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Messages - Madwand

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Balancing attack bonus and AC
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:39:32 PM »
I don't have much to say about your card game, but if you want an example of a d20 system that is balanced and amenable to optimization in the way you suggest, I recommend Legend. It's free:

Good luck!

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner is tier 2 or 3?
« on: May 20, 2014, 10:58:21 PM »
Druid is tier 1. With those feats, a very, very strong tier 1. See the tier system here:

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner is tier 2 or 3?
« on: May 20, 2014, 12:36:55 PM »
Our party rogue is pretty good, and when he can get flanking, can occasionally even outdamage my PC. He can't solo encounters, though. He needs help with flanking, his AC is 15 points lower than mine, and his saves aren't as good. He can't use Planar Binding, can't summon backup, can never be as good a tracker as I could, can't teleport, can't use battlefield control spells, his HP are much lower, etc.

Binder's (especially with access to online vestiges) and Beguilers are doing a lot better by comparison. They're T2 and T3 respectively, of course, so that's to be expected. It's tough for me to compare though as I don't have a lot of experience with them (the only binder I've played was an Anima Mage, and a strong T1). I'd say that the summoners summoning SLA is actually better than Zceryll, though, as it's available at *all* levels. And it's Zceryll alone that makes Binder T2, so there's that.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner is tier 2 or 3?
« on: May 20, 2014, 12:02:28 PM »
I didn't mean to say the summoner was only a 'combat smasher', although they are definitely that too. The summoner has an answer for almost any problem the party might face; they are one of the few PCs I've played who I felt could possibly solo not just most encounters but an entire campaign. Social encounters aren't a problem: Summoners have Charisma as a primary stat, I've had no issue buying up Diplomancy (PF rules make this practical) and with that and a Mask of Stony Demeanor, I've rocked social encounters. Diplomacy also covers Gather Information in PF so social tracking is covered. I'm not the party tracker, but if I wanted to be it would be easy to give my eidolon scent and the largest Survival bonus in the party (by a lot). I'm also one of the only PCs comfortable going undercover with an enemy group, because I know with one spell (Summon Eidolon) I can wipe the floor with the enemy if I'm discovered, or just escape. If I cared about being sneaky, it wouldn't be hard to take ranks in stealth and get a +8 bonus from my eidolon (I'm playing Synthesist). Reduce Person and other spells make it easier, too. A summoner can adjust their eidolon level-by-level to fit the needs of the party. However, there's no need to fill rare roles already covered by other PCs.

Dread Necromancer is great if the DM lets them abuse their powers to the maximum. Most DMs won't allow that, and they still don't have answers for a lot of the situations you've named above. Summoner has Planar Binding too so for utility there's really not much contest.

I've seen psychic warriors in action. They're great. I'd take the versatility of my synthesist any day though.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner is tier 2 or 3?
« on: May 20, 2014, 04:47:27 AM »
The summoners spell list, his summons, and his eidolon are all potential "campaign smashers" for an unprepared GM. There are several spells that can arguably "break the game" on this list, including many of the best battlefield control spells, teleport, etc. The summons are amazing, particularly when backed by the right feats. And they last a long, long time. The eidolon can have the highest AC in the party and do the most damage quite easily (though a well-optimized PC can do better, the eidolon has a very high optimization floor), and has access to permanent flight very early. Even when trying to downplay the summoner's advantages, my summoners have raised eyebrows and ire in my fairly high-op group just due to general competence.

This is not to say they outpower a heavily-optimized T2 PC, particularly in 3.5. A mailman build will probably smash them flat. But for your average group, even if they optimize well, the summoner will come across as very consistently having the answers to the problems the group has, and will have several tricks that few others can match, all at the same time.

I've seen a few people argue the Summoner is T1 or even T0, but those people have no idea what they are talking about. They just saw how powerful the summoner was in their game and overreacted. Still though, it points to how powerful they can be in your average party.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner is tier 2 or 3?
« on: May 20, 2014, 04:23:30 AM »
IMO the free summons and eidolon summoners get, in addition to one of the best 6-level casting spell lists, makes them tier 2.

Synthesist summoners are a pretty solid tier 3, primarily because they lose summons and actions in combat (normal summoners can cast spells and attack with their eidolon at the same time). They are ridiculously fun to play though, so still worth the nerf.

Tier won't change if ported to 3.5, though they will be even more powerful in comparison to 3.5 classes. PF classes are generally stronger than their 3.5 counterparts (there are arguable exceptions).

