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Board Business / Re: Looking for user input: New karma system
« on: May 03, 2012, 01:56:17 PM »
At least I didn't have to sort through more than 100 posts to found out. Imagine if someone liked my Intro thread! I'd be at it for hours until I found that (going back in chrono order, of course)
In retrospect, that made me wide open for trolling...  :rolleyes


It's funny because I wasn't the only one that went for it.

If you want to argue instead Protection is useless, fine. 4/22 = about 20%. Yet that doesn't mean domain devotion feats suck even though most of them do.

This coming from someone who has stated in the past that AC is useless. It's a +7 bonus. While significantly higher than other AC bonuses, it's still an AC bonus.

It was brought to my attention it has a few uses for stacking in certain parties. Either way, there's still only a few useful devotions.

Patently incorrect. CC was errata'ed, and Trickery Devotion no longer duplicates gear.

Look at what I said, then look at what you said. See the problem yet?

[D&D 3.5] Marauding Misfits / Re: OOC Chatter thread.
« on: May 01, 2012, 12:17:51 PM »
Um, guys?

Yes, but the argument was put forth, 'why bother getting 9th level spells at all?' As in, why try so hard to get to CL 17th? Maybe the belief that you should NEVER take a class that costs you a Caster level is wrong. My reasoning? 9th level spells ain't worth the effort.

You lose more than just 9th level spells. You also get all other spells much more slowly.

A CC Dip gives all of the following:

0.5 BAB if using fractional BAB.
2 Fort and Will, possibly more if using fractional saves.
Knowledge domain, which you trade for Knowledge Devotion.
Two other domains of your choice you can either keep or trade for devotions.
Cleric spellcasting, assuming 11+ Wis. Sure it's just a few castings of Sign, but that's still useful.
Wand use.
A Turn Undead pool.

Now let's see... Knowledge requires no turns. The others are 1/day, and then 3 turns to recharge so making them 4/day is 9 turns. Oh look, you can buy two cheap items and get 6 turns! That means all you need is a Cha of 10, even temporarily, and you can keep this up all day!

Oh look, some versions of Trickery duplicate gear! If you're claiming that's not useful you're an idiot.

Meanwhile a level of Warblade, unless done at very high levels gets you... some low level maneuvers, the most useful of which easily comes from a 3k item, and you don't have the Concentration to support it anyways!

The CC dip is better than almost any dip in the game except maybe a Lion Totem Whirling Frenzy dip, which you should also have.

The Warblade dip can do decent stuff but I doubt you actually know what that is what with your claiming that gear duplication is useless, and it still doesn't compare to the sheer volume of stuff you get from a CC dip.

I also completely forgot about Travel Devotion, which while outclassed by Lion Totem Barb has some use. Mentioning that would be a more effective attack.

They're usable once a day without turn attempts, and a Cloistered Cleric dip gives a long list of benefits in its own right. For Protection, it's the weakest of the lot but I've seen assured it has some value for the stacking effect. The other four are better though.

If you want to argue instead Protection is useless, fine. 4/22 = about 20%. Yet that doesn't mean domain devotion feats suck even though most of them do.

This whole argument is stupid.

Most of the things in group x are useless, therefore all are?

That's not specific to 9th level spells or even spells. Every group in the game is like that.

Domain Devotion feats. There's one for every core domain, 22 in total.

How many are worth using?

Animal, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Trickery (depending on version).

The rest? Meh.

That doesn't mean domain devotion feats are bad. It means when you're talking about domain devotion feats you're talking about that 20-25% of them that is worth taking.

1st level spells? 9th level spells? Feats? Classes? Same difference.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Earliest ways to get Scent/Mindsight/Lifesense/etc.?
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:15:09 PM »
Bump because I got a kick out of this thread.

Mooncrow, you clearly understand nothing. Nothing about me, nothing about optimized games, and nothing about how combat goes in such a game. Unless I'm confusing you for someone else you were one of the ones bewildered by basic measures.

And the few people that could explain it to those here have already written those people off as lost causes.

You talk like someone that plays semi-high op, with a bunch of additional house rules to make things more lethal.  If encounters are dangerous to high op players playing RAW, then they're doing it wrong.

Given how many people reacted with shock and disbelief at basic things, such as expecting both the party and their opposition to be prepared for common circumstances and that abilities that are defeated easily would be defeated easily it's likely that any sort of optimized game would fit the definition of that term, not that that term means anything.

Are you assuming the enemies are just sitting there and touching themselves while the party is doing crazy things? That might explain why you think they're so easy but enemies don't do that even in games where the party is normal.

Even someone like Tippy who is assuming TO stuff as well as high end practical optimization isn't assuming the enemies don't have the same tricks.

High op is a fallacy. The games that would fit that description if that term were legitimate feature encounters that are anything but a formality. If any generalization can be applied to them, it's that encounters will fucking kill you if you're not very well prepared for them. That is anything but regarding them as trivial.

You talk like someone that has never played in the sort of games you are describing.

I am talking as someone who has seen such first and second hand.

There are two critical flaws that most of the people in this thread are missing.

First, this is about the power of ninth level spells. Talking about how they are too powerful only supports they are powerful. Talking about how most games don't go that high is irrelevant, as the very premise of the thread clearly suggests it is a concern and a possibility.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, the real question being asked here is "Is it acceptable to lose enough caster levels so that you will not have 9th level spells by level 20?" That's 4 or more for Wizard progression casters and 3 or more for delayed progression casters. That means that in addition to 9th level spells being more powerful than anything else in the game, even if some of them are bad you must also consider this:

When you are losing caster levels, you do not get to within one level of 9th level spells and then decide you don't want any more caster levels. You lose them earlier than that. Not only do you get 9th level spells never, all your other spells are coming in slower as well.

