarifications. I am enjoying your build for the sheer 'wtf-itude' it will evoke out of my players.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: October 02, 2012, 03:19:57 PM »
I like monk 2 for Invisible Fist, it gives you invisibility the condition, not the spell so you can full attack while invisible and get all you SA. And IIRC it is an Ex ability, pretty neat in my opinion

Is Invisible Fist an Alternative Class Feature? If so, what book is it found?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: October 02, 2012, 11:33:23 AM »
In that case you can still make the build work at those high levels

Your build would go something like Whisper Gnome Dark creature LA+1/rogue 3/fighter 2/monk 2/Blade Bravo 10

Take all the flaws you can. You want

Combat Expertise, Dodge+Titan Fighting (RoS); WF(rapier) [prereq], Weapon finesse [prereq], Underfoot combat, Confound the Big Folk, Craven, Darkstalker, Dragonfire strike (DMagic), Staggering strike (CAdv) and the TWF line. The Mage slayer line and Elusive Target (CW) are also good

Take the Cosmopolitan Feat to get Iaijutsu Focus skill (Oriental Adventures) always in class and max it. Use a gnome quickrazor (RoS)

Also make sure that you take the Penetrating Strike ACF from Dungeonscape, the Spell Reflection ACF from CM and the Hit and Run tactics ACF from Drow of the Underdark

Appreciate the feedback ShubNiggurath. I can understand the Dark template, the Rogue w/ ACF from Dungeonscape, the Fighter w/ DotU ACF as well as the assorted feats initially listed.

Cosmopolitan Feat isn't allowed (Oriental Adventures is a 3.0 book)

Spell Reflection ACF from CM is nice, but you suggested Monk 2 in place of Conjurer Wizard 1/Swashbuckler 1. Is the reason you suggested Monk 2, to get Evasion back? Therefore, the build would be Rogue 3/Fighter 2/Monk 2/Conjurer Wizard 1/Swashbuckler 1/Blade Bravo 10/Add your flavor 1?

What you have given me so far is extremely useful. I will be utilizing this build as it fits the ticket perfectly. I'm mostly concerned for optimization purposes on your suggestion there :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: September 27, 2012, 08:51:08 PM »
Hmmm. I am actually keeping the xp penalty in my game. I'm giving them everything else that you can do to make themselves into wonderful characters. I've allowed all 3.5 source material (including Dragon Magazine) and other worlds.

I have ruled that xp penalties exist, no pun-pun builds (none know what that is, thank all that is holy/unholy) and no Nightstick cheese to fuel DMM tricks. Beyond those simple guidelines, they are free to make themselves into an impressive group.

While the group IS impressive, they are far from optimized. Even the one that is recognized as THE optimizer is playing a optimal class in a suboptimal way (human artificier).

My 'villians' will follow the same rules, and if this results in not being 'as powerful' as the PCs, that is fine. I'm not looking to destroy them, I'm looking to give them a fight that will make them actually fear for their character's lives, while frustrating them along the way, and making them earn each win.

Time will tell if I succeed in running my game to reach that expectation...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:09:37 PM »
Sweet. Great ideas.

I finished my 1st game last night. Basically shaking out the cobwebs and getting party cohesion set and a direction to send them. Lucky for me, they took the bait! I will have them out of the way for the next phase of my dastardly plan! To spread chaos, divide the countries to conquer and subjugate the masses!

The human, elven, dwarven lands will bow before the might of their supreme master Yenmorttim! Mwahahahahahahahaaaaa!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:27:49 AM »
No. They will be fighting each of their counterpoints at each of the story arc points. Basically they will be the 'boss character' for each thread/arc they follow to conclusion before reaching the final boss. The kobold sorcerer.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help creating a rogue
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:04:32 PM »
Sweet! Appreciate the help. That sounds ideal for my mix!

Min/Max 3.x / Need help creating a rogue
« on: September 23, 2012, 04:44:10 PM »
I'm going to be running a game. High level, full of cheesy goodness. The group is a ...quasi hero group. More like selfish, mercenary pricks then actual hero's. They have taken a hiatus from their lives of adventure until things happen to propel them back into the spot light.

