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Messages - Bradywan

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help me fix my lousy gestalt beguiler/swordsage?
« on: April 12, 2012, 03:45:16 AM »
Yeah, one half of my gestalt character is beguiler, no exceptions :(

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help me fix my lousy gestalt beguiler/swordsage?
« on: April 11, 2012, 08:42:46 PM »
 Thanks for posting weenog, I forgot to add that changing anything I already have is a no go :(

Min/Max 3.x / Help me fix my lousy gestalt beguiler/swordsage?
« on: April 11, 2012, 08:13:43 PM »

 So, my first effort in the gestalt realm is a stinker. With input from this board, I'm sure I can turn things around. This campaign is only played a few times a year, so it took awhile for me to notice that I wasn't too good.  One thing we have going on (it might be a gestalt thing, but I think it's a house rule) Is that one "side" of our progression is "locked in." I chose beguiler. We passed two levels last night, bringing us to level 10. I have not spent these levels yet.

 I'm sitting at beguiler 10 for one class, and duskblade 1 swordsage 7 for the other, with two levels ready two spend.

 stats are these: str 14, dex 16, con 12, int 16, wis 10, cha 14

 I'm not worried about skill ranks.

 I have my 6th and 9th level feats to spend. Thus far I've been two weapon fighting.

 I can't hit a lot of things, and my spell dc's all seem to get beat. If I can't hit, the manuvers I do no aren't worth much :)

 There is no, go to the magic item store and buy what I want, and we have little coin.  Here's notable gear I have:

 Undead bane +2 shortbow (most recent item)
 Silver rapier of frost +1
 studded leather +2
 ring of protection +1
 cloak of resistance +2
 wand of magic missle (2d4) 19 charges.

 I really need a direction.A different class, a good prestige class, some feat suggestions, advice :)
 Other party member is a druid/ranger, and the dm's npc is a dragon shaman/ninja

 D&D 3.0 and 3.5 material is in. The adventure path we are playing is Pathfinder, so pathfinder material should be ok too.

Introduce Yourself / Hello :)
« on: April 11, 2012, 02:11:15 PM »

 Hello Lords, and Ladies! (and villains), I'm Brady. I'm 33 and a nursing student.
My "favorite" game is 3.5 D&D and Pathfinder (as and adult). In middle school and high school, 2nd edition D&D and West End Games Star Wars (d6) will always have a place in my heart.
Other hobbies are RPG's on my Xbox 360 (Dragon Age, Dark Souls, Oblivion, Skyrim, Mass Effect, etc). I also frigging love MLB baseball (Go Mariners!) and play fantasy baseball. Camping, road trips, concerts, all the normal crap (this feels like a personal ad).
I hail from Corvallis (home of the OSU Beavers) Oregon (the home of methamphetamine).

In many ways I'm a lucky gamer. Since 1992 or so I've been able to play with the same group of 6-9 people (constantly rotating) in person. PBP type games seem so foreign, on the other hand I wish I knew more about other people's play styles.

Good gaming!
Xbox Live: Bradywan
Twitter: @bradywan

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