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 18, 2014, 05:03:42 PM »
Hope is found! The GM just told me about a new feat available in his game that changes everything. Something I didn't mention before is that the GM is using firearms in this game, because it didn't seem relevant without this feat:

Prereq: Precise Shot, Weapon focus with firearm
Benefit: The character adds his Dexterity modifier to damage while using the firearm with which he has the Weapon Focus Feat
Qualifies as Fighter Bonus feat

This changes everything, because:

Repeating Rifle, 600gc, 2d8, 19-20/X3, 160ft, 16lb, Piercing
Cartridges (5), 1gc

Guns are actually pretty decent with this feat, and MAD is greatly reduced. I can go with stats of 12/16/12/18/8/8 and feats (using Combat Wizard alternate class feature):

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms)
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Weapon focus
Rapid Shot

No Rapid Reload because Unseen Servant can do that for me. Cat's Grace can be my main combat buff (aside from the normal AC boosters). Anyone have ideas for how to do any better?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:40:44 PM »
All banned sources will continue to be banned indefinitely.

Not having access to the Bow of the Wintermoon is pretty serious, even at 6th level. It means I can't use Bulls Strength to improve my damage. It also means every time I upgrade my strength, I have to buy a new bow. I'm still hoping there are answers out there, but I'm losing hope.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 16, 2014, 05:22:11 PM »
I don't know the reason the book is banned -- it's certainly not because the players don't have access to it.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 16, 2014, 04:30:13 PM »
Magic Item Compendium is also not on the list of allowed books, unfortunately. It's looking more and more like this is an impossible dream.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 15, 2014, 04:37:15 PM »
I strongly suspect web classes will be disallowed.

Thanks for the links. I've read them. For the most part I'm aware of the individual pieces that can go together to make a good archer and wizard, but what I have no idea is if I have access to enough pieces to make a PC that works. i.e., will I be able to contribute with archery? Without access to a bow that adjusts to strength, I am very uncertain. There's also not a lot of spells that help with archery, though I'm sure there's a polymorph form or 2 that have high Dex. If anyone can show me a build with good numbers, I guess that would help, but there are other ways of getting some kind of intuition.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 15, 2014, 03:57:29 PM »
It's probably the fix at your link, though I didn't care enough to check as it isn't a class that interests me much.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 15, 2014, 03:47:16 PM »
Thanks. Your suggestions are good and I was aware of several of them, but almost none are part of my allowed sources. I suspect my DM is going to be very strict with those. So, I'm not even sure if this idea of an archer gish is going to work at all. Still looking for ideas though.

Min/Max 3.x / Need help optimizing an archer gish
« on: May 15, 2014, 03:31:06 PM »
I'm going to be joining a 6th level D&D 3.5 game soon, and I'm looking into the possibility of playing a sun elf archer gish. I'm currently thinking about going Fighter 2/Wizard 4/Spellsword 1/Abjurant Champion 5/Sacred Exorcist 8. I have 30 point-buy, and my allowed sources are Complete Arcane, Divine, Warrior (add Improved Hexblade), Adventurer, Mage,  PHB, DMG, MM, Libris Mortis, Heroes of Horror (Archivist and Dread Necromancer classes), Book of Vile Darkness, Lords of Madness, SRD Variant Classes (no Generic Classes).

I have a lot of experience with melee gishes, but not with archer gishes. My main question is if this is even going to work out. Is there any decent synergy between wizard spells and archery? Obviously Flame Arrow is OK, though I won't have that for another level. How can I pull this off? Is there any way I can get a strength-adjusting bow so polymorph can get a bit more damage later on? Thanks for any ideas or commentary!

Just for future reference for anyone else who has this question, a nifty PF feat could solve this problem with a reasonable DM: Catch Off-Guard:

You could potentially say that your improvised weapon is just "choking up" on your polearm and attacking with the head at short range. The Greater Catch Off-Guard feat makes this even better.

Thanks, that's very helpful. I've been looking through your weapon handbook recently, it is an amazing resource.

I realize this is a PF-only problem... and a ridiculous one, at that. Melee does not need to be nerfed. I *do* however have the resources of D&D 3.5 and 3.0 to draw upon also, in this case. I have recently found the Shorten Grip feat:, which may satisfy my needs if it is allowed. However, I'm still looking for better options. I wish I could find that 3.0 weapon property that added 5' reach to any weapon.

I have spiked gauntlets and natural attacks. But I also have a +8 weapon... and I'd like to make sure I have the opportunity to actually USE it at close range.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Threatening reach at 5' and 10' in Pathfinder+D&D
« on: November 16, 2013, 11:49:33 PM »
Pathfinder has severely nerfed reach. No PF weapon threaten at 5' and 10', any that did have been errataed, as far as I know. I'm in a game combining D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder, and I'm looking for any way to get a weapon to threaten at both ranges. Drow Spiked Chain is out too, unfortunately. I seem to remember a weapon ability from D&D 3.0 that added reach via a tentacle or something. Does anyone have any ideas about how to overcome this limitation?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Simple problem, multiple solutions. [Solved]
« on: March 11, 2012, 04:20:13 PM »
The spell Undulant Innards (3rd level, Lords of Madness) might also work, depending on how you interpret it. Ask your DM.

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