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Messages - CyMage

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Most Powerful One-Level Dips
« on: April 21, 2012, 10:20:02 AM »
I believe Mindbender and Spellsword are almost exclusively used as one level dips, though the former gets more goodies out of that.  There is always the 'Cleric 1' dip for domains and turning.

Introduce Yourself / *CyMage joins the party*
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:45:22 PM »
As it says on the tin, my name is CyMage.   I used to hang out on the BG board a bit and I'm back again.

I enjoy playing D&D.  Be it AD&D or 3.X/PF.  I also enjoy Shadowrun, though haven't had a chance to play it in ages.

For non-gaming hobbies, I read quite a bit.  Sci-fi/Fantasy being my favourite genres.

I have recently moved to Etobicoke (Toronto), Canada from Niagara Falls.

Online you can find me on GitP, and Soulriders.

My rarely used Twitter is TheCyMage, I refuse to use Facebook, and just haven't gotten around to Google+.

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