So in addition to asking if losing 9th level spells is acceptable you must also ask if it's worth waiting until people can cast Slow to cast Glitterdust, and if it's worth waiting until people can cast Black Tentacles to cast Slow, and so on down the line. The more you lose the further behind you are at nearly all levels of play.

When asked "Is it worth it?" there is but one thing to do.

Lean down and whisper, "No."

[D&D 3.5] Marauding Misfits / Re: Dead or alive...
« on: April 21, 2012, 02:43:01 PM »
Usually, what happened now was he would hold the DRAMATIC POSE for several moments so as to draw in HEROES to bring BLACK DEATH MAN to justice. But none would come, and eventually it would register to his addled, disconnected mind that there were none here and he'd walk away dejected.

This time though, a ROLLING ROCK MAN approached him.

"Wine? This is no time for drunken antics, Black Death Man is running amok!" he yells, about thirty decibels louder than necessary. As he leans forward to glower at the poster again a mug hurled past the space where his head was a second ago, some of the drink splattering onto him as it flew past and clattered against the far well. Thomas looks up at the roof. "Look, the rain foreshadows another dark day. The good innkeeper cannot repair his roof with this miscreant about!"

Thomas blinked several times. There was something more important than carpentry work... Of course!

"Are you seeking Black Death Man as well? Then we must FORSOOTH!"

He did seem to be calming down... slowly, his voice dropping to a more normal volume.

The mountain man that had been inspecting the poster noticed the crazy man babbling about it and shot him a pitiful look, which he didn't seem to notice. He began yelling again, and one of the other patrons worked themselves out of their melancholic state long enough to hurl their drink at him in protest, but by some bizarre coincidence... or perhaps that he wasn't as unaware as he let on he moved at just the right moment to let it fly by. Then again, he did honestly seem to believe that the feeling of wetness came from a leaking roof rather than the errant projectile... Though his lovingly assigned moniker of Thomas the Touched seemed fitting, he did seem to mean well...

Straight fight.  Rogue jumps Solar.  Min damage from dagger is 0 (DR) with SA 147.  Not enough to kill.  With Hand x-bow (as written) 30 (average) [Probable less due to DR of the hand x-bow not being evil at the start so 193 Solar still alive] with SA 177 so 208  total.  I am tired so here is a quote.

"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"
Samuel Clemmins

That is a good point. The real reason he picked the Solar is that it has unusually low HP for the level.

Another post where you demand proofs while ignoring them.

It's very clear how Gather Information works. You can't learn things people don't know. Since the Solar can easily keep those details a secret you don't know them. At least not via skills. Divinations would reveal the actual information very easily, but you can't get those.

This is one of the many reasons all good players mock skills.

Same for all the other examples. It's clear how the rules work, he's just ignoring them because they don't support his argument. It's also very obvious this has stopped being about the Rogue a long time ago.

It's really very simple. That's how Gather Info and all the other examples work because those are the actual rules of the game. They clearly state, among other things that gathering information is just that. If they don't have information you can't gather it from them. If you ask repeatedly you get noticed.

That entire post is just you repeating let's pretend the rules aren't rules. Which is a completely meaningless argument, and one that is only being supported for entirely transparent reasons.

As for the Solar, that was again his choice of opponent.

The difference is that the Barbarian does enough damage to win that race. Though neither will do it in one attack. It has enough HP to take a weak full attack so the Rogue's not killing it even in the best case scenario.

And that's assuming the dragon doesn't have one of those gems that costs 35k and gives the dragon immunity. It's also assuming virtually guaranteed means not very likely at all, as even with the spell that says nothing at all about the Rogue it only prevents the dragon's normal senses from detecting it. Not magical senses, not any sort of lair wards, and not any sort of non dragons about.

Even the initiative is not that assured. The Rogue only has +11, which is low. The dragon can tie that without trying at all and beat it easily if it does try.

And how exactly is it managing that given how easily the Rogue is killed?

Which breaks upon attack and says absolutely nothing about the Rogue.

When you're in a team, not adventuring solo! A challenge of the party level is suposed to drain 25% of their resources, a challenge four levels higher is a pretty tough but still doable fight, but both those assume the party has 4 players, not just 1.

On the other hand if the rogue player was the one saying he can solo the solar, well, good luck. He'll need it. But it still isn't level-apropriate in any sense of the word.

His claim, not mine. I would have chosen a CR 20 since that gives two different casters that would easily kill the Rogue and his low saves, 6 different dragons that all have more and better ways of detecting him and one big thing that is just better than him. He went for the Solar.

What this thread and the ones leading up to it showed is that it didn't much matter, as it was incredibly simple for the Solar or any other level appropriate enemy to beat the Rogue. If you assume a party is there, perhaps the party beats it anyways but the encounter still stopped the Rogue cold and dead.

That's why he's having to rewrite his character once again.

The goal was to prove that the Rogue could take on level appropriate enemies. Snakeman selected the Solar as a specific opponent but building specifically to beat a Solar is out of line for reasons that should be obvious.

Solars are CR 23. The rogue is level 20. How exactly does this counts as "level-appropriate" again?

Because sometimes you fight things 1-4 levels higher than yourself or more.

Because the same person that made the Rogue selected the Solar as the Rogue's opponent.

He claimed this was because the Solar had the best Spot modifier but that isn't true. All of the CR 20 dragons would have a mid 30s modifier from 30ish HD + Wis alone and also take half normal distance penalties. We went for the Solar anyways.

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