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Messages - Sachiru

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I'm guessing white raven tactics is out? If not, um, lots of extra turns are nice.
I suspect you won't have high enough IL for Slash of the Eternity, but negating celerities and such seems pretty good.
Do the clones get your higher level maneuvers, but at a low IL, or are they constrained to those they could actually learn?

They are constrained to your IL list, but they cannot use maneuvers that are illegal for their IL.

Thus, they cannot get maneuvers that you don't have, and cannot use manuevers that are too high for their IL.

Before we begin, a few things:

Starting Level: Level 15
Starting Wealth: WBL, level 15
Alignment: Must be good
Ability Scores: 36 PB
HP: Max first average everything else.

Must use Wu Jen's Body Outside Body. DM ruled that Body Outside Body clones can initiate maneuvers, BUT:
Body Outside Body clones would have your initiator level / number of clones. Assume a character with IL 20, and four B.O.B. clones, each clone gets IL 5.
Clones cannot use any other abilities. Clones cannot initiate Su maneuvers.

Game is duel type, classic good vs. evil, both good and evil sides are played by PCs.

Ancient Temple and/or Doll Judgement may be used.

Goal is crowd control character, and possibly use B.O.B. defensively.

So, please help me?

What gets you int mod per casting?

Thing is, I'm not planning to quicken and repeat just true strike. Assuming I can find a way, round-by-round Mass Snake's Swiftness, Wraithstrike, True Strike and the spell that dazes on successful melee attacks is the goal.

That's taken care of by the homebrewed vow of poverty (no need to scribe spells), I just want the spontaneity (well, semi-spontaneity) of sorcerers.

Also, I was able to get Incan up to level 10. This is a gestalt 15 game.

Hello guys! I'd just like to tap the collective awesomeness of the BG minmaxer hivemind and ask for advice.

I've created a gestalt level 15 warblade/Eternal blade | Wizard (Focused Conjurer)/Incantatrix. The primary gist of the build is centered around two-weapon fighting via a homebrew discipline coupled with power attack and persistent wraithstrike, along with the occasional Quickened Repeating True Strike and a full attack with power attack for 20 the next round.

My feat selection is as follows:

Custom Vow of Poverty, homebrewed
Netherworld Gardener, to qualify for oslecamo's awesome Ancient Temple discipline.
Spell Mastery(Wraithstrike, Haste, Mass Snake's Swiftness, Greater Magic Weapon, Greater Dispel Magic)
Uncanny Foresight
Extend Spell
Iron Will
Persistent Spell
Homebrewed Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Power Attack
Improved Initiative
Quicken Spell
Easy Metamagic (Quicken Spell)|
Easy Metamagic (Persistent Spell)
Signature Spell (Wraithstrike)
Repeat Spell
Easy Metamagic (Repeat Spell)
Weapon Finesse

Now, I'd like to ask for advice on
a) which spells to take for my character
b) maneuver selection
c) tactics for dealing with out-of-combat necessities.

Thanks, all!

Introduce Yourself / Hello!
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:38:01 AM »

I'm Sachiru, a D&D fan, both of 3.5 and 4E. I frequented BG for optimization advice, and most likely will do that here too. I'm from the Philippines (GMT+8), in the province of Pampanga, so if you need someone from there for an IRL game, PM me, please!

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