Currently the group consists of (characters may change, game hasn't officially started yet):

Pixie Rogue/Assassin
Human Wizard/Cleric/True Necromancer
Gnome Artificier
Dwarven Half-Dragon Fighter
Orc Battle Cleric (I don't know how he's building his character)
Drow Fighter/Warblade/Dervish

Everyone has the option to start at level 16, but the guy playing the artificier convinced everyone to start at 15. Using their experience to buy up a crap ton of magical items. So expect them all to be blinged out.

I've got idea's for a counter for each of my players, except for the rogue. I just don't have enough experience with rogues to create something that will go well in a party mix.

My opponent group consists of:

Kobold Wizard(or sorcerer, not sure which yet) 18
Minotaur Warblade/Fighter 2H wielder 15
Goliath Cloistered Cleric 2/Crusader 3/Ruby Knight Vindicator 10
Half-Orc Dragonborn Rogue 1/Cleric 1/Psychic Warrior 1/Barbarian 1/Warblade 4/Psychic Warrior +1/Fighter 1/Warblade +5
Tiefling Wizard 2/Druid 3/Arcane Heirophant 10
Whisper Gnome Rogue....of roguey rogish...ness.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimized character needed...yet banned by DM. Help?
« on: April 01, 2012, 12:20:20 AM »
Yeah, the build you see at the 1st. That's my current build. No DMM, no metamagics. Just stuff that helps me fulfill the roles. If required (due to another attendance issue) I will change out my Domains for Kobold and Spell. Then adjust my skills to allow me to pull the trapmonkey roll while still keeping my combat/heal monkey roles.

Heck, I can even give up DMM-Persist. Even at my most optimized, I was only ever going to be able to Persist 2 spells at most (no nightstick abuse and I kept my Domains within Wee Jas reqs). I was ready to trade it out for DMM-Quicken. In truth, I would prefer DMM-Quicken but alas.

So now I'm just a hard hitting thug that can heal :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimized character needed...yet banned by DM. Help?
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:31:24 PM »
Party Build:

Dwarf Ranger 9 - Archer build.
Elf Wizard 9- blaster
Human Fighter 9 - TWF with sword & board
Human Rogue7/Assassin2 - sneak attack specialist
Human Cloistered Cleric/Crusader 3/Ruby Knight 4 - tank, healer, buffer, back up trap monkey.

I just want to be a melee cleric beast. I like clerics except for their lack of feats, I like warriors except for their 1 dimensional play. So when I discovered Crusader/Ruby Knight's it was like divine insight for my happy place.

Yeah, I've tried the DMM-Quicken argument. The DM still cannot get past the part where the actual spell level is not effected, and is only powered by Turn Undead energies. His only concession towards allowing DMM was that I would be able to use it, if I could cast the spell level of the empowered spell....which totally negates the reason for taking DMM in the first place. In short, he's saying take a feat on a feat starved build that does absolutely nothing. I'd be better off picking up skill feat then that option.

Anyway, I appreciate the advice. I will definitely be bringing these other points of view to his notice. If nothing else, perhaps he'll concede and allow me on his next game to roll what I want. Without being discolored by other roles he'll heap onto me.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimized character needed...yet banned by DM. Help?
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:19:32 PM »
I have been talking to him. It's because of these talks that I'm getting all these roles dumped on me. Well, the talks and the fact that I am bringing these characters that he feels are over powered.

In regards to the DMM-Persist + Divine Power, my 2nd character incarnation was a rogue1/cleric 8, which is why I was able to use DMM-Persist. It is also the reason it got banned, and all I had persisted was Owl's Wisdom to be able to keep the mage healed during combat encounters.

Yes, the game is fun and it has been over a year since I've been in a game. I'm enjoying everything game wise, but would much prefer to have a character I thoroughly enjoy playing at the same time.

You have Combat Reflexes and Improved Combat Reflexes listed. Do you mean Combat Expertise and Improved Combat Expertise? Do you plan on taking Combat Expertise AND Combat Reflexes?

As I recall, you need Combat Expertise before you can pick up Improved Trip.

That minor bit aside, I like the idea of the 1st build. I think it's very flavorful and fun. The other build feels a bit too much. Then again, it all depends on your playstyle, your game and your party. If either will fit, I suggest the one that will be more fun to play. When it's all said and done, it's what brings pleasure to you :D

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