Yes, but the argument was put forth, 'why bother getting 9th level spells at all?' As in, why try so hard to get to CL 17th? Maybe the belief that you should NEVER take a class that costs you a Caster level is wrong. My reasoning? 9th level spells ain't worth the effort.
You lose more than just 9th level spells. You also get all other spells much more slowly.
A CC Dip gives all of the following:
0.5 BAB if using fractional BAB.
2 Fort and Will, possibly more if using fractional saves.
Knowledge domain, which you trade for Knowledge Devotion.
Two other domains of your choice you can either keep or trade for devotions.
Cleric spellcasting, assuming 11+ Wis. Sure it's just a few castings of Sign, but that's still useful.
Wand use.
A Turn Undead pool.
Now let's see... Knowledge requires no turns. The others are 1/day, and then 3 turns to recharge so making them 4/day is 9 turns. Oh look, you can buy two cheap items and get 6 turns! That means all you need is a Cha of 10, even temporarily, and you can keep this up all day!
Oh look, some versions of Trickery duplicate gear! If you're claiming that's not useful you're an idiot.
Meanwhile a level of Warblade, unless done at very high levels gets you... some low level maneuvers, the most useful of which easily comes from a 3k item, and you don't have the Concentration to support it anyways!
The CC dip is better than almost any dip in the game except maybe a Lion Totem Whirling Frenzy dip, which you should also have.
The Warblade dip can do decent stuff but I doubt you actually know what that is what with your claiming that gear duplication is useless, and it still doesn't compare to the sheer volume of stuff you get from a CC dip.
I also completely forgot about Travel Devotion, which while outclassed by Lion Totem Barb has some use. Mentioning that would be a more effective attack.