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Messages - GrizzlyHunter25

Pages: [1]
Handbook Discussion / Re: Psychic Warrior Handbook: Discussion Thread
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:45:21 PM »
Monastic TrainingECS -- Lets you freely multiclass between monk and a chosen class. Needed for the tashalatora feat.

TashalatoraSoS -- Lets you stack psychic warrior and monk levels to calculate fast movement, flurry of blows, slow fall, unarmed AC bonus and unarmed strike damage. Combine this with monastic training for the best monk builds out there.

When looking up Tashalatora in Secrets of Sarlona, I found that it does not stack fast movement.

You have successfully integrated martial arts with psionic power under the tutelage of Tashalatora masters.
Prerequisites: Autohypnosis 5 ranks, Concentra­tion 5 ranks, Monastic Training (psionic class), ability to manifest 1st-level powers.
Benefit: Your levels in the psionic class you selected for Monastic Training stack with your monk levels to determine your AC bonus, flurry of blows attacks, and unarmed damage from the monk class.

Introduce Yourself / Salutations Brethren!
« on: March 31, 2012, 07:45:24 PM »
Greetings, I am the entity known as GrizzlyHunter25.

I am a fairly experienced player of D&D 3.5, D20 Modern, and a few other tabletop games as well as an excessively long list of video games.

I like walks on the beach, music, and beer